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Wildlife Resource Value Team 2006/7 activities for Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA) and Ungulate Winter Ranges (UWR) Wayne Erickson (MOFR) and Kathy Paige.

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Presentation on theme: "Wildlife Resource Value Team 2006/7 activities for Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA) and Ungulate Winter Ranges (UWR) Wayne Erickson (MOFR) and Kathy Paige."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wildlife Resource Value Team 2006/7 activities for Wildlife Habitat Areas (WHA) and Ungulate Winter Ranges (UWR) Wayne Erickson (MOFR) and Kathy Paige (MOE) Co-chairs P= Pilot testing; B= Baseline; I= Implementation; p- part of range; a- all of range.

2 Level- typeDesignatio n Speciesstatus StrategyWHAIWMSdraft UWRungulatesdraft Project charters WHAIWMScomplete UWRungulatescomplete Coordination, work group formation UWRungulatesinitiated WHAtailed froginitiated WHAgopher snake initiated Questions, indicators and methods WHATiger Salamande r (CA see ahead) planned WHAMarbled Murrlet some progress

3 Protocol development WHACoastal tailed frog routine WHABadgerroutine, extensive WHAMarbled murrelet routine UWRMt Goatroutine RoutineWHAGopher snake (work group) IBa WHAMarbled murrelet IBp WHABadgerIBp UWRMt GoatIBp

4 ExtensiveWHAGopher snake PBp WHABadgerPBp UWRMt GoatIBp Intensive (opportunistic ) WHA (one)gopher snake ongoing year one Conservation Analysis WHATiger Salamander to be completed

5 WRVT Update 2006/7 Project Highlights Routine* GIS analysis Extensive*IntensiveConservation Analysis Coastal tailed frog Cascades WHAs Marbled Murrelet Bunster Landscape Unit (5 WHAs) Mountain Goat coastal (Potato Creek, Jervis Inlet) UWR's same two areas interior (Sitkum Creek east of Sugar Lake in the Monashees) UWR's

6 Routine* GIS analysis Extensive * IntensiveConserva tion Analysis BadgerEast Kootenay WHA's same area Gopher snake* Okanagan WHA's same areaM.Sc. telemetry study (MOE) Tiger Salaman der South Okanagan WHA's *Gopher snake: Protocol still not complete. Den monitoring have been applied. Visual obscurity method still under development. Intensive project has an opportunistic basis.

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