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J E OPA R D Y The Three Stone Ages Directions: Divide the class into Team A and Team B. Then divide the teams into groups of 3-4 students. The first.

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Presentation on theme: "J E OPA R D Y The Three Stone Ages Directions: Divide the class into Team A and Team B. Then divide the teams into groups of 3-4 students. The first."— Presentation transcript:


2 J E OPA R D Y The Three Stone Ages

3 Directions: Divide the class into Team A and Team B. Then divide the teams into groups of 3-4 students. The first group on Team A chooses a category and an amount from slide 3. When the group agrees on an appropriate “question” to ask in response to the statement, one student asks the question. Other team members can whisper an answer to the group, but if the answer is heard by the teacher before the group is ready to give an answer, the team loses their turn and the play goes to Team B. Teams have 45 seconds to formulate a correct “question” to the statement. If correct, the team wins the dollar amount. If incorrect, they receive no “money.” Play then goes to Team B. Play continues until all category amounts have been chosen. The team with the most money wins.

4 Row 1 Row 3 Row 2 300 100 200 300 400 500 400 200 100 500 300 200


6 This is the name given to the Ancient Stone Age, when people used flaked or chipped stone tools.

7 100 What is the Paleolithic Stone Age? 100

8 This is the name given to the Middle Stone Age, when people started using interchangeable blades, and began moving out of caves.

9 What is the Mesolithic Stone Age? 200

10 The Cro-Magnons, the first artists, were mostly around during this time period.

11 What is the Mesolithic Stone Age? 300

12 You would find farming tools, such as a stone hoe, during this time period.

13 What is either the Mesolithic or the Neolithic Stone Age? 400

14 You are an archaeologist at an excavation site in the Middle East and discover the bones of a goat with long legs and horns. You find another set of bones that belong to a goat with short legs and no horns. You conclude that which one is the ancestor of the other?

15 The goat with long legs and horns is the ancestor of the goat with short legs and no horns. 500


17 This is known as the New Stone Age.

18 What is the Neolithic Stone Age? 100

19 Ice Age animals like the Woolly Mammoth and Saber-Toothed Tiger were the most plentiful during this time period.

20 What was the Ice Age (or the Paleolithic Stone Age)? 200

21 The Neanderthal people were around during this time period.

22 What was the Paleolithic Stone Age (or Ice Age)? 300

23 During this time period the Ice Age was beginning to thaw out.

24 What was the Mesolithic Stone Age? 400

25 You are an archaeologist at an excavation site in the Middle East and discover the bones of a goat with long legs, a long snout and horns. You find another set of bones that belong to a goat with short legs, a short snout and no horns. You conclude that which one is the descendant of the other?

26 The goat with short legs, a short snout and no horns is a descendant of the goat with long legs, a long snout and horns. 500

27 Farming was well underway during this time period.

28 What is the Neolithic Stone Age? 100

29 During this time period people didn’t get much sun, contributing to their arthritis or rickets.

30 What is the Paleolithic Stone Age? 200

31 No farming was done during this time period. The people only hunted and gathered their food.

32 What is the Paleolithic Stone Age? 300

33 Explain why Paleolithic people lived in caves and didn’t get much sun.

34 It was dark and cold outside much of the time because of the volcanic ash in the atmosphere. 400

35 You are a Cro-Magnon who is beginning to farm. You gather wild barley from plants growing near a river and some from plants growing near a hill. When you plant the seeds, you discover that the ones that grew near the river produce more plants than the barley that grew near the hill. Next season, which seeds will you use for the next crop - - the seeds from the barley by the river or seeds from the barley by the hill? By sure to also explain why in order to get the full $500.

36 You’d use seeds from the barley the grew by the river because it would produce more plants. 500

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