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Animal Health Ms. Blakeley Glen Rose FFA lesson webpage (

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1 Animal Health Ms. Blakeley Glen Rose FFA lesson webpage (

2 What Causes Disease? ÊGerms: bacteria, viruses, protozoa ËParasites: worms, insects –Infestations: external parasites –Infectious: internal disease ÌInjury: handling, facilities ÍInherited Genes ÎPoor Nutrition: easiest to correct –toxic materials in plants, nitrogen content –chemicals for insect control

3 Disease Infectious Disease: spread by contact Confinement Systems: disease easily spread Animal Waste: host for germs Soil Born Disease: live in soil –hog diseases –anthrax: bury animals deep, cover with lime or burn –feline distemper –do NOT drag dead animals –alternate pastures

4 Disease From water & feed: chemical residues, waste From air: germs, chemicals, mosquitoes host disease Diseases divided according to how rapid they progress: Acute: rapid progression (cholera, bloat, mastitis) all generally have a rapid increase in body temperature Chronic: last a long time (cancer), costly to fight Some are localized: mastitis, pink eye

5 Vital Signs ÊPulse: high under left fore flank or over jawbone ËRespiration: rate of breathing ÌTemperature: most reliable & constant –taken rectally –rise of 3 deg F is considered serious Symptoms: not eat, isolate self, lack alertness, mucous discharge, droopy, lowered head, swelling, bleeding, abnormal bowel movements, worms in feces, unusual walk, abnormal behavior

6 Disease Prevention Sanitation: most important Vaccination: build up antibodies to fight disease Some diseases (tetanus) animals can’t be saved once they show signs –separate from herd –humanely kill and dispose of

7 Parasite Control Some parasites may be passed to humans –trichina, bladder worms Worming usually done in spring Insecticides: apply manually or cattle rub Tick: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever in humans Sanitation: remove waste, disinfect floors & walls, remove dead animals, insect & rodent control, repair equipment, proper bedding Hog house: steam clean & disinfect Pile manure to kill germs (heat)


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