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Emulating Famous Photographers Series: Susan Burnstine Chris Keeney Cleveland Photographic Society Intro Night: Jan. 10, 2014 Exhibit Your Work: Feb. 14,

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Presentation on theme: "Emulating Famous Photographers Series: Susan Burnstine Chris Keeney Cleveland Photographic Society Intro Night: Jan. 10, 2014 Exhibit Your Work: Feb. 14,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Emulating Famous Photographers Series: Susan Burnstine Chris Keeney Cleveland Photographic Society Intro Night: Jan. 10, 2014 Exhibit Your Work: Feb. 14, 2014

2 Susan Burnstine  Susan Burnstine is an award winning fine art and commercial photographer originally from Chicago now based in Los Angeles.  Susan Burnstine portrays her dream-like visions entirely in- camera, rather than with post-processing manipulations. To achieve this, she created twenty-one hand-made film cameras and lenses that are frequently unpredictable and technically challenging. The cameras are primarily made out of plastic, vintage camera parts and random household objects and the single element lenses are molded out of plastic and rubber. Learning to overcome their extensive limitations has required her to rely on instinct and intuition... the same tools that are key when trusting in the unseen.

3 Susan Burnstine Images










13 Chris Keeney  Ever since I can remember, I've always been interested in making things and then putting them to work to. Some of these things you can buy in the store and some you can't. Either way, I get satisfaction from finding the right materials and then putting them together to make something that you can use in your photography practice and work.  Personal Background - I'm a San Diego, Southern California native and have an older brother and younger sister - Married for over 20 years to a wonderful woman and have two beautiful children that I love very much - I like to wear shorts, t-shirts, flip-flops, sneakers, hoodies and comfortable jeans - I enjoy free diving in the ocean and taking underwater photos for fun - I like to smile, laugh and listen to comedians on satellite radio - I enjoy traveling and learning about the local history, culture and food - Listening to music motivates and inspires me to createmusic

14 Chris Keeney Images









23 References  Susan Burnstine  Chris Keeney 

24 The Challenge Push It To The Limits  There are only 2 limitations  Black and White with computer conversion permitted.  No computer techniques to enhance/manipulate, through capture device only!  The rest is up to you!  Have fun!  Bring up to 6 images to show on Feb. 14 th  Show and tell your techniques

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