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Microbiological ecology

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1 Microbiological ecology
FS0103 1 2000

2 Microbiological ecology
Microbes are everywhere air ‹ water ‹ food ‹ soil ‹ humans (e.g. gut, nose, skin) ‹ surfaces FS0103 2 2000

3 The Salmonella (non typhi) cycle
Effluent, slurry and sludge Slaughter houses Wildlife reservoirs Human food Farm animals Animal Pets Man importation Animal feeds Imported animal / Meat / bone meal, dried Imported vegetable protein Offal poultry waste, etc. food FS0103 3 2000

4 Transmission of Campylobacter
FS0103 4 2000

5 Main factors affecting survival and growth
temperature time pH available water oxygen FS0103 5 2000

6 will have a normal flora
Raw materials will have a normal flora meat poultry fish and shellfish cereals and pulses milk egg products vegetables, fruits and nuts spices oils and fats water FS0103 6 2000

7 Importance of raw materials
meat and meat products poultry and poultry products fish and shellfish milk eggs and egg products vegetables, fruits and nuts cereals and pulses spices oils and fats water FS0103 7 2000

8 Meat and meat products hazards
Salmonella S. aureus Yersinia enterocolitica C. perfringens C. botulinum Pathogenic E. coli Listeria monocytogenes Parasites FS0103 8 2000

9 The contamination chain for meat
Cross contamination Cross contamination Infected Cross Cross contamination Slaughter portion contamination Butcher Pass Jointed meat Cross Fail -- contamination diseased or contaminated Blood and tissue drip FS0103 9 2000

10 Hazards in milk Mycobacterium Brucella Salmonella L. Monocytogenes
E. coli S. aureus Bacillus Clostridium Campylobacter FS 2000

11 Outbreaks of disease due to milk in UK
Number of cases 1960- Streptococcus infection 5331 875 Diphtheria 773 37 Typhoid + paratyphoid 3229 334 No data are available for tuberculosis, brucellosis and salmonellosis FS 2000

12 Poultry and poultry products
Salmonella Campylobacter C. Perfringens S. Aureus Y. enterocolitica L. monocytogenes FS 2000

13 Contamination risks with frozen poultry
Infected manure and feed Processing Serving Ambient storage Foodborne Disease Contaminated water, Insufficient thawing equipment and surfaces Cooking Thawing Packing, Freezing Contaminated drip FS 2000

14 Eggs and egg products - hazards
Salmonella! FS 2000

15 Fish and shellfish - hazards
Bacteria ‹ C. botulinum type E ‹ Vibrio parahaemolyticus ‹ Vibrio vulnificus ‹ Vibrio cholerae ‹ L. Monocytogene Parasites Viruses ‹ Hepatitis A virus ‹ Norwalk virus FS 2000

16 Vegetables, fruits and nuts - hazards
Bacteria ‹ Salmonella ‹ Shigella ‹ V. cholerae ‹ L. monocytogenes ‹ Enterotoxigenic E.coli ‹ Clostridium botulinum Hepatitis A and other enteric viruses Parasites Moulds FS 2000

17 Cereals - hazards Moulds Salmonella B. cereus FS 2000

18 Spices - hazards C. Perfringens B. Cereus Salmonella Moulds FS0103 18

19 Oils and fats adulterants chemical contaminants FS 2000

20 Ecology of foodborne pathogens Key Messages
Some originate from animals ‹ Salmonella ‹ Campylobacter ‹ E. coli Some come from plants and soil ‹ Moulds ‹ B. cereus ‹ C. botulinum FS 2000

21 Ecology of foodborne pathogens Key Messages
Some originate in the sea ‹ V. parahaemolyticus ‹ C. botulinum Type E ‹ V. cholerae Some originate from man ‹ Viruses ‹ S. typhi ‹ S. aureus ‹ Shigella FS 2000

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