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21 May 2015 How EDT & I-Workflow are saving our practice many hours every week Dave Mills – Dr Anscombe & Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "21 May 2015 How EDT & I-Workflow are saving our practice many hours every week Dave Mills – Dr Anscombe & Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 21 May 2015 How EDT & I-Workflow are saving our practice many hours every week Dave Mills – Dr Anscombe & Partners

2 Docman National Conference 2012 Process Overview EDT – How Electronic Document Transfer can help you I-Workflow – How to get the best custom fit for your practice

3 Docman National Conference 2012 Pre-Docman Document Process OOH report arrives on email Each individual report printed separately onto A4 Every A4 page scanned back into clinical system Paper copy put in GP’s tray Paper copy waits in GP’s tray Paper copy either STILL waiting or goes missing GP hand writes what action to take on document GP puts in reception action tray Receptionist does action & files

4 Docman National Conference 2012 An average months documents 2008 Vs 2011

5 Docman National Conference 2012 Document process – With EDT & I-Workflow OOH report goes straight into batch manager Document workflowed to GP within 3 clicks GP clicks on appropriate quickstep (1 click) Receptionist takes action & completes

6 Docman National Conference 2012 EDT – What can it do / How we use it EDT can automatically download electronic documents from most locations straight into your Docman software. Our current uses include: Out of Hours reports (Via Discharge Summaries (Both A&E and standard hospital discharges) Local minor injury unit discharges (Via The system can be configured to download electronic documents from a large variety of locations… If you have an idea of something you wish you could pick up automatically, just ask your friendly local pcti representative!

7 Docman National Conference 2012 Where do my documents go? Straight into the batch manager with the rest of the scanning! But with a few extra bells and whistles…

8 Docman National Conference 2012

9 OOH GP reports MIU reports Hospital Discharges Password Expiry Notification

10 Docman National Conference 2012 ‘Filters’ can be used to only download the documents you want… and ignore the spam that you don’t!

11 Docman National Conference 2012 EDT Routine Maintenance Change your password when it asks you. That’s it!

12 Docman National Conference 2012 I-Workflow I-Workflow is good out-of-the-box, but with a small amount of tweaking you can: Improve speed (Most tasks in just a click or two) Improve accuracy Improve document flow with branch surgeries The software can be tailored to the exact needs of your surgery, or individual clinicians

13 Docman National Conference 2012






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