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V3L16V4L14.   A young animal that eats meat (bear, lion, tiger) Cub.

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Presentation on theme: "V3L16V4L14.   A young animal that eats meat (bear, lion, tiger) Cub."— Presentation transcript:

1 V3L16V4L14

2   A young animal that eats meat (bear, lion, tiger) Cub

3   baby fox kit

4   a baby pig piglet

5   A baby goose gosling

6   Young born to cows, whales, or elephants calf

7   A young horse or donkey foal

8   A young swan cygnet

9   A young deer fawn

10   A young goat kid

11   A baby kangaroo joey

12   A male sheep ram

13   A female sheep ewe

14   A male horse stallion

15   A female horse mare

16   A male swan cob

17   A female swan pen

18   A male deer buck

19   A female deer doe

20  A male goat billy

21   A female goat nanny

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