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Goat’s Beard Aruncus dioicus By: Daniel Hughes. Classification KingdomPlantae SubkingdomTracheobionta SuperdivisionSpermatophyta DivisionMagnoliophyta.

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Presentation on theme: "Goat’s Beard Aruncus dioicus By: Daniel Hughes. Classification KingdomPlantae SubkingdomTracheobionta SuperdivisionSpermatophyta DivisionMagnoliophyta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goat’s Beard Aruncus dioicus By: Daniel Hughes

2 Classification KingdomPlantae SubkingdomTracheobionta SuperdivisionSpermatophyta DivisionMagnoliophyta ClassMagnoliopsida SubclassRosidae OrderRosales FamilyRosaceae GenusAruncus SpeciesAruncus dioicus ava/profile?symbol=AR DI8

3 Shape, Form, Type The goat's beard is a Missouri native plant and it works well in moist areas and along bluffs in the central and southeast part of the State. This member of the rose family is a tall, erect, bushy, clump-forming plant and usually reaches to 4-6' high Figure 1: goat’s beard http://www. ardeninghelp /plantfinder/ plant.asp?co de=J430

4 Leaf The goat’s beard has compound leaves. It is two to three times pinnate and the leaves are big and resemble an egg-shape. http://w ww.ces.n depts/ho rt/consu mer/fact sheets/w ildflower s/aruncu s_dioicus.html Figure 2: Leaf of goat’s beard http://ww w.mobot. org/garde ninghelp/ plantfinde r/ p?code=J 430

5 Flower The flowers on the goat’s beard are large and showy plume-like cluster of small white flowers The flowers have five petals that are oval- shaped and the stamens have tall, thin filaments Figure 3: Flower of goat’s beard http://www.ces.ncsu.e du/depts/h ort/consum er/factshee ts/wildflow ers/aruncus ml http://w ww.mob rdeningh elp/plant finder/pl ant.asp?c ode=J43 0

6 Fruit The type of fruit of the goat’s beard is legume. http://www.wildflower. org/plants/ result.php?i d_plant=ar di8 Figure 4: Fruit of goat’s beard http://www.wild y/result.php?id_ image=9162

7 Habitat and Range The goat’s beard is easily grown in average, medium to wet, well- drained soil. It is best in full sun to part shade. The goat’s beard prefers part shade, near the south of its range where the soil is fertile. http://www. ardeninghelp /plantfinder/ plant.asp?co de=J430 http:// plants. usda.g ov/jav a/profi le?sym bol=A RDI8 Figure 5: Range Map of goat’s beard

8 Uses This plant is an excellent plant for show. It is best near a body of water or a garden. http://www.m eninghelp/plan tfinder/plant.a sp?code=J430 Figure 6: Uses of goat’s beard http://ww /hort/cons umer/facts heets/wild flowers/ar uncus_dioi cus.html

9 Text References

10 Picture References


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