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SEDU 718 CLT & Syllabus Design. Prelude What did you understand as the key components of CLT? What questions did you have? What intrigued/shocked/distressed.

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Presentation on theme: "SEDU 718 CLT & Syllabus Design. Prelude What did you understand as the key components of CLT? What questions did you have? What intrigued/shocked/distressed."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEDU 718 CLT & Syllabus Design

2 Prelude What did you understand as the key components of CLT? What questions did you have? What intrigued/shocked/distressed &/or excited you most about CLT?

3 Dave’s Key Points CLT

4 Vocabulary Schemata Expectancies Top-down Bottom-up Communicative Language Teaching CLT…

5 Discussion Question: 1 If you had to choose 3 adjectives to describe CLT, what would they be? Why did you choose these?

6 True communicative need Collaboration Expression Interpretation Negotiation Coping Strategies Learner’s Styles

7 Dave’s Language Model Pragmatics Semantics Vocabulary Morphology Syntax Pronunciation Phonology Phonetics Meaning & Usage Intonation Style Register Dialect Idioms Skills Speaking, Listening Reading, Writing Culture Production Reception Negotiation

8 Communicative Competence Contexts Strategic Sociocultural Discourse Grammatical Define & discuss each component… How can/should each become part of our language teaching?

9 ELL Iceberg BICS CALPs Cognitive Process Knowledge Comprehension Application Language Process Vocabulary Pronunciation Grammar Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Semantic meaning Functional meaning

10 Discussion Question: 2 What might be some obstacles encountered by teachers who try to implement a communicative approach to language teaching? How would you approach the obstacles?

11 More Vocab Content-based Instruction Immersion Holistic Assessment Portfolio Assessment

12 Discussion Question: 3 Of the 5 CLT components: Language Arts Language for a Purpose Personal Language Use Theater Arts Beyond the Classroom which are you most comfortable with: As a teacher &/or as a student Why?

13 Shaky Proof That overt language instruction is helpful in an ESOL context

14 Learner’s Motivation Integrative Instrumental Also… Learner Styles

15 Discussion Question: 4 With regard to your teaching, do you feel English to be a foreign, second or native language? How might these feelings affect your teaching? Which of the three do you think we as teachers should strive to feel about English for our students? Why?

16 End Goal Up to the learner… Book overlooks ‘purse-string’ issues…

17 Discussion Question: 5 Who sets the norm for English language use in your teaching situation/context? Why? How? Is this good or bad? Why?

18 On Grammar & CLT… Communicative purpose Integration of Form focused Meaning focused Strategy training (Dave’s addition)

19 Discussion Questions: 6-7 If we’ve not already covered these: What do you like/dislike about CLT? What do you feel the best mix of the 5 components might be for your current teaching context? Why?

20 Syllabus Design David Nunan

21 Discussion What do you see as the individual teacher’s role in syllabus design? In reality in your situation? In a theoretical ‘best-case’ scenario? In a practical ‘really-ought-to work’ view?

22 Strengths & Weaknesses Formal Grammar Organic Grammar Needs Analysis Competence-based Standards-based Notional-Functional Content-based Task-based Integrated Approach…

23 Challenge: Support, attack, improve or add to Chart on page 64…

24 Compare Look at the ESOL text Dave supplies (and any you may have) Decide which syllabus/method each follows Which do you like best? Which do you like least? How could you use your least favorite in the most effective manner?

25 Discussion If you were asked to design a syllabus for a new ESOL course for your current teaching situation, what style would you choose? Why? What would be some key components?

26 Wrap-up What is 1 thing you can change about your teaching based on what we’ve read &/or discussed this week?

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