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ME 317 Design for Manufacturing

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Presentation on theme: "ME 317 Design for Manufacturing"— Presentation transcript:

1 ME 317 Design for Manufacturing

2 What Constitutes a “Good” Design?

3 SMIU Rules for Good Design
Good Design Should –

4 SMIU Rules for Excellent Design
Excellent Design Should -

5 Why Design for Manufacturing?
Mechanical engineering designs generally include off-the-shelf components and fabricated parts. Knowing the strengths and limitations of the fabrication techniques makes for higher quality and more cost competitive designs.

6 Ten General Design Principles (Chapter 1.3)
Simplicity Standard Materials and Components Standardized Design of the Product Liberal Tolerances Use Materials that are Easy to Process

7 Ten General Design Principles (Chapter 1.3)
Teamwork with Manufacturing Personnel Avoidance of Secondary Operations Design to Expected Level of Production Utilize Special Process Characteristics Avoid Process Restrictiveness

8 Simplicity Description: minimize the number of parts, intricate shapes, and manufacturing operations Motivation: generally provides reduced cost, improved reliability, easier servicing, and improved robustness Example: Braun Lift

9 Part Count Reduction

10 Standard Materials and Components
Description: Use standard off-the-shelf parts and widely available materials Motivation: eases purchasing, simplifies inventory management, and avoids tooling investments Example: Screws

11 Standardized Design of the Product
Description: For similar products, specify the same materials, parts, and subassemblies as much as possible. Motivation: provides economies of scale, simplifies operations, and simplifies inventory management Example: Braun Lift

12 Liberal Tolerances Description: make tolerances as forgiving as possible Motivation: tight tolerances are expensive (in a non-linear fashion) Example: Figure 1.3.1


14 Use Easily Processed Materials
Description: take advantage of materials that have been developed for easy processibility Motivation: while material may cost more, it will often provide lower overall cost Example: “Free-Machining” Grades, Many polymer grades are tuned to a process

15 Teamwork with Manufacturing Personnel
Description: collaborate with the people who will be producing your product (the earlier the better) Motivation: they provide a unique body of knowledge and useful insights Example:

16 Avoidance of Secondary Operations
Description: minimize the need for secondary operations Motivation: secondary operations (e.g. deburring, inspection, painting, and heat treating) can be as expensive as the primary manufacturing operation Example: Pre-painted steel, investment casting, MIM in firearms

17 Design to Expected Level of Production



20 Understand and Utilize Manufacturing Process Characteristics
Description: understand and take advantage of the special capabilities of various manufacturing processes Motivation: can often eliminate manufacturing operations and reduce the number of parts Example: injection molding snap fits and living hinges

21 Avoid Process Restrictiveness
Description: on part drawings, specify only the final characteristics needed; do not specify the process to be used Motivation: potential cost savings

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