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Infection Control S.G. Harnisch on behalf of NDSA.

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Presentation on theme: "Infection Control S.G. Harnisch on behalf of NDSA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infection Control S.G. Harnisch on behalf of NDSA

2 Infection Control Standard There are 8 Standards: Standard 1 - sets the context Standard 2 – governance Standard 3 – infection control team Standard 4 – policies and procedures

3 Infection Control Standard Standard 5 – education Standard 6 – surveillance Standard 7 – antimicrobial usage Standard 8 – quality and risk management

4 Contract Audit Requirements Infection Control Management Documentation and Implementation: Residential and non-residential services Within the context of the services provided Residential services need to implement the Infection Control Standard as part of their certification

5 Considerations Protecting yourself Preventing yourself from spreading diseases Prevention of spread of infection between people who are the people I deal with? Are there particular clients for whom I may need to take special precautions

6 Considerations What kind of contact do I have with clients What are the jobs I do, that may involve increased risk of exposure to infection (example: preparing food, handling money) What tools or equipment do I use which are a potential source of spreading infection (incl. phone, computer)

7 Considerations How do we need to clean those tools and equipment What are the potential sources for spread of infection in my environment (furniture, examination tables, doorknobs, telephones, toys, washrooms, sinks) How do we need to clean, disinfect or sterilize the environment

8 Standard 1 Is an introduction to the standard How does infection control fit into the bigger picture of the organisation Defining a clear purpose of infection control and management for your specific service Accountabilities are defined Getting clear with obligations and legislation

9 Standard 2- Governance Creating an environment which minimizes infections Integrating infection control measures in the organisations risk management system Ensuring training occurs – need to decide whether this will include clients/consumers

10 Standard 2 - Governance Ensuring that a infection control committee is established and functional Ensure that a infection control reporting structure is in place

11 Standard 3 – Infection Control Team Can be a mixture of internal and external people Negotiate with the DHB infection control staff how/if they are willing to play a role Establish a infection control committee with a TOR which includes all aspects from the standard

12 Standard 4-Policies and Procedures Discuss and discern what is relevant Most area’s in the manual provided apply to all services Standard precautions apply to every and all services

13 Standard Precautions Hand hygiene Personal protective equipment when handling blood, body fluid and substances Handling of client care equipment and soiled linen Prevention of needle stick/sharp injuries Environmental cleaning Handling of waste Taking care of yourself – Immunization for example

14 Standard 5 - Education Training for staff Training for clients What training is necessary All services to train in standard precautions

15 Standard 6 - Surveillance Use the result of the consideration principles to discern what needs to be monitored and audited Use quality systems to manage any findings – continuous improvement measures, corrective action requests Report to the ICC or whatever structure is in place

16 Standard 7- Antimicrobial Usage Is this only relevant to residential providers? Other services have any educational role? Refer to infection control manual for details

17 Standard 8 – Quality and Risk Management Use a quality and risk management model: Identify possible risks Identify possible risks Implement measures to minimise those risks Implement measures to minimise those risks Pro-actively monitor those risks Pro-actively monitor those risks Improve risk management measures Improve risk management measures Analyse any findings of your surveillance, monitoring data and audits Analyse any findings of your surveillance, monitoring data and audits Develop measures to avoid/manage any infection control incidents/occurrences/findings Develop measures to avoid/manage any infection control incidents/occurrences/findings

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