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Advanced Particle Physics

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1 Advanced Particle Physics
FK8022 David Milstead Thomas Schwetz-Mangold

2 Course aims Breadth Depth Build on Particle Physics 1 (FK7003)
More complete and up-to-date treatment of collider and non-collider physics. Depth Provide short derivations for phenomena rather than hand-waving explanations as in PP1-level courses. Derivations not always the most rigorous but are start-to-finish and chosen to be pedagogically excellent. Demystify important results that we take for granted but are often poorly understood. Eg SU(3) , hadron multiplets, renormalisation etc.

3 Lecture outline Lecture Content Lecturer 1
Standard Model (1) : symmetry groups A basic introduction to group symmetries is given. Starting with angular momentum and SU(2)-isospin, SU(3) is explained as additional U,V spaces in SU(2). Well known results on hadron multiplets are then derived. Recycling the same mathematics, SU(3)-colour is tackled. Using the gluon wave functions, the properties of the short range strong force are studied. It is shown that quark-antiquark and three quark systems lead to attractive short-range potentials for colour singlet states whereas repulsive potentials are generally obtained for other configurations. Dave 2 Standard Model (2) : renormalisation Starting with the QED result for the electron-muon scattering amplitude, it is shown that higher order electron-positron loops lead to a divergence. The removal of the divergence through regularization and subtraction is then given, leading to a dependence of the amplitude on an arbitrary renormalization scale. An interpretation of the renormalization scale and a discussion of optimal scale choices are then given. Finally, there is a general discussion on the technique of renormalization. 3 The Standard Model (3) arity violation and V-A structure of weak interactions, Higgs mechanism Thomas 4 Standard Model (4) The SM Lagrangian, the electro-weak sector, hyper-charge asignments, parameters of the SM, gauge sector versus Yukawa sector 5 Experimental tests of the Standard Model (1): the strong force This is the first lecture in a series of four lectures covering tests of the SM at colliders and non-colliders. The strong force is covered in this lecture. It is shown how different scattering environments (lepton-hadron,e+e-,hadron-hadron) provide complementary observables, as well as comparative advantages and disadvantages, for perturbative QCD tests. Representative examples of high profile and high precision measurements from each collider environment are given. It is also shown how the free parameter of the perturbative QCD sector, the strong coupling parameter, is measured in multiple studies. As a means of illustrating the need for a program of low and high energy colliders, the determination of the hadronic contribution to the electromagnetic coupling is also covered. The importance of this quantity for precision SM tests is subsequently covered in lectures (7) and (8). 6 Experimental tests of the Standard Model (2) : flavour physics and CP violation This lecture focuses on tests of the weak sector, specifically quark flavor physics. A description of how CP violation arises in the SM via a complex phase is provided. The properties of the CKM matrix are then discussed. It is shown how the matrix can be prescribed by a minimum number of parameters. Experiments to measure the CKM matrix elements are then described, followed by a discussion of unitarity triangles and the measurements which constrain them. 7 Experimental tests of the Standard Model (3):  non-collider experimentsA discussion on the relative advantages and disadvantages of collider vs non-collider experiments is given. High profile non-collider experiments and techniques are described. The principles behind searches for dipole moments (electric, magnetic) are outlined, as are recent experiments. The influence of non-collider searches on theories of new physics at the TeV-scae, such as supersymmetry, is outlined. A “blue skies” search for non-integer charged partices, not motivated by any specific theoretical considerations, is also given as an example of the breadth of the non-collider program. 8 General Higgs constraints and exotic Higgs scenarios.   Vacuum stability, unitarity bounds. Two Higgs doublet model. 9 Experimental tests of the Standard Model (4): electroweak and Higgs physicsMeasurements of electroweak parameters are given, emphasizing the unique roles of different collider environments. The influence of loops on electroweak observables is shown via the classic example connecting the Fermi constant and W mass to the Higgs and top mass. It is shown how this allowed a prediction of the top quark and Higgs masses long before direct experimental evidence for these particles became available. Global electroweak fits are then described with emphasis on the Higgs sectors. Measurements of the properties of the recently discovered Higgs-like boson and the consistency of the particle with the SM are then described. 10 Neutrino 1 Lepton mixing and neutrino oscillations. 11 Neutrino 2 How to extend the SM to give mass to neutrinos, seesaw mechanism, lepton flavour violation, lepton number violation. 12 Beyond the SM theories Problems of the SM: flavor problem, hierarchy problem, strong-CP problem, GUT theories. 13 Simulation techniques at colliders  The principles behind Monte Carlo simulation models are given. The factorization of short and long distance components is outlined. The extraction of pdfs from structure function and hadronic final state data is described, along with the experimental uncertainties on these quantities. In an analogous technique to renormalization it is shown how attempts to use pdfs lead to a divergence which can be removed at the expense of introducing an arbitrary parameter (the factorization scale). This procedure also gives rise to the DGLAP equations which are the foundation of parton shower models. It is outlined how hard QCD emissions are simulated (parton showers + matrix element). The major model uncertainties are summarized. The principles behind the Lund string model, including elementary derivations of its key features, are then given.

4 Books No single book possible. Handouts to be given where appropriate.
Lectures based on: D. Green, Lectures on Particle Physics, World Scientific. Griffiths, Introduction to Elementary Particles, Wiley. Perkins, Introduction to High Energy Physics, Addison-Wesley Halzen and Martin, Quarks and Leptons, Wiley Articles in the Arxiv.

5 Inlämningsuppgifter 3-4 inlämningsuppgifter.
A typical solution does not require a page of mathematics. Some questions are open-ended and require some research beyond the text books, eg arxiv articles. a physicist should be able within an hour or so to find appropriate sources and obtain a good understanding (=1-2 ppt slides) of the methodology and principles behind any experimental result in his/her field.

6 Inlämningsuppgifter Volunteers (or groups of volunteers) invited to give a short presentations at the start of a lecture to certain questions. Eg from inlämningsuppgift 1.

7 Course homepage Only source for up-to-date information.

8 Schedule Flexibility to reschedule if necessary since we are a small group.

9 Concepts of the Standard Model: group theory
FK8022, Lecture 1 Concepts of the Standard Model: group theory Core texts: Lectures on particle physics, D. Green Electroweak interactions: An introduction to the physics of quarks and leptons, P. Renton. Further reading: Introduction to high energy physics, D. Perkins Introduction to elementary particles, D. Griffiths

10 Lecture 1 Symmetries are at the heart of the SM.
Two important symmetry groups SU(2),SU(3) Study in the framework of the strong force Lecture plan: First principle derivations/definitions of SU(2)/SU(3) properties Applications in meson spectra gluon colour and multiplicity attractive/repulsive QCD potentials

11 Groups

12 SU(2)

13 SU(2)-rotations y spin-up spin-down z }

14 SU(2)-algebra

15 Combining states


17 Different aspects of the same thing
Multiplets of orthogonal states after angular momentum addition Invariance to a SU(2) transformation in physical space Angular momentum conservation Ladder operators map out multiplets All the results covered arise from SU(2) invariance.

18 SU(2)-isospin

19 Meson isospin multiplets

20 SU(2) isospin

21 Two quarks three quarks

22 Scalar meson multiplets in SU(3)
Mass (MeV) p+- 139.57 p0 134.96 K+- 493.67 K0 , K0 497.72 h0 548.8 h0’ 957.6

23 Charged scalar meson states in SU(3)

24 Neutral scalar meson states in SU(3)
Neutral states

25 Neutral states

26 Scalar meson multiplets in SU(3)

27 SU(3)-flavour symmetry

28 SU(3)-flavour symmetry
Scalar meson Quark content Mass (MeV) p+- 139.57 p0 134.96 K+- 493.67 K0 , K0 497.72 h0 548.8 h0’ 957.6 octet singlet

29 Conserved quantities in SU(3)

30 SU(3) flavour

31 Gluon colour and multiplicity
Not used in nature!

32 Hadron colour Not used in nature!

33 QED vs QCD potentials g b

34 QCD couplings b b b = +

35 Other QCD potentials

36 Summary Concepts and mathematics of SU(2) and SU(3) symmetry outlined.
Studied in the context of strong force symmetries: isospin flavour colour Applications of symmetry reveal : Hadron multiplicities and quark composition Gluon multiplicity and colour Meson wave function and binding

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