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Zachary Weinberg Eric Y. Chen Pavithra Ramesh Jayaraman Collin Jackson Carnegie Mellon University I Still Know What You Visited Last Summer I Still Know.

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1 Zachary Weinberg Eric Y. Chen Pavithra Ramesh Jayaraman Collin Jackson Carnegie Mellon University I Still Know What You Visited Last Summer I Still Know What You Visited Last Summer: User interaction and side-channel attacks on browsing history IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2011

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3 Outline 3 Introduction Automated Attacks Exp 1: Interactive Attacks Exp 2: Side-Channel Attacks Related Work Conclusion

4 Introduction 4 History Sniffing through CSS :visited  Andrew Clover, 2002, in HTML Visit Google! in CSS #link1:visited { color: red; background: url(; }

5 Introduction 5 L. David Baron, 2010,  make getComputedStyle act as though all links are unvisitedgetComputedStyle  make certain CSS selectors act as though links are always unvisited  limits the CSS properties that can be used to style visited links to color, background-color, border-*-color, outline- color, column-rule-color, fill, and stroke The latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE all adopt this defense  still vulnerable with interactive attacks

6 Introduction 6 Dongseok Jang et al., An Empirical Study of Privacy- Violating Information Flows in JavaScript Web ApplicationsAn Empirical Study of Privacy- Violating Information Flows in JavaScript Web Applications  Small sets of links (6~220) probed by real exploiters  46 popular websites, including one from Alexa Top100  This makes interactive attacks possible

7 Introduction 7 What can history sniffers do?  Benign:  Websites could use history sniffing to determine whether their users have visited known phishing sites.  Websites could seed visitors’ history with URLs made up for the purpose, and use the URLs to re-identify their visitors. Cookies  Malicious:  Track visitors across sites for advertising purpose, determining whether they also visit a site’s competitors.  Attackers can construct more targeted phishing pages, by impersonating only sites that a particular victim is known to visit

8 Automated Attacks 8 Direct sniffing a:visited { color: red; } var url_array = new Array('', ''); var visited_array = new Array(); var link_el = document.createElement('a'); var computed_style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(link_el, ""); for (var i = 0; i < url_array.length; i++) { link_el.href = array[i]; if (computed_style.getPropertyValue("color") == 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'){ visited_array.push(url_array[i]); }

9 Automated Attacks 9 Indirect Sniffing  Make visited and unvisited links take different amounts of space, which causes unrelated elements on the page to move; inspect the positions of those other elements.  Make visited and unvisited links cause different images to load.  background-image style used in :visited rule  Not requires JavaScript

10 Automated Attacks 10 Side-channel sniffing  Timing attacks  the attacker can make the page take longer to lay out if a link is visited than if it is unvisited Transparent Underline Any other style rules in :visited Defense  Baron’s solution does well for all 3 types (direct/indirect/side- channel) above

11 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 11 Require victims to interact with malicious sites  The authors claim that interactive attacks can be disguised as “normal” interactive tasks that users will not find surprising or suspicious Amazon’s Mechanical Turk  Recruit 307 participants All tasks in this experiment operate within the constraints of Baron’s defense  Visited-link styles only change the color on the screen  Pretend to be CAPTCHA tests  CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

12 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 12 1. Word CAPTCHA  Each word is a hyperlink to an URL that the attacker wishes to probe  If unvisited, it is drawn in the same color as the background.

13 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 13 2. Character CAPTCHA  Seven-segment LCD symbols  Every letter represents 3 URLs  Site-supplied font

14 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 14  4 + 5 = 9 ; 4 + F = A ; 5 + F = 6 ; 4 + 5 + F = 8  “ – “ is always-on

15 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 15 3. Chessboard puzzle  Each square contains a URL  Only the pawns corresponding to visited sites are made visible  Using SVG or text to control the pawns

16 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 16 4. Pattern matching puzzle

17 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 17 Randomly generated task instances corresponding to known proportions of visited and unvisited links.

18 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 18 Automated history-sniffing exploits on all the participants  URL set from  7012 commonly visited URLs (from Alexa Top 5000)

19 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 19

20 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 20

21 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 21

22 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 22

23 Exp 1: Interactive Attacks 23

24 Exp 2: Side-channel Attacks 24 Webcam attacks   Random 20 URLs with 10 visited ones  Variant 1:  Designed to comply with the WCAG standard for seizure safety  Variant 2:  Make entire browser window flash  Brighter color

25 Exp 2: Side-channel Attacks 25 Author test  100% accuracy for both variants in all condition  Will-lit room  Person stays still in front of the computer  In a dark room, accuracy dropped to 50% Field test  60 / 307 participants

26 Exp 2: Side-channel Attacks 26 Field test

27 Exp 2: Side-channel Attacks 27 In real life,  ChatRoulette service ChatRoulette The attack works even when the closest reflector is a wall 10 to 20 feet away from the monitor

28 Related Work 28 Page cache  Felten et al., Timing Attacks on Web Privacy DNS cache  Felten et al., Timing Attacks on Web Privacy Both tactics above  Only for the first time  Short-term history Loadable cross-origin but only available to logged-in users  Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, etc.  JavaScript onerror event

29 Related Work 29 Cookie, Flash Player local shared objects Ad-blocker, Private browsing mode

30 Conclusion 30 Automated history sniffing attacks have successfully been blocked by Baron’s solution Interactive attacks are not This paper developed POC of 6 history sniffing exploited against Baron’s defense  4 interactive attacks  2 detection of the screen through webcam

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