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In coordination with FEMA Scoping Meeting Lake County, California February 19, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "In coordination with FEMA Scoping Meeting Lake County, California February 19, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 In coordination with FEMA Scoping Meeting Lake County, California February 19, 2010

2 Agenda  Introductions/Sign-In  National Flood Insurance Program Overview  FEMA Mapping Goals  Community and Partner Agreement Discussion  Scope of Study  Study Process/Timeline  Levees and Other Flood Control Structures  Base Map and Topographic Data  Community Mapping Needs and Requests  Summary of Action Items

3 NFIP Overview  U.S. Congress established the Nation Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) with the passage of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968  Federal Program enabling property owners in participating communities to purchase insurance  Participation in NFIP is based on an agreement between communities and the Federal Government  Community must adopt and enforce a floodplain management ordinance to reduce future flood risk to new construction in floodplains  Provides an alternative to disaster assistance  Three aspects of the NFIP  Floodplain Identification and mapping  Floodplain Management  Flood Insurance

4 FEMA Mapping Goals  Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning  Identify Flood Hazards  Reduce loss of life and property through effective local mitigation activities  Provide digital flood hazard data in accessible formats

5 FEMA Mapping Goals, cont…  Address gaps in flood hazard data  Increase public awareness and understanding of risk  Assist and support local entities engaging in risk- based mitigation planning  Provide digital data

6 FEMA Mapping Study Priorities  FY09  Expiring PALs and other levee issues  Coastal studies  Other engineering needs (such as datum conversions)  FY10 +  Coastal studies  Watershed-based hazard identification

7 COMMUNITY AGREEMENT  Acts as an acknowledgement of the Flood Study Project and an agreement to work together toward a common goal  Documents good faith efforts to collaboratively assess the community’s need  Develop an appropriate Scope of Project  Develop and Publicize the updated map that results from the Flood Map Project  Lake County has entered into a Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) agreement with FEMA RIX

8 SCOPE for Lake Co, CA Project  Apply Datum Conversion to effective DFIRM  Conversion factor(s) TBD  Address Levee Accreditation through PAL process if applicable  Update base map information  Correct mistakes from previous mapping effort  FW not containing stream  Incorrect profile for Adobe Creek

9 STUDY REVISION PROCESS Scoping/KickoffDataDevelopmentEngineeringAnalysis FloodplainMappingDFIRMProductionPost-preliminaryProcessing

10 Post-Preliminary Processing Issue Letter of Final Determination Compliance Period (DFIRM Is adopted by ordinance) DFIRM becomes effective Preparation of Final Map Products Jan-Feb 2011 6 MonthsFeb-May 2011 Community Review and Final Meeting June 2011 Preliminary Issuance Dec 2010Dec 2011

11 LEVEES AND OTHER FLOOD CONTROL STRUCTURES  Middle Creek  Maintenance: Lake County  USACE-built  Clover Creek  Maintenance: Lake County  USASE-built  Adobe Creek  Maintenance: Lake County  USACE-built

12 Adobe Creek

13 Middle Creek

14 Clover Creek

15 LEVEES: PROTECTION WITH RISK  Levees are designed to provide specific level of protection  They can be overtopped or fail in larger flood events  They require regular maintenance and periodic upgrades to retain their level of protection  FEMA urges people to understand their flooding risk involving levees

16 LEVEE OWNERSHIP  FEMA does not own, operate, maintain or certify any levees  FEMA can accredit a levee certification provided by others  The levee owner can certify the design, construction, operation and maintenance of a levee  Community is benefiting from the levee

17 FEMA ACCREDITATION AND CERTIFICATION  If adequate certification is provided and accepted, FEMA will accredit the levee as providing protection  If levee is certifiable, but community needs time to gather documentation required in CFR65.10, a Provisional Accreditation status is available through the Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) process.  If levee certification is not attainable, the area will be mapped with the levee not providing protection per direction in PM52

18 BASE MAP AND TOPOGRAPHIC DATA  See Map Provided  Data gathered for this meeting from the following sources:  Midterm Levee Inventory  Tiger Data  Effective DFIRM Data

19 MAPPING NEEDS & REQUESTS  Previously unstudied areas  Existing studies need to be updated  Topographic changes  Hydrologic changes  Existing or Anticipated Development  FEMA-funded studies prioritized based on:  Community need  Level of risk  Availability of topographic data

20 ACTION ITEMS  Populate CNMS with Needs and Requests collected during scoping meeting  Acquire Base Map and Topographic products

21 In coordination with FEMA Questions and Answers

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