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QED v LED Thomas Prevenslik QED Radiations Discovery Bay, Hong Kong QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 1.

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Presentation on theme: "QED v LED Thomas Prevenslik QED Radiations Discovery Bay, Hong Kong QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 QED v LED Thomas Prevenslik QED Radiations Discovery Bay, Hong Kong QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 1

2 Introduction QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights In 2014, LED lighting at VIS levels received Nobel Prize But extending LEDs to UV-C disinfection applications may be difficult. The EQE of UV-C LEDs is a few percent compared to 40-50% in UV-A LEDs EQE = external quantum efficiency Chip manufacturing is thought the key in UV-C development But is there another way of creating UV-C? 2

3 Proposal QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights QED induced EM radiation replaces LEDs QED = quantum electrodynamics EM = electromagnetic Applying a nano coating to a heated surface avoids natural convection and conserves heat by emission of QED induced VIS and UV-C light instead of the usual temperature increase Suggesting: QED is the FOURTH mode of Heat Transfer? ( 3 modes known: Conduction, Radiation, Convection) 3

4 4 th Mode of Heat Transfer QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Nano Coating avoids natural convection and conserves supplied heat by QED radiation instead of a temperature increase Supplied heat Macro Coating Natural convection QED radiation Nano Coating Substrate 4r

5 Operating Principle QED converts the supplied heat to UV-C radiation because the temperature of the nano-coating cannot increase by QM. QM = Quantum Mechanics QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 5

6 Theory QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Heat Capacity of the Atom Conservation of Energy TIR Confinement Coating Thickness ZnO Coating 6

7 Heat Capacity of the Atom 7 Nanostructures kT 0.0258 eV Classical Physics (kT > 0) QM (kT = 0) QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights In nano coatings, the atom has no heat capacity by QM

8 QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Conservation of Energy Lack of heat capacity by QM precludes EM energy conservation in nano coatings by an increase in temperature, but how does conservation proceed? Proposal Absorbed EM energy is conserved by creating QED radiation in the nano coating - by frequency up - conversion to the TIR resonance of the nano coating TIR = Total Internal Reflection 8

9 If the refractive index of nanostructure is greater than that of surroundings, the proposed QED photons are confined by TIR ( Tyndall, 1870 ) Nano coatings have high surface to volume ratio. EM energy is absorbed almost totally in the coating surface. QED radiation is created upon EM energy absorption. f = c/ = 2nd E = hf d = coating thickness TIR Confinement 9 QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights

10 Coating Thickness QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 10

11 ZnO Coating QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Insuring TIR confinement requires the RI of the coating to be greater than that of the substrate. For ZnO coating having n = 2.5, the QED emission from 50 nm thicknesses produces EM radiation from UV-C at 254 nm that may be transmitted through air and water 11

12 Design Criteria QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Theme Body Heat Disinfection Dosage 12

13 Presentation Theme QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights "To make a flashlight that runs on the heat of the human hand.“ Ann Makosinski from British Columbia, a 16 year old student, developed an LED flashlight powered by body heat. See T. Nguyen, “This Flashlight Is Powered by the Touch of Your Hand,”, March 24, 2014 13

14 Body Heat QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Total human body heat is about 100 W. Since the average surface area for adult men and women is about 1.75 m 2, the body heat Q is, Q = = 57.1 W/m 2 = 5.71 mW / cm 2 14

15 Disinfection Dosage QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights UV light as a disinfectant penetrates an organism’s cell walls and scrambles the genes to preclude reproduction. The optimum UV wavelength range to destroy bacteria is between 250 and 270 nm. For UV-C = 254 nm and Q = 5.71 mW / cm 2, To disinfect drinking water, US HEW require a UV-C dose of 16 – 38 mJ / cm 2 or 3 – 6 second duration The UV-C dose necessary to disinfect the Ebola virus is 0.4 mJ / cm 2 requires < 1 second scans. 15

16 Applications QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Drinking Water Ebola Moore’s Law Flashlights 16

17 Drinking Water QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Introduction Boiling Water Alternatives QED Solution 17

18 Introduction QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 18 China’s massive population poses difficult environmental challenges for a nation of some 1.2 billion people. Over 3.5 million tons of sewage waste per day requires extensive treatment facilities which are not available Perhaps half of all Chinese — 600 million people — drink water that is contaminated by human waste and are subjected to waterborne pathogens and health concerns.

19 Boiling Water QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights WHO estimates that 64% of all premature deaths in China are related to water-borne pathogens consumed by a majority of the nation's population that cannot afford bottled water Even with bottled water, the consumer never knows if it is indeed safe. Water is most directly disinfected by boiling at the point of use, but except for water boiling units in restaurants is not available to the individual consumer. 19

20 Alternatives QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Diarrheal diseases can be reduced 30–40% with filtered purifiers, but less than 5% of Chinese homes currently have filtered purifiers, despite costing only 200 – 300 USD Water pumped through ceramic filters coated with silver NPs are known to provide antimicrobial action by damaging the DNA of bacteria, but NPs that come off the filter and enter the body damage human DNA  cancer Currently, LEDs in the UV-C are thought to provide the optimum point of use disinfection of drinking water, but still require a source of electrical power 20

21 QED Solution QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights QED induced UV-C radiation using hand-held nano-coated bowls to disinfect drinking water with body heat instead of electrical power 21

22 Ebola QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Introduction QED Solution Operating Principle Summary 22

23 The Ebola virus is a West African concern. In the United States, Ebola disinfection includes electric powered hand-held systems that produce a UV-C radiation Protocol for Ebola disinfection in the U.S. is too complex and costly in the developing world requiring unavailable sources of electricity. Introduction 23 QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights

24 QED Solution QED induced EM radiation from body heat in a hand-held nano- coated bowl called an Ebowla is proposed to provide the UV- C to inexpensively disinfect Ebola without electricity. QED = quantum electrodynamics EM = electromagnetic. QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 24

25 Operating Principle The EBOWLA converts body heat from the hand holding the bowl to UV-C radiation because the temperature of the nano-coating cannot increase by QM. QM = Quantum Mechanics QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 25

26 EBOWLA 26 QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights

27 Summary 27 QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights The EBOWLA is suited for disinfecting Ebola in the developing world that lacks sources of electricity. Costs are minimal allowing free distribution by governments to individuals. The EBOWLA may also serve to disinfect drinking water Once exposed to the virus, Ebola workers discard protective suits– an expensive procedure in West Africa. By adding an appropriate nano coating, the suits continually emit UV-C to remove attached Ebola viruses and allow re-use.

28 EUV and Moore’s Law QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Introduction Problems QED Lithography 28

29 Introduction QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 29 Moore’s law says the number of transistors on a chip should double every two years Lithography is required that shrinks transistor geometry by 30% every two years In sustaining Moore’s law in the future, the EUV light source is the “holy grail” of chip development

30 QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Problems In the next generation of chips, the EUV source using LPP lithography at 13.5 nm is challenging Moore’s law LPP = laser produced plasma LPP uses high power CO2 lasers to vaporize solid targets, the atomic emission producing 13.5 nm EUV light LPP lithography is both complex and very expensive (120 million USD) Proposed QED lithography is simple and inexpensive EUV wavelength = 2 n d d = coating thickness 30

31 LPP / QED Light Sources QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights LPP QED QED induces the heat supplied to the backside of the spherical lens to be converted to EUV light Use d ~ 3 nm zinc oxide coating on the lens front surface 31

32 Flashlight QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Introduction Peltier Design Peltier v. QED QED Flashlight 32

33 Introduction QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 33 The challenge in using body heat to power a flashlight is electricity produced from thermal energy is usually too weak to run most common devices. Makosinski used the Peltier effect to produce the voltage to power a LED bulb when the temperature differential is only 5 C

34 Peltier Design QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights Makosinski mounted the Peltier tiles on an open-ended aluminum tube which allowed ambient air to cool the inside of the tube. Body heat Q from the palm of the hand warmed the tiles to produce a temperature difference of 5 C  VIS light. Ambient Air Q  T = 5 C Peltier tiles LED VIS 33

35 Peltier v. QED QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights The QED flashlight converts 100 % of the body heat to VIS light compared to the 40-50% efficiency of the LED bulb powered by the Peltier effect. To commercialize the hand-held Peltier flashlight, the brightness should be at least 90 lumens. LED efficacy = 60 requires power = 1.5 W. But Makosinski’s flashlight produces only 24 lumens or about 0.4 W Since body heat Q = 5.71 mW / cm 2, the QED flashlight with 100% conversion requires 0.75 W or area of 130 cm 2 giving a 4 cm diameter x 10 cm long flashlight 34

36 QED Flashlight QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights QED induced VIS light using body heat requires the inside of an aluminum tube be provided with a 100 nm thick zinc oxide coating which may be difficult to control Roll-up flat shapes of 1 mm thick aluminum coated with 100 nm zinc oxide; Insert into a 4 cm diameter x 5 mm thick x 10 cm long aluminum tube Q VIS Tube Insert 35

37 Collaboration QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights The applications of QED induced EM radiation in: UV-C disinfection of diseases and VIS flashlight require development and testing Collaboration with interested parties is solicited. 36

38 Questions & Papers Email: QED v. LED in UV-C Disinfection and Flashlights 37

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