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Advanced Radio and Radar
Part 6 Radar Display
Introduction We know a simple aerial
will radiate electromagnetic waves equally in all directions; it can also receive signals from all directions. But this is of limited use when trying to determine the direction of a particular reflection.
Introduction Instead of radiating,
the radio wave needs to be concentrated into a single beam so that the radar can be made to "look" and "listen" in one specific direction at a time.
Radar Aerials In order to produce a beam of radiation
we need to radiate from a shaped area, not a single wire. To overcome this problem reflectors are used to modify the aerial’s pattern and reflect the waves in one particular direction.
Radar Aerials In order to produce a beam of radiation
we need to radiate from a shaped area, not a single wire. But there are a number of different shapes, types and designs that we can use to produce this single beam of radiation.
Radar Aerials Whatever the different shape, type or design,
there is some form of ‘reflector’ at the centre. This is similar to the reflector in a torch or headlight focusing the light into a narrow beam.
Radar Aerials To detect bearings the aerial is rotated,
sweeping a narrow beam in a complete circle. (called Scanning). All reflections can be plotted around a circle – with the aerial at the centre.
Radar Aerials To obtain vertical information
the aerial is moved up and down through 90°. From the reflections received, accurate range and bearing information can be measured.
Radar Aerials Beam patterns for differing aerial types. Single Wire
Yagi Array Aerial Parabolic Dish Aerial RADIATION PATTERNS EMITTED
Radar Display Obtaining a target
is only part of the detecting process. The operator needs to "see" the target in a visual form. For this we use a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) which works on a similar principle to a television screen. CRT
Radar Display As the time interval between the radio pulses is short
the actual CRT screen can be calibrated in miles to match the range of the pulse. CRT
Radar Display “Base Velocity". The instant the pulse is transmitted
a spot travels across the CRT screen moving at a constant speed. This is known as “Base Velocity". CRT
Radar Display If a target is detected a "blip" appears.
Because the screen is calibrated in miles we know the distance (range) to the target. CRT
Radar Display This radar, known as ‘Type A’,
is good for determining the range of an object, but it cannot determine the object’s bearing, or its height. CRT
Radar Display To get the bearing and height
we must make some alterations to the CRT display screen, Starting with the bearing – CRT
Radar Display To find the bearing of a target
(direction) of a target we need to find its Azimuth (bearing measured from North). CRT
Radar Display By using a Plan Position Indicator (PPI)
that rotates a beam through 360° the azimuth (bearing) of any target can be calculated. N W E S CRT
to display range and bearing
Radar Display It is also possible to display range and bearing by adding Range Rings to aid in range finding. N W E S CRT
Radar Display The display starts from the centre of the screen,
and produces a radial trace moving in time with the rotation of the aerial, and ‘blipping’ the target contact. N W E S CRT
Other Ranges Having determined both range and bearing;
by using the Slant Range (distance from the radar to the target). it is possible to determine object height Slant Range DISTANCE Height N Ө Radar Angle W E Height = Slant Range x sin Ө S CRT
Other Ranges Having determined both range and bearing;
by using the Slant Range (distance from the radar to the target). the target’s ground range can also be calculated Slant Range DISTANCE Height Ө Radar Angle Ground Range DISTANCE Ground Range = Slant Range x cos Ө
Other Ranges Using the Slant Range Height = Slant Range x sin Ө and
Ground Range = Slant Range x cos Ө Slant Range DISTANCE Height From what you have just read, to pinpoint a target by both height and bearing requires more than one aerial. However, there is now a radar system that combines both of these facilities into one aerial, known as the 3-D. It works by electronically selecting the various aerial arrays and passing the information to the PPI display. Ө Radar Angle Ground Range DISTANCE
Other Ranges To pinpoint a target by both height and bearing
requires more than one aerial. However, there is now a radar system that combines both facilities into one aerial, known as the 3-D. It works by electronically selecting the various aerial arrays and passing the information to the Plan Position Indicator (PPI) display. From what you have just read, to pinpoint a target by both height and bearing requires more than one aerial. However, there is now a radar system that combines both of these facilities into one aerial, known as the 3-D. It works by electronically selecting the various aerial arrays and passing the information to the PPI display.
Check of Understanding
What do the initials CRT stand for? Cathode Ray Tube Cathode Radiation Tube Capacitor Resistance Translator Cathode Radio Tube
Check of Understanding
What is the purpose of the reflector and directors of an aerial? To match the aerial to the transmission line To modify the aerial’s radiation pattern To alter the aerial’s electrical length To allow the aerial to work at many frequencies
Check of Understanding
What does PPI stand for? Plan Potential Indicator Partial Plan Indicator Plan Position Indicator Partial Position Indicator
Check of Understanding
Which of these statements applies to a PPI radar display? It uses a height finding radar It has a circular trace using radial deflection It can only display ranges It has a radial trace rotating in time with the radar
Check of Understanding
What can be added to a PPI to aid in its operation? Height Indicators Sector Ranges Range Rings Bearing Rings
Check of Understanding
To change the range display on a radar screen . . . A new set of markers is required The transmitter power is changed The timebase sweep velocity is changed The display intensity is changed
Check of Understanding
What is a slant triangle composed of? Slant range, target and ground range Angle of elevation, height and target velocity Slant range, height and ground range Angle of elevation, height and ground range
Check of Understanding
The ground range of a target can be calculated by using . . . Slant range x sin Ө Slant range x tan Ө Slant range x cos Ө Slant range x height
Check of Understanding
A few more questions. What is meant by the term ‘scanning’? What is meant by the term ‘base velocity’? 3. What is meant by the term ‘azimuth’? True or False ? ‘Type A’, radar cannot determine the object’s bearing, only its height. 5. What do the initials PPI stand for? 6. In the slant range calculations, what does the symbol ‘Ө’ signify? ANSWERS Aerial rotates sweeping a narrow beam in a complete circle. The spot travelling across a CRT at a constant speed A bearing measured from North False Plan Position Indicator The radar Angle
Advanced Radio and Radar
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