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Sheep Project Tempera Paint. Divide circles into smaller shapes – use light pencil lines Begin painting.

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Presentation on theme: "Sheep Project Tempera Paint. Divide circles into smaller shapes – use light pencil lines Begin painting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sheep Project Tempera Paint

2 Divide circles into smaller shapes – use light pencil lines Begin painting

3 Paint needs to be smooth, even, solid Don’t paint over wet paint! It will lift!

4 Start adding patterns on top of dry, painted circles I like to lightly sketch my patterns with pencil first, then outline with marker

5 Here’s what it looks like with all the patterns finished Fill the space Not too much black colored in – let the painted tints show through!

6 Now let’s sketch the head and legs Use a kite shape for the head Then round the edges Add ears and googly eyes

7 Mix a pale orange and paint the face and legs Add a bit more red and while base color is still wet, paint shadow color

8 Cut out the circles, head and legs Glue to black paper, head in upper right corner, circles to left of head across the paper Make a “fluffy” outline with colored pencil

9 Fill in space with “dots” of paint – dip dowel rods into paint and use like a stamp Use different tints throughout

10 Our finished sheep!

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