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Science Embryology: Lesson 3: Broiler Chickens The BIG Question: What are the two types of chickens and the differences between them?

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Presentation on theme: "Science Embryology: Lesson 3: Broiler Chickens The BIG Question: What are the two types of chickens and the differences between them?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Science Embryology: Lesson 3: Broiler Chickens

3 The BIG Question: What are the two types of chickens and the differences between them?


5 POULTRY The term poultry includes all the birds that may be raised on a farm. Turkeys, chickens, duck, geese, even quail are all included under the term poultry. The chicken is by far the most important bird to humans. There are basically two kinds or types of chicken: broilers or fryers which are raised for meat and layers which are used to produce eggs.


7 Act 1

8 Will the real broiler chicken please speak up?


10 Act 1


12 Seven Week Old Broiler Chicken

13 At 38 weeks old, I already weigh 2.249 kilograms. That’s just about 5 pounds!


15 Will the real broiler chicken please speak up?

16 Act 2


18 Eggs at a Hatchery

19 Incubators at large hatcheries can hold 100,000 eggs at one time!

20 Chicks Ready to be Shipped

21 Will the real broiler chicken please speak up?


23 Act 3


25 Broiler House

26 Inside the Broiler House

27 Broilers get plenty of food… …and water.

28 Will the real broiler chicken please speak up?


30 Act 4


32 Inside the Broiler House

33 At the Processing Plant

34 At the Grocery Store

35 Will the real broiler chicken please speak up?


37 Act 5



40 Will the real broiler chicken please speak up?

41 Sum it up! How do broiler chickens get from the farm to the grocery store?

42 incubator hatchery One boxesbroiler 95°F food water 7-8 processing cleaned grocery store

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