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This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344. LLNL-PRES-463136 Fusion Power Associates 31st Annual Meeting and Symposium Fusion Energy: Focus on the Future December 1 - 2, 2010 – Wash D.C. Overview – DOE FES Activities at LLNL Don Correll Program Leader LLNL Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) Program

2 The overall management and execution of the LLNL portfolio from DOE’s Office of FES was recently clarified in 2 LLNL Administrative Memos Bill Goldstein LLNL Associate Director Physical and Life Sciences

3 Fast Ignition Prav Patel Technology/Materials Wayne Meier LLNL’s FES Program is organized through synergy and cross-disciplines to advance the S&T foundations for both MFE and HEDLP/IFE HIFS-VNL Alex Friedman Theory/Modeling Bruce Cohen Don Correll Program Leader Wayne Meier Deputy Program Leader DIII-D and NSTX Steve Allen MFE Fusion HEDLP/IFE HEDLP/IFE MFE & HEDLP/IFE

4 LLNL’s FES Program engages the DOE FES community through multiple collaborations MFE Theory o Edge Simulation Laboratory o Fusion Simulation Project o SciDAC: FACETS and Center for Study of Plasma Microturbulence MFE Experiments o DIII-D collaboration with GA o NSTX collaboration with PPPL o ITER Central (Plasma Start Up – Tom Casper) HEDLP/IFE HIFS Experiments and Theory o Heavy Ion Fusion Sciences VNL o NDCX-II HEDLP/IFE FI Experiments and Theory o FI Advanced Concepts Exploration o Fusion Science Center/Extreme States of Matter Fusion Materials and Technology o Virtual Lab for Technology o U.S. ITER Project (Central Solenoid – Nicolai Martovetsky) Dave Hill DIII-D Deputy Director John Barnard HIFS-VNL Deputy Director Harry McLean FI ACE LLNL Leader

5 LLNL’s DOE FES funded research capabilities are exemplified by... Theoretical research for MFE and HEDLP/IFE plasmas Experimental and modeling research on DIII-D NDCX II (ARRA funded) project now under construction at LBNL Plasma-Wall Interactions: Particle Flow Measurements in DIII-D ITER Prototype Periscope for DIII-D

6 LLNL’s DOE FES funded research capabilities are exemplified by.... Theoretical and experimental research in support of HIF Sciences HEDLP experiments/modeling in support of FI demonstration on NIF NDCX II (ARRA funded) project now under construction at LBNL NDCX-II Beam Simulation Simulation LLNL TITAN LPI Short-Pulse Experiments

7 Our DOE FES funded research capabilities are exemplified by..... Materials and Technology for Fusion NSTX plasma-wall interactions with novel divertors NDCX II (ARRA funded) project now under construction at LBNL Fusion Materials ITER Magnets Vlad Soukhanovskii 2010 Early Career Award Winner

8 Focus on the Future : Office of Science “2011 Early Career” submissions to DOE FES illustrate the breadth of fusion topics from “EC” PI’s 3 within HEDLP – 2 NIF campaigns and 1 e - /ion interactions 3 within MFE – 1 DIII-D/ELM, 1 Materials, and 1 Edge Theory

9 Focus on the Future : FES Program for High School Science Teachers provides research experience in plasma topics Research on LLNL’s EBIT led to Can. J. Phys paper co-authorship

10 LLNL is extremely honored by FPA’s recognition of the scientific contributions of two of its FESP staff members in MFE and HEDLP/IFE NDCX II (ARRA funded) project now under construction at LBNL Dmitri Ryutov: 2010 Distinguished Career Award Prav Patel: 2010 Excellence in Fusion Engineering Award

11 ✔ 1:50 – FES Program at LLNL - Don Correll 2:10 – Fusion Perspectives - Dmitri Ryutov 2:30 – Fast Ignition - Prav Patel

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