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The refreshingly different approach to selling your business ‘Selling a private business for its Maximum Value’

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Presentation on theme: "The refreshingly different approach to selling your business ‘Selling a private business for its Maximum Value’"— Presentation transcript:

1 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business ‘Selling a private business for its Maximum Value’

2 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Established 1987 152 projects last year Negotiative dialogue with 50,000 co’s/annum Unique data resource – 50+ million companies Large and highly skilled team of 170 staff International BCMS Corporate

3 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Important observations Finding the right buyer Two Sessions

4 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Some important observations People usually sell for 4 reasons Lifestyle change Entrepreneurs vs managers Time Co. growth Session 1 - Observations

5 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business £ Time Session 1 - Observations

6 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business £ Time Session 1 - Observations Investment

7 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business £ Time Session 1 - Observations Investment

8 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business £ Time Session 1 - Observations Investment

9 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business £ Time Investment Session 1 - Observations

10 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Some important observations Session 1 - Observations There are many motivations to purchase Avoid passivity at all costs

11 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business 1. client base 2. potential growth 3. globalisation / regionalisation 4. the ability to generate cash 5. developed products / services 6. patents & IPR 7. operational or financial synergies 8. a skilled workforce 9. profitability / return on investment Motivations for purchase include: Session 1 - Observations

12 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Choice is king Some important observations There are many motivations to purchase Avoid passivity at all costs Session 1 - Observations

13 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Session 1 - Observations Choice affects: the speed of the sale the negotiation of terms the price

14 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Sell future potential Choice is king Some important observations There are many motivations to purchase Avoid passivity at all costs Session 1 - Observations

15 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Sell the future Nobody buys a company’s history 5/8 Acquisition Musts Always produce ‘Synergy’ Bus. Plan Session 1 - Observations

16 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Sell the future This is totally unreasonable Choice is the key 5/8 Acquisition musts Inevitably neglected Enables first offer rejection Session 1 - Observations

17 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business Session 2 – Finding the right buyers Company & Product Brief Desk Research Prospect Generation Qualification Concluding the Deal The 5 stages of finding a buyer

18 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business 230 25 3 Session 2 – Finding the right buyers

19 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business 230 25 3 5-7 Exploratory Meetings 4-6 Price Discussions Dry Run Session 2 – Finding the right buyers

20 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business NameO/P ATOffer-Sale Price Traffic Products£378K£1.0M£6.4M Building Contractor£253K£2.0M£2.7M Energy Efficiency£100K£1.0M£4.0M Waste Management£434K£3.0M£19.1M Tool Maker Company£607K£4.0M£5.4M Consultancy Company£244K£3.5M£6.0M Courier Company£171K£3.0M£4.65M Pet Supplies(£100K)£200K£4.2M Technology Supplies£321K£2.4M£4.75M Travel Management£386K£2.97M£7.0M Events Management £253K£0.95M£3.53M Wholesale Company£168K£0.75M£2.5M IT Development Integration£434K£5.0M£14.1M

21 The refreshingly different approach to selling your business ‘Selling a private business for its Maximum Value’

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