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Watermelon Ripeness Sensor

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Presentation on theme: "Watermelon Ripeness Sensor"— Presentation transcript:

1 Watermelon Ripeness Sensor
Melon Inc. In Search of Perfect Melons. Jason L. Firko Allan Cohen Matt Behr Dave Bartoski

2 Watermelon Ripeness Sensor
Team #2 Members: Jason Firko Matt Behr Allan Cohen Dave Bartowski Customer: Ed Kee Advisor: Dr. James Glancey Mission: Develop a non-destructive method and apparatus for accurately determining the ripeness of watermelons. Approach: Use customer wants to research and develop the most useful solution to the problem of determining watermelon ripeness. Develop a prototype and test it in an actual working enviroment.

3 Background Watermelon market is a large, worldwide market
Grown on 5 Continents Grown in 90 countries Annual production 50 Billion lbs./year 75% of the melons bought whole Large domestic and international market Problem with a long history University of Georgia Study There are currently no accurate non-destructive testing methods available

4 Design Concept Review Introduction Concept Generation
Customers, Wants, Constraints, Benchmarking, Target values, Concept generation Concept Selection Evaluation against Metrics/Target Values, Concept Development, Working Model Schedule Actuals, Schedule, Budget

5 Customers & Wants

6 Customers Top Wants 1. Accuracy 2. Portability 3. Food Quality 4. Cost
5. Durable 6. Easy to Use 7. Fast 8. Versatility 9. Maintenance 10. Service Life

7 Constraints Maximum - $3000 Budget Abide by all FDA Regulations
Food Quality Abide by all OSHA Regulations Safety Standards

8 Metrics/Target Values
Provide a Means of Objective Measurement Eliminate Ambiguity Target Values Derived From Customer Wants, Functional Benchmarking, Continued Customer Dialogue Contact Regulatory Agencies Listed With Related Wants (Ranked)

9 Metrics & Related Wants
Accuracy/Portability % Correct Ripeness Readings (95%) % Error in Sugar Content ** (False Neg./False Pos.) Readings (3) Weight (51 lbs.) Size (Dimensions) (3’ Sides) # People - Transport/Operation (1) Production Cost [$700]

10 Durability/Ease of Use/Speed
Metrics (Cont’d) Durability/Ease of Use/Speed Hours of Continuous Operation [12 hrs.) Impact Resistance (3 ft. Drop) Time to Train [1 hr.] Number of Steps [5] Level of Education Required [Grade 8) Time/Cycle [10 sec] Time per Shipment [2 hrs.]

11 Food Quality/ServiceLife/Versatility/Maintenance
Metrics (Con’t) Food Quality/ServiceLife/Versatility/Maintenance Size of Intrusion (1mm) Bacteria Introduced * Visual Quality Inspection Rating (1-10) Estimated Years of Service (5 yrs.] # of Uses (melon types, sizes, etc.) (4) Cost/Cycle (parts, upkeep, etc) ($.001/cycle)

12 Initial Systems Benchmarking
Current Methods Of Watermelon Testing Traditional - Thumping, stem color, skin color, other traditional methods Destructive Testing - Sucrometer readings Near Infrared Testing - Experimental technique of sensing sugar content Acoustic Testing - University of Oklahoma

13 Systems Benchmarking Cont.
Related Procedures (Fruits and others) Thumping/Resonance Tires, Fruits Acoustic testing Acoustic Emission Testing Ultrasonic testing Materials, Medical Optoelectrics Apples Intrusive testing Medical(Syringes) Nuclear magnetic resonance Fruits, Medical Electronic sniffing Strawberries

14 Concept Generation - Framework
Sensor is Critical Function/Element Concept Generation Primarily Deals With This Element

15 Functional Benchmarking
Details of the Critical Element Acoustic/Impact Tests-Sound signature and Resonance Acoustic Sensors- microphones, AE sensors Impact Devices- pendulums, hammers,spring loaded, etc. Acoustic data acquisition devices Testing of Rind Quality Accelerometers and related tracking devices Resistivity Testing Available info. Of resistivity of biological materials Probes, measuring devices, necessary equipment

16 Functional Benchmarking (Cont’d)
Ultrasonic testing Use on biological materials Available Machines Sizing Devices Oversized calipers Scales Sampling devices and methods Syringes, automated sucrometers


18 Concept Evaluation/Selection Process
Is this a viable solution? Evaluate in terms of ranked metrics Presentation - Time Constraints Method - Comparison with metrics(related wants) Strong in metrics Weak in metrics Notes on concept SSD and Testing results lead to selection

19 Concept Evaluation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Out of Budget - $60,000 - $1,000,000 Sonic Testing- Single Frequency Food Quality, Speed Easy to Use, Accuracy, Maintenance, Cost Difficult to Use- Need Proper Environment

20 Concepts Evaluation (Cont’d)
Sonic Testing- White Noise Food Quality Speed, Cost, Accuracy, Portability, Easy to Use Need Controlled Conditions Infrared Accuracy, Speed, Food Quality Expensive(Cost & Maintenance], Easy, Portability High Power, Auxillary Equiptment Needed

21 Concept Evaluation (Cont’d)
Energy Impact Quick, Easy, Food Quality, Portability, Durability Accuracy Related to External Properties, Not Internal Strain Gauge Portable, Food Quality Easy to Use, Speed, Accuracy Related to Rind Properties Fluid Extraction With Syringe Accuracy, Portability, Easy to Use Food Quality, Maintenance Intrusive

22 Ultrasound Testing - CCM Catch 22 Not a Viable Sensing Mechanism
High Frequency - Cannot Penetrate Rind Low Frequency - Cannot Sense Density Changes Other Problems - Air Pockets, Seeds Food Quality, Service Life, Versatility Accuracy, Portability, Cost, Speed Not a Viable Sensing Mechanism

23 Electrical Properties
Resistance Testing RC Modeling Data Normalized For Physical Parameters & Sugar Content Portability, Cost, Maintenance, Service Life Accuracy, Food Quality, Speed No Correlation Found - Not a Viable Sensing Mechanism

24 Electric Testing

25 Acoustic Resonance Testing
Based on Traditional Method Acoustic Properties have been used to indicate ripeness Accuracy, Portability, Food Quality, Cost, Easy, Fast Maintenance

26 Concept Selection Acoustic Testing
Scored Highest in SSD - Received 8.9 / 10.0 Historical Basis - Benchmarking Four main parts: Sensory, Data Acquisition, Data Analysis, Display/Interface Focus on Sensory Portion of Design Development

27 Concept Selection - Metrics
Want/Metric Value Accuracy >present Portability lbs, 1 Person, 2’ sides Cost $950 Speed <10sec Food Quality 0 Bacteria, Non-Intrusive # of Uses Local Varieties

28 Concept Selection - Testing
Performed Testing - 18 melons All melons were in ripe range (8 - 12% sugar) Determined Repeatability and Reliability Impact Height, Turning, Repeated Testing

29 Concept Selection - Testing
Conclusions Audible Signature Noticeable No Negative Data Need Further Testing - Variety Grow green melons Possible Correlations - Secondary Spikes Damping Characteristics

30 Working Model Two Component Working Model
(i) - Experimental Set up - Dr. Sun’s Lab (ii) - Working Model

31 Planned Schedule

32 Actual Schedule

33 Future Critical Tasks Continue iterative concept evaluation
Develop further the data acquisition & analysis Determine if we Can use a PCI or ISA card for data acquisition tasks Order used laptop or microprocessor to perform our calculations Determine software or computer code / learn Obtain a shipment of melons of varying ripeness Grow watermelons in greenhouse & Obtain shipment of melons Perform further acoustic testing and refine correlation Refine the thumping device through continued testing Take a tour of the farm and working environment Attend the watermelon growers convention

34 Estimated Budget Total cost for Initial Concept Prototype $ 872.99
Microphone $ Microprocessor/Laptop $ Analog To Digital Converter $ Digital Scale $ Linear measuring Device $ Base Plate w/attachments $ Adjustable Thumper $ Adjustable Microphone Mount $ Testing/Analysis Hours Hrs. Testing Materials $700.00 Machine Shop Hours Hrs. Total cost for Initial Concept Prototype $

35 Conclusion - Project Status
Refinement of Wants/Benchmarking/Metrics Concept Generation Testing and Evaluation Physical Testing Metrics Concept Selection/ Design Working Model Future Activities - Scheduled

36 Project Goal Satisfied Customers!

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