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I/ITSEC Tutorial #1019 The Basics of the M&S VV&A Process Simone Youngblood The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Agenda Definitions The VV&A Processes VV&A as Applied to the Simulation Categories The Key Players Conceptual Model Documentation Conclusion
What is Verification? The process of determining that a model or simulation implementation and its associated data accurately represents the developer's conceptual description and specifications. Addresses the structural integrity and the stability of the model Goal: Did I build the model or simulation RIGHT ?
What is Validation? The process of determining the degree to which a model or simulation and its associated data are an accurate representation of the real world from the perspective of the intended uses of the model. Addresses the representational aspects of the model or simulation Goal: Did I build the RIGHT model or simulation?
What is Accreditation? The official certification that a model or simulation and its associated data are acceptable for use for a specific purpose. The accreditation decision is based on an accreditation assessment of the V&V evidence. Goal: Are the results of the M&S FIT FOR PURPOSE and USEFUL for making decisions?
The Balancing Act RiskResourcesVV&A Balancing the cost of knowing against the risk of assuming.
The VV&A Processes
VV&A and the Problem Solving Process From the DOD RPG
Tailoring Guidance for VV&A : Stay Focused on the Problem Maintain a problem orientation Understand the relationships between –The problem being solved –The role of M&S in the problem –The role of VV&A in establishing M&S credibility If the problem is too complex, decompose it into workable units –Ensure that you are still trying to solve the same problem Focus on accreditation Ensure that the V&V evidence is clearly applicable to the intended purpose - solving ‘this’ problem
Tailoring Guidance for VV&A : Understand the Requirements Define the explicit problem requirements What specific questions are to be answered? How will M&S be used? What does the M&S need to do? How good does the M&S need to be? Define what question(s) need to be answered... Assess the completeness, correctness, and consistency of the M&S requirements Define the acceptability criteria needed to assess M&S attributes Identify the M&S options, the VV&A credibility needs, and the level of resources necessary to meet defined requirements An explicit statement of the requirements is the most important aspect of cost-effective VV&A and the hardest to come by
Tailoring Guidance for VV&A : Know the Level of Credibility Required Credibility is Defined by the Customer - but it has a cost Ensure that the User determines the level of credibility needed Ensure the level of credibility is explicitly defined by the Acceptability Criteria Credibility and Risk Assessment - know the limits & tolerances How will incorrect simulation results affect the ‘end user’ decision What are the costs in time and resources Tailor Risk Analysis to Level of Credibility Requirements Determine how much evidence will be needed to accredit M&S Determine the impact of NOT doing (or failing) V&V Provide mechanisms to facilitate development of workaround strategies and assessment of these solutions
Tailoring Guidance for VV&A: Determine How to Optimize Resources Not all V&V supports Accreditation to the same extent Understand what each type of V&V evidence ‘buys’ you relative to the cost of producing it Determine which techniques to apply to derive required level of credibility Try to avoid (re)doing it all yourself Capitalize on existing VV&A information whenever possible Know how to extract useful data from software V&V results Cooperative application of resources : use common VV&A data elements and report structure The VV&A Templates provides a common structure for documenting VV&A information Each of the Services has adopted a common database structure for their M&S Resource Repositories
VV&A as Applied to the Simulation Categories
Simulation Categories New M&S Development Any stand-alone model or simulation under development being built to address the intended purpose or purposes of the User. Legacy Any model or simulation that was developed either in the past or for a different purpose. Federation A system of interacting models and/or simulations, with supporting infrastructure, based on a common understanding of the objects portrayed in the system.
VV&A and New M&S Development ` ACCREDITATION PROCESS PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS Establish Objectives Define Problem Accept & Record Solution Analyze Results Non-M&S Methods M&S USE PROCESS Select Approaches Select Approaches Apply Results Apply Results Repository Execute and Prepare Results yes no Make Accreditation Decision Develop New M&S Define M&S Rqmts Plan Approach M&S Method M&S DEVELOPMENT/PREPARATION PROCESS Refine M&S Rqmts Plan M&S Develop -ment Develop Con- ceptual Model Imple- ment & Test Develop Design Collect and Evaluate Accreditation Information Perform Accreditation Assessment Perform Accreditation Assessment Develop Accreditation Plan V&V PROCESS Verify Design Validate Concep -tual Model Verify Imple- ment- ation Validate Results Verify Rqmts Develop V&V Plan Prepare M&S for Use
Challenge Issues that Impact VV&A Implementation The lack of a well defined referent Determining how to use and when to use Subject Matter Experts The lack of insight into the M&S The lack of M&S stability Starting the V&V/A process “late” Keeping the second “V” in V&V
VV&A and Legacy M&S Is There Sufficient Info to Assess the M&S? NO Refine Requirements And Verify Obtain Needed Information and Verify NO YES NO Plan/Conduct Accreditation Assessment Plan M&S Modification Modify and Verify Use As-Is Use As-Is or Modify? Reject M&S Are the Requirements Adequate? Validate Prepare M&S for Use Issue Accreditation Decision AA User AA Define Requirements User AA Select Legacy M&S AA VV User Prop User AA, VV VV User Prop. User Dev, VV Prop Dev Dev, VV Prop Is the Info on M&S Capability Adequate? Can the M&S be Used? Modify V&V as Needed VV NO YES Prop, Dev AA, VV [ AA ]Accreditation Agent[ User ]User [ Dev ]Developer[ VV ]V&V Agent [ Prop ]M&S Proponent [ AA ]Accreditation Agent[ User ]User [ Dev ]Developer[ VV ]V&V Agent [ Prop ]M&S Proponent VV YES
Advantages of Using Legacy M&S Starting with a legacy simulation may be more expedient, requiring less time and fewer resources than a new development The experience of previous developers and users may be leveraged to establish a knowledge base that can provide guidance and support training Testing and VV&A histories can provide evidence of simulation capabilities and limitations allowing the current effort to focus on high risk areas A legacy simulation with a good reputation for providing credible results in similar applications can increase the simulation’s credibility (i.e., the User’s confidence in the simulation’s ability to address the current situation) due to –the demonstrated ability to address similar requirements –the demonstrated capabilities of the existing simulation –the direct experiences of previous users who successfully applied the simulation to related problems
Disadvantages of Using Legacy M&S The simulation was developed to address different requirements Unexpected and undesirable side effects may occur during execution of the code The simulation comes with specific hardware and software, which may be obsolete The simulation comes with specific data needs, however the data to fulfill those needs may no longer be authoritative or available Information about the simulation and its previous usage may be incomplete or inconsistent Participants (e.g., Accreditation Agent, V&V Agent) may need time up front to acquire knowledge about the simulation
What Can Help Reduce Legacy V&V Cost Documentation that can directly support the accreditation assessment can reduce the burden of an extensive discovery effort Documentation that completely and accurately describes simulation capabilities and use history can reduce the discovery and training costs A simulation under configuration control with an established user community that can provide necessary information can reduce the support and discovery costs Participants familiar with the simulation can reduce the need for extensive training
Scope of the Distributed M&S Problem
Distributed M&S: Technical Interoperability From “HLA and Beyond: Interoperability Challenges” by Dahmann, Salisbury, Barry, Turrell, and Blemberg (99F-SIW-073) Characterized by the ability of federates to physically connect and exchange data Involves the use of common standards, compatible interfaces and coordinated data structures Elements of technical interoperability –Hardware compatibility –Standards compatibility –Time management coordination –Coordinated use of Runtime Infrastructure (RTI) services –Security issues
Distributed M&S: Substantive Interoperability Issues Simulation Interoperability focuses on the capability of federates, when connected, to provide adequate, accurate & consistent simulated representations that adhere to the principles of “fair fight” & address the mission objectives. Elements of Substantive Interoperability Logical interaction between entities modeled in different federates Temporal resolution Spatial resolution Coherent relationships between the components of the physical environment
Top Level View of the VV&A Overlay to the FEDEP (IEEE 1516.4) FEDEP VV&A Overlay to the FEDEP FEDEP INFORMATION & PRODUCTS Plan, Integrate & Test Federation Plan, Integrate & Test Federation Step 5 Validate & Accept Federation Validate & Accept Federation Phase 5 Validate the integrated federation results against the Federation Acceptability Criteria and against the Federation Referent. Formulate federation acceptance/ accreditation recommen- dations. Execute Federation & Prepare Outputs Execute Federation & Prepare Outputs Step 6 V&V Federation Output V&V Federation Output Phase 6 Verify the federation outputs internally. Validate federation output against the Federation Acceptability Criteria and against the Federation Referent. Define Federation Objectives Define Federation Objectives Verify Federation Objectives Phase 1 Verify the Federation Objectives with the User /Sponsor. Define the Federation Acceptability Criteria. Assemble the Federation Referent. Plan the VV&A activities. Step 1 Perform Conceptual Analysis Perform Conceptual Analysis V&V Federation Conceptual Model V&V Federation Conceptual Model Phase 2 Verify the Federation Conceptual Model internally. Validate the Federation Conceptual Model against the Federation Referent and against the Federation Acceptability Criteria. Step 2 Design Federation Design Federation Verify Federation Design Verify Federation Design Phase 3 Verify the Federation Design internally. Verify the Federation Design against the Federation Conceptual Model. Step 3 Develop Federation Develop Federation Verify Federation Development Products Verify Federation Development Products Phase 4 Verify the federation development products internally. Verify the federation development products against the Federation Conceptual Model. Step 4 Analyze Data & Evaluate Results Analyze Data & Evaluate Results Consolidate Federation VV&A Products Consolidate Federation VV&A Products Phase 7 Collect all VV&A products and lessons learned. Assemble them into a VV&A package to support federation reuse. Step 7
Tasks Associated with each VV&A Overlay Phase Verify Federation Design 3.0 Support Selecting Federates Support Preparing Federation Design Contribute to Verifying Federation Design Support Preparing Federation Development & Execution Plan Verify Federation Objectives 1.0 Support Identifying User/Sponsor Needs Plan Accreditation Activities Contribute to Verifying Federation Objectives Support Developing Federation Objectives Assemble Federation Referent Define Federation Acceptability Criteria Plan V&V Activities V&V Federation Conceptual Model 2.0 Support Developing Federation Scenarios Contribute to Verifying Federation Scenarios Contribute to Verifying Federation Requirements Support Developing Federation Requirements Support Developing Federation Conceptual Model Contribute to Verifying Federation Conceptual Model Validate Federation Conceptual Model Validate & Accept Federation 5.0 Support Planning Federation Execution Support Integrating Federation Contribute to Verifying Integrated Federation Support Testing Federation Perform Acceptance Assessment Validate Integrated Federation Results V&V Federation Output 6.0 Support Executing Federation Contribute to Verifying Raw Execution and Derived Output Validate Federation Outputs Consolidate Federation VV&A Products 7.0 Support Analyzing Data Prepare Federation VV&A Products for Reuse V&V Federation Data Sets Verify Federation Development Products 4.0 Support Developing FOM Contribute to Verifying FOM Support Establishing Federation Agreements Contribute to Verifying Federation Agreements Contribute to Verifying Federation Infrastructure Support Implementing Federate Designs Support Implementing Federation Infrastructure
The Key Players
User The User wants to use the simulation to provide an answer or solve a problem; he is concerned that the simulation can provide credible answers. The User defines the objectives and the requirements, scenarios and use cases, and generally serves as the subject matter expert (SME) for issues in the problem and user domains. Ultimately the User is the one who decides whether the simulation is credible enough to use.
Accreditation Agent The Accreditation Agent prepares for and conducts a cost-effective accreditation assessment that results in a logical, sufficient, and fully justified accreditation recommendation to the User. The Accreditation Agent assists the User with activities that help establish the scope of the problem to be addressed. The Accreditation Agent serves as the User’s advocate throughout the M&S development process.
Accreditation Agent Challenges Ensuring the definition of the intended use Using existing V&V documentation Coping with configuration management difficulties Locating appropriate Subject Matter Experts Overcoming delay in appointment of the accreditation agent Obtaining needed resources Communicating the results of the accreditation assessment
V&V Agent The V&V Agent plans and performs the verification and validation (V&V) activities The V&V Agent ensures that sufficient evidence is gathered to demonstrate that the simulation meets the stated requirements in terms of their associated measures and acceptability criteria.
V&V Agent Challenges Obtaining well-defined accreditation information needs Dealing with missing documentation Establishing V&V support system and infrastructure Finding adequate resources Selecting the right people Managing the V&V effort Leveraging configuration management resources Tracking and reporting V&V effort progress
Conceptual Model
Definition “The conceptual model is a simulation developer’s way of translating modeling requirements into a detailed design framework, from which the software, hardware, networks, and systems/equipment that will make up the simulation can be built, modified, or assembled.” from SIW Paper 00F-SIW-019, “Simulation Conceptual Model Development Issues and Implications for Reuse of Simulation Components” by Dr. Dale Pace
Why Conceptual Models? “The biggest indication that Trespasser had game design problems was the fact that it never had a proper design spec…. Trespasser started and finished weak in the game design, and this affected every other part of the project.” –Richard Wyckoff, “Postmortem: DreamWorks Interactive’s Trespasser” Gamasutra, May 14, 1999. From presentation 03F-SIW-080.ppt by Gustavson, Turrell, Zimmerman at Fall 2003 SIW
Why Conceptual Models? “We never had a proper design document, which meant that we generated a lot of code and art that we later had to scrap. What’s worse, because we didn’t have a detailed outline of what we were trying to build, we had no way to measure our progress (or lack thereof) accurately. We only realized that we were in trouble when it became glaringly obvious. If we’d been about the design rigorous up front, we would have known that we were slipping much sooner.” –Brian Upton, “Postmortem: Red Storm's Rainbow Six” Gamasutra, January 21, 2000. From presentation 03F-SIW-080.ppt by Gustavson, Turrell, Zimmerman at Fall 2003 SIW
Conceptual Model Components (1) Simulation Context Authoritative Information re: relevant entities/processes, data, algorithms, assumptions, behaviors, etc. Sets constraints/bounds on the Simulation Concept Simulation Concept (2) Mission Space -- Representation Aspect Simulation Elements Entities/processes represented (tasks, actions, behaviors, etc.) by assumptions, algorithms, data, and relationships (architecture) (3) Simulation Space Operational/functional capabilities Requirements Constraints Conceptual Model Specifications
Benefits of a Conceptual Model A good conceptual model can improve requirements Good requirements are important because –Faulty requirements cause half of software errors –Late error detection/correction is much more expensive than early error detection/correction A good conceptual model allows early –Estimation of simulation fidelity –Development of validation sampling methodology –Assessment of simulation validity for the intended use –Determination of compatibility with other M&S/tools
Conceptual Model Documentation Conceptual Model Portion Identification Principal Simulation Developer POCs Requirements and Purpose Overview General Assumptions Identification of Possible States, Tasks, Actions, and Behaviors, Relationships and Interactions, Events, and Parameters and Factors for Entities and Processes being described Identification of Algorithms Simulation Development Plans Summary and Synopsis
Documentation Philosophy Organize information according to a standard outline –Rationale Eases the comparison of data with accreditation requirements Facilitates V&V data accumulation for future use Reduces costs of multiple accreditations over time –Specific outlines vary with type of data element Structure V&V results to facilitate comparison with M&S requirements –Include description of how the results impact m&s use –State newly discovered discrepancies as assumptions, limitations on model use, or as errors –Identify the range of applicability for all results (particularly regarding any limitations or errors) –Ensure results are linked to the applicable M&S version Configuration Management
MIL-STD 3022: VV&A Documentation Templates Accreditation PlanV&V PlanV&V ReportAccreditation Report Executive Summary 1 Problem Statement 2 M&S Requirements and Acceptability Criteria 3 M&S Assumptions, Capabilities, Limitations & Risks/Impacts 4 Accreditation Methodology4 V&V Methodology4 V&V Task Analysis4 Accreditation Assessment 5 Accreditation Issues5 V&V Issues5 V&V Recommendations5 Accreditation Recommendations 6 Key Participants 7 Planned Accreditation Resources 7 Planned V&V Resources7 Actual V&V Resources7 Actual Accreditation Resources 8 V&V Lessons Learned8 Accreditation Lessons Learned Suggested Appendices: A M&S Description B M&S Requirements Traceability Matrix C Basis of Comparison D References E Acronyms F Glossary G Accreditation Programmatics H Distribution List Suggested Appendices: A M&S Description B M&S Requirements Traceability Matrix C Basis of Comparison D References E Acronyms F Glossary G V&V Programmatics H Distribution List I Accreditation Plan Suggested Appendices: A M&S Description B M&S Requirements Traceability Matrix C Basis of Comparison D References E Acronyms F Glossary G V&V Programmatics H Distribution List I V&V Plan J Test Information Suggested Appendices: A M&S Description B M&S Requirements Traceability Matrix C Basis of Comparison D References E Acronyms F Glossary G Accreditation Programmatics H Distribution List I Accreditation Plan J V&V Report
VV&A Data Archiving VV&A Documents –Should be archived in central location: Defense Department level or Program level –Indexed in a electronic database –Possibly available on-line Electronic Database –Should contain summarized, unclassified data from VV&A reports –Should be sufficient for model comparisons and selection VV&A data are only useful if they are documented, and the documentation is readily available to model users.
Summary of VV&A Cost-effective accreditation requires –Complete problem definition –Clear application description –Explicit statements of M&S requirements and acceptability criteria –A well-planned, tailored and focused accreditation assessment effort Efficient V&V to support accreditation requires –A clearly defined application context to permit focused V&V efforts –The use of risk to focus and tailor the V&V effort –A clear understanding of how each V&V activity contributes to M&S credibility –A means of extracting key accreditation support information from previous V&V (and other M&S) efforts –An efficient means to produce, document, and archive all V&V information (from software and M&S V&V)
Simone Youngblood (240) 228-7958
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