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Builder’s Risk - Claim Adjustment Challenges

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1 Builder’s Risk - Claim Adjustment Challenges
17th Annual Willis Construction Risk Management Conference Builder’s Risk - Claim Adjustment Challenges Dave Passman, Senior V.P. – National Director National Property Claims – Willis Group Tom Vickers, Shareholder Vanek, Vickers & Masini, P.C.

2 Builder’s Risk Insurance
AGENDA Builder’s Risk Insurance What it is, and what it is not. Pre-Loss Strategies Have a plan. Post-Loss Strategies Actively manage the process. Dealing with coverage issues. Dealing with quantum issues.

3 Builder’s Risk Insurance
SCOPE OF COVERAGE Property insurance coverage for physical loss or damage to buildings and structures during the course of construction, renovation or repair, unless excluded by the policy language. All-risk v. named-peril. Physical loss or damage to covered property during policy period. This is property insurance, not liability or warranty. Hard costs v. soft costs.

4 Builder’s Risk Insurance
“Covered Property” defined as: “buildings or structures … while in the course of construction, installation, reconstruction, or repair.” “Property Not Covered” defined as: “existing buildings or structures to which improvements, alterations, repairs, or additions are being made.” Conflicting policy provisions can create ambiguity.

5 Builder’s Risk Insurance
Pre-Loss Strategies Have a plan for what you will do in the event of a loss - Identify person who will have ownership of the claim. - Identify your team. - Internal - External (broker, forensic accountant, lawyer) - Identify risks and what you will do to mitigate loss. - Understand duties under the policy in the event of loss. - Other.

6 Builder’s Risk Insurance
POST-LOSS STRATEGIES - Provide notice. - Calendar key dates. - proof of loss; statute of limitations - Execute your plan. - Get the project back on track. - Document and Communicate. - with the adjuster, team members, and management - Be prepared to devote substantial time to the process. - requests for information and examination under oath

7 Builder’s Risk Insurance
COVERAGE ISSUES - coverage Faulty Design, Workmanship, or Material Exclusion “We will not pay for loss or damage caused by or resulting from: faulty, inadequate or defective design, workmanship, repair, materials …” “… but if loss or damage by a Covered Cause of Loss results, we will pay for the loss or damage caused by the Covered Cause of Loss.” “… however, any ensuing loss or damage is covered.”

8 Builder’s Risk Insurance
COVERAGE ISSUES – quantum Advanced Loss of Profits and Loss of Rents Coverage - delay in completion - period of restoration and period of delay - waiting period and deductible Soft Costs Coverage Hard Costs Coverage

9 Builder’s Risk Insurance
HARD COSTS Cost to repair/replace damaged property Cost to clean-up debris Overhead and Profit

10 Builder’s Risk Insurance
SOFT COSTS Additional Expenses over and above the projected project cost as the result of: An insured property loss. Which delays the project beyond the projected completion date.

11 Builder’s Risk Insurance
“Basic” Insured Soft Costs Interest on construction or repair loans Property taxes or assessments Advertising and Promotional Expenses Costs and Commissions for Lease Renegotiation Expenses to Reduce Loss – to extent successful

12 Builder’s Risk Insurance
Other Common Insurable Soft Costs Legal and Accounting Fees Architect, Engineer, Consulting Fees Insurance Premiums Renegotiation of Financing Closing Costs License and Permit Extensions Contractor or Developer Overhead Costs Letters of Credit Loss of Tax Credit General conditions (may be specified) Increased Cost of Construction from Delay Access to Project Prohibited by Civil Authority Other Appropriate to the Project

13 Builder’s Risk Insurance
Generally Excluded Soft Costs Penalties/Liquidated Damages Loss of Income

14 Builder’s Risk Insurance
Soft Cost Claim Issues Did an insured property loss occur? Did that loss result in a delay in completion? Loss Quantum – What insured Soft Costs were incurred?

15 Builder’s Risk Insurance
THE Soft Cost Claim Issue “Did the insured property loss cause a delay in completion?”

16 Builder’s Risk Insurance
Questions the adjuster WILL raise What is the contract completion date? What is the actual completion date? What was the loss impact on the completion date? 4. Were there any other issues which impacted the schedule? 5. Is the job on schedule? Really? Prove it!

17 Builder’s Risk Insurance
Being prepared for the Soft Cost Claim Have a good project schedule/critical path. Keep the schedule current, and accurate. Consider the insured property loss repair methodology in context of the project schedule. Document “excluded losses” and how they impacted the schedule. Maintain good records of schedule monitoring. Assume the adjuster will have experts audit the schedule. 7. Calculation of delay - # occurrences and deductible issue.

18 Builder’s Risk Insurance

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