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Conducted by Jonathan Pradubsook with Ong Hong Kiat Medical Resource Librarians.

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Presentation on theme: "Conducted by Jonathan Pradubsook with Ong Hong Kiat Medical Resource Librarians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conducted by Jonathan Pradubsook with Ong Hong Kiat Medical Resource Librarians

2 Training Objectives 2 Quality Information Resources LINC versus Databases eg. PubMed Journal Citation Reports PubMed - Learn How to: formulate a search strategy search PubMed effectively manage search results (citations) create current awareness profile (optional) access full-text articles Assessment and feedback

3 Quality Information Resources 3 Resource evaluation criteria Authority -- author’s credentials, expert? Accuracy -- valid and reliable Objectivity and purpose -- any bias? Review process -- peer-reviewed? Suitability -- academic/scholarly, journal – e.g. impact factor Timeliness -- when information published? Taken from & accessed 23 Sep 2011: Resources in NUS Libraries have been evaluated by librarians e.g. PubMed and databases & resources listed in Subject Guidedatabases & resources listed in Subject Guide (

4 Citation for Book authors book title year publisher Jonathan Stark. 2010. Building Android apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, c2010 place of publication

5 Citation for Book Chapter authors book chapter title Vladimír Fuka, Josef Brechler & Aleš Jirk. 2010 Modelling of stratified and turbulent flow. In Dragutin T. Mihailovic & Carlo Gualtieri (ed.), Advances in environmental fluid mechanics, 67-86. Singapore: World Scientific. year publisherbook titlepageseditors

6 Citation for Journal Article author article title Qing Li. 2010. Cyberbullying in high schools: A study of students’ behaviors and beliefs about this new phenomenon. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 19: 372-392. year pagesjournal titlevolume

7 7 What you CAN search in LINC Book Titles: Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of counseling psychology. New York: Wiley. Journal Titles: Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work What you CAN’T search in LINC Journal Articles Newspaper Articles Boey, K. M. (1998). Social network and the subjective well-being of the elderly in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work, 8 (2), 5-15.

8 Examples of Journal titles 8

9 9 Locating Journal Article If journal title is in abbreviated form, use Advanced Search. Example: Hum. Pathol. 34(9):950-4

10 What journals to read? ConsiderationHow to Check Quality impact journals Impact factor/journal ranking in Journal Citation Reports database Journal Citation Reports Peer-reviewed journalsUlrichsWebUlrichsWeb (database), Journal website (editorial process), PubMed (Medline) journals Reviews (because they often serve as alternatives for earlier literature) Limit database literature search by document type to review articles Highly cited papers Citation count ranking in Web of Science, Scopus Paper authored / recommended by experts in your a field 1.Citation count ranking in Web of Science, Scopus 2.F1000 Medicine ReportsF1000 Medicine Reports Recommendation from your professors, supervisors 10

11 What is Impact Factor? Measures how frequently the average article in a journal has been cited in the past 2 years. Makes use of citation and article counts from Web of Science databases. Journal Citation Reports (JCR) lists impact factors by alphabetical list or subject categories.Journal Citation Reports Not be possible to obtain impact factor of a journal not covered in Web of Science databases. Youtube video on JCR Impact factor: 11

12 PubMed 12 Learn How to: formulate a search strategy search PubMed effectively manage search results (citations) create current awareness profiles access full-text articles

13 13 How to Access PubMed 1. Library Portal On Campus & Off Campus Access Benefit: Directly access to full-text articles via electronic journals subscribed by NUS Libraries 2. Google

14 Resources are for your research and study Avoid excessive photocopying or downloading Copyright violations may have serious consequences COPYRIGHT ACT photocopying and printing:  10% or 1 chapter of book  1 article in a journal issue

15 15 Navigating Around PubMed

16 PubMed Layout 16

17 Display Results Display Results in Abstract format 17

18 18 Locate Full-text Articles 1.If you accessed PubMed from the Library Portal, click on publisher icon

19 2.Use full journal title to check LINC – get full title by mousing over journal abbreviation in PubMed or click on title or use Journals in NCBI Databases 3.Use the proxy bookmarklet =1665215 =1665215 19 Access Full Text

20 20 Googled leukemia stem cells Unable to get access to the full text articles? 57 57 Library Proxy Bookmarklet

21 21 Google leukemia stem cells Can you get access to the full text articles? 57 57 Library Proxy Bookmarklet

22 22 Copyright and Licensing Take note of the limitations for copying & downloading For personal research or study, can print/download 10% or 1 chapter of book or work 1 article in a journal issue No excessive copying or downloading. Penalties imposed for violation.

23 Search Strategy Define/Given search topic Identify relevant database (s) –e.g. PubMed Construct search statement Run search Refine search if necessary 23

24 PubMed Search 24 MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) Keyword Refine a search

25 25 Keyword versus MeSH Search KeywordMeSH Broader, less preciseSpecific - Restrict Search to Medical Subject Heading [MeSH] Even more specific – Restrict to major medical subject headings (major topic heading) [majr] Retrieves all kinds of records, including the latest (as supplied by publisher) = PubMed Retrieves citations indexed with MeSH terms (time lag, older) = Medline Useful there is no MeSH term available to represent the concept Consistent way to retrieve information that may use different terminology for the same concept

26 Comparing Keyword, MeSH and Major MeSH Searches 26 keyword Major MeSH MeSH broadest, least precise, current narrowest, most precise, slightly dated

27 U sing Advanced Search for Specific Field Searching 27 Choose the field you want to search and add your search term to the search box Do this for each individual search term

28 28 AND is used to indicate that both terms must be present e.g. A AND B articles containing both A and B OR is used to indicate that either terms maybe present e.g. A OR B articles containing either A or B Boolean Operators AB AB

29 29

30 Fast Food and the Risk of Heart Disease 30

31 31

32 1. Find just this article 2. Find related articles 32

33  Concept A AND Concept B AND Concept C (A1 OR A2 OR A3) AND (B1 OR B2) AND (C1 OR C2 OR C3) Concept A Concept B Concept C Term ‘A1’ OR Term ‘A2’ OR Term ‘A3’ Term ‘C1’ OR Term ‘C2’ OR Term ‘C3’ Term ‘B1’ OR Term ‘B2’ “ Block Building” “ Block Building” AND Question: Is A related to B and C?

34  (vaccination) AND (autism)  (vaccination OR immunization OR vaccines) AND (autism OR autistic OR kanner’s syndrome) vaccination autism vaccination OR immunization OR vaccines autism OR autistic OR kanner’s sydrome “ Block Building” “ Block Building” AND Is vaccination related to autism?

35 Search Statement 35 Topic (vaccination OR immunization OR vaccines) AND (autism OR autistic OR Kanner’s syndrome) Search Statement Concepts Keywords Is vaccination related to autism? vaccinationautism vaccineautistic vaccinesKanner’s syndrome

36 Search Statement 36 Topic (vaccination OR vaccine OR vaccines OR vaccin*) AND (autism OR autistic OR kanner’s syndrome OR autis* ) Search Statement Concepts Keywords Is vaccination related to autism? vaccinationautism vaccineautistic vaccinesKanner’s syndrome vaccin*autism*

37 Truncation 37 Vaccine* - vaccine, vaccines… Vaccin* - vaccination,vaccinations, vaccinator, vaccinating… Vac* - vacation, vaccine… vacuum, vacuole… Take Note: PubMed only searches the first 600 variations

38 38 Hands-on – PubMed Keyword Search 1.Type vaccination. Click Go. Note results. Click Details. Note ATM. Click Clear. 2.Type vaccination OR vaccine OR vaccines OR vaccine*. Click Go. Note results. Click Clear. 3.Type autism OR autistic OR kanner’s syndrome. Click Go. Note results. Note wildcard search message. Click Details. Note ATM. Click Clear.

39 PubMed Keyword Search Search vaccination Search results – broad, not precise, current 39

40 Keyword Search – Search History Click Advanced Search to display Search History 40

41 Keyword Search – Combining Search Sets Combine sets numbers (prefixed #) with boolean operator AND in upper case. 41 (A1 OR A2 OR A3 OR A4) AND (B1 OR B2 OR B3)

42 MeSH Search – MeSH Database Clear previous search Select MeSH from databases drop-down menu 42 click MeSH

43 MeSH Search – Finding Valid MeSH Search for valid MeSH for concept 1 43 Valid MeSH terms with definitions

44 Searching Major MeSH Term 44 Tick checkbox

45 Entry Terms in MeSH Database 45 If you need to expand your search, consider these synonyms in keyword search Entry terms are non MeSH terms – not authorised vocabulary

46 Searching Major MeSH in PubMed Send selected MeSH Term to PubMed Search Box 46

47 Comparing Keyword, MeSH and Major MeSH Searches 47 keyword Major MeSH MeSH broadest, least precise, current narrowest, most precise, slightly dated

48 Refine a Search using Filters 48 Located at the left side of the search results Choose suitable filters depending on what you are looking for Select additional filters if necessary Most commonly used: Article Types, Language

49 Review search history and pick best search for alerts to new results 49 Create Search Alerts

50 50 Search Alerts

51 Save your search 51 Search Alerts - settings

52 Set your settings for your search alert 52 Search Alerts - settings

53 53 Search Alerts - settings Manage your saved searches by clicking on “My NCBI” to access the NCBI dashboard

54 54 Avoid Plagiarism – Cite Properly Avoid Plagiarism : NUS Honour CodeNUS Honour Code Acknowledge intellectual debt Lend support to arguments by referring to authoritative sources Help readers verify your claims Show research done “Makes you look good on paper”

55 A software that: stores & organizes citations found from many sources inserts these citations into a Word document automatically formats your references according to a predefined citation style

56 Summary 56 Quality Information Resource LINC versus Databases eg. PubMed Journal Citation Reports PubMed - Learn How to: formulate a search strategy search PubMed effectively manage search results (citations) create current awareness profile (optional) access full-text articles Assessment and feedback

57 57 We are always here for you! Medical / Science Library Information Desk: 6516 2046 Email : or Website:

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