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The Lesser Gods of Olympus & Earth

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Presentation on theme: "The Lesser Gods of Olympus & Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lesser Gods of Olympus & Earth
English I

2 Eros Cupid God of Love Son of Aphrodite Married to Psyche

3 Graces 3 daughters of Zeus Represent Splendor, Mirth & Good Cheer
Always together

4 Muses 9 daughters of Zeus Goddesses of music, poetry & the arts
Inspire men Each muse has a specialty Calliope: muse of epic poetry

5 Demeter (Ceres) Goddess of the Corn & Harvest Mother of Persephone
Lives on Earth

6 Dionysus (Bacchus) God of Wine Lives on Earth Mother was mortal
Can bring joy, but can also cause madness & brutality

7 Pan Son of Hermes Part man, part goat Companion of the nymphs
Played the pipes

8 Satyrs & Centaurs Satyr: half man, half goat
Centaur: half man, half horse

9 Nymphs & Dryads Nymphs: minor nature goddesses that lived in rivers, trees, caves, etc. Dryads: tree nymphs

10 Gorgons 3 females 2 are immortal, the 3rd is Medusa
Gaze turns men into stone

11 The Graiae Sisters of the Gorgons Old gray women Share an eye

12 The Fates Clotho: the Spinner
Lachesis: Disposer of Lots (assigns destiny) Atropos: cuts the thread at death

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