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Goat Management.

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1 Goat Management

2 Characteristics Goat population worldwide is over 350 million
U.S. population is between 2 & 3 million Becoming more popular as people move to more rural areas Relatively inexpensive to purchase and reproduces efficiency Having 2- 3 offspring per year Don’t demand specialized housing or feedstuff

3 Patterning Get does into a routine. Feed at same time and place where you can pen the animals in a small enclosure. Easily caught and handled from there.

4 Reproduction Seasonal Breeders
Length of daylight influences the secretion of hormones that affect the estrous cycle Seasonal species are responsive to melatonin Hormone produced by the pineal gland Response to declining periods of light Breed in the Fall 80% of all does come into heat between Sept 1 and Dec 31

5 Reproduction 3 systems for breeding Pasture Breeding AI Hand Mating

6 Pasture Breeding Does and Buck put into one field
Very little labor and results in a large percentage of does conceiving Have no control over when does are bred

7 AI Growing in popularity
Frozen semen is thawed and placed into the reproductive tract of the doe Done by using a plastic insemination pipette Heat detection is very important Cost is higher Can breed to superior bucks

8 Insemination site We want the tip of the catheter to be well inside the cervix, but not penetrate completely into the uterus. Reason-bacterial contamination

9 Take catheter and insert

10 Place catheter in cervix

11 Hand Mating Buck is kept in a separate pen from the does
As does come into heat they are turned into pen with buck Breeding is observed, then doe is removed from buck and return to pen Gives you precise breeding dates Separate buck pen and shed, and more time is involved

12 Parturition Gestation period is between 145- 155 days
Kids should have navels dipped in iodine to prevent infection Make sure kids receive colostrum Don’t touch kids right after birth Kids are weaned at 3 months

13 Disbudding Removal of the horn buds from a kid Two methods Chemical
Disbudding iron

14 Castration Done before 12 weeks 3 methods Knife Burdizzo Elastrator

15 Knife

16 Burdizzo

17 Elastrator

18 Identification 4 different methods Tattooing Neck chains Branding
Ear notching

19 Hoof trimming Removing the excess growth that occurs at the toes, heels, and sidewalls of the hooves Should be done every 6-8 weeks


21 Hoof Trimming

22 Parasites Internal Parasites one of most economically important constraints in raising livestock Animals certain to exposure of worms Confinement Pasture-based Results Decrease in productivity death

23 Controlling Parasites
Worms are a major parasite within goat industry Should be dewormed on a regular basis About every 6-8 weeks Receive an injection of Clostridium Perfringes, Types C & D and Tetnus, once a year

24 Deworming 3 types of dewormers Avermectin Benzimidazoles

25 Avermectin Clear dewormers Not effective against tapeworms
Ivomec, Dectomax, Cydectin Not effective against tapeworms

26 Benzimidazoles White dewormers Effective against tapeworms
Safeguard Effective against tapeworms Can cause abortions

27 Imidazothiazole Tramisol May cause abortions
The “safe” and “toxic” levels are very close, making product dangerous

28 Fecal Float Way to identify what type of worms goats have and what you need to vaccinate with Use a Modified Wisconsin Procedure Create a sucrose solution Combine 454g granulated sugar with 335mL of water Heat the solution until the sugar is completely dissolved and the solution is clear

29 Fecal Float Fecal samples are collected and weighed
3g of each sample is measured and suspended into 20 mL of the sucrose solution in a waxed paper cup Solution is stirred until solution is completely dispersed and then poured into a second cup


31 Fecal Float Liquid is poured into a 15 mL test tube until slightly raised above the top of the test tube then topped with a cover slip Allow to sit for 3-6 hours then observe under a microscope

32 The FAMACHA© System 1 – not anemic 5 -- severely anemic
Eye color chart with five color categories Compare chart with color of mucous membranes of sheep or goat Classification into one of five color categories: 1 – not anemic 5 -- severely anemic

33 Examine in sunlight Open as shown - for a short time only Look at color inside lower eyelid

34 Barber pole worm egg

35 Haemonchus adults in the abomasum


37 Other Diseases Blackleg Bloat Bottle Jaw Coccidiosis Colic
Enterotoxaemia Foot and Mouth Disease Foot Rot

38 Other Diseases Johne’s Disease Pregnancy toxemia Mastitis Tetanus
Thickening of intestine Have to be slaughtered (no cure) Pregnancy toxemia Mastitis Tetanus Urinary Calculi

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