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Student Interview Project n Each student will create 30 open-ended questions to ask another student in an interview. n Students will write these questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Interview Project n Each student will create 30 open-ended questions to ask another student in an interview. n Students will write these questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Interview Project n Each student will create 30 open-ended questions to ask another student in an interview. n Students will write these questions in their Journals (Journal #2). n Questions should be from the following categories:

2 Family n Siblings? n Parents? n Pets? n Birth order? n Ethnicity? n Interesting customs/foods n Etc.

3 Goals/Dreams: n Activities? n College? n Career? n Travel? n Family? n Ownership?

4 Experiences: n Travel? n Where have you lived? n Happiest time? n Scariest? n Saddest experience? n Most fun?

5 Opinions: n Sports teams? Twins? Vikings? n Music? n School? n Minnesota? n Holidays? n War?

6 Interests/Hobbies n Music? n Sports? n Collections? n Outdoors? n Computers/Tech? n Animals? n Etc.?

7 Miscellaneous: n $1 Million dollars? n Live anywhere? n Time travel? n Principal for a day? n Any animal? n Meet a famous person?

8 Order of events: n Create questions (#2 in Journal) n Have questions checked by Mr. Butt n Pick a partner n Interview each other. n Record answers in journal n Create Multi media presentation (Collab) n Practice presentation to partner n Present info to class

9 Mr. Dave Butt As interviewed by: Homer Simpson

10 Family n Wife - Pam, FACS teacher at AVHS n Son - Tom 27, Industrial Engineer in Milwaukee, WI n Son – Brian 26 Nordstrom’s at MOA Dog – Ellie -Black Lab died last summer 

11 Family (cont.) n Mom and Dad – retired -live in Kirksville, Missouri n Older brother -Peter, lives in Florida, Alligator “incident” n Younger sister - Lori, Missouri n Younger brother- Bob, Steven’s Point, Wisconsin

12 Experiences n Travel - Canada, Virgin Islands, Hawaii, Spain, Germany, Austria, Czech Rep., Hungary, Florida, Mexico, Alaska, Washington D.C, Holland, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway. n Involved in a near fatal accident 1991 n Private pilot’s license. n From Wisconsin.

13 INTERESTS n Fishing n Woodworking n Snowmobiling/ATVing n Traveling n Spending time at Cabin n Music

14 Goals/ Dreams n Retire and be able to travel n Spend time with my family/friends n Fishing trips n Stay healthy

15 Opinions n Afghan War????? n Vikings? Packers? n Music? n Economy? n Favorite Movie???? n T.V. Show?? n Food?

16 Miscellaneous… n Time travel? Go back in time and buy stocks. n Would love to fly a WW ll fighter plane. n Would like to meet JFK, MLK, Glenn Miller n Would like to have talked to “Opa and Oma Butt”

17 The End!!!!! Thanks for listening.

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