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Learning and Skills Council Skills for Life Quality Initiative 2005-06 Leadership and Management Training Programme Adapted for the NHS context Day 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning and Skills Council Skills for Life Quality Initiative 2005-06 Leadership and Management Training Programme Adapted for the NHS context Day 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning and Skills Council Skills for Life Quality Initiative 2005-06 Leadership and Management Training Programme Adapted for the NHS context Day 2

2 Eight National Priorities SfLQI 2005-2006 Whole organisation approaches Embedding Skills for Life Leadership & Management Facilitator network E-learning Key Skills/SfL interface CPD Framework/IAG Dissemination/Web

3 Regional infrastructure Structures, systems, procedures, roles in place to continue the Skills for Life Quality Initiative quality improvement work up to March 2006 Support for transition towards requirements of the Quality Improvement Agency (QIA)

4 Recap Day 1 1Mission, policies and procedures to develop Skills for Life in the NHS 2The role of leadership in developing a whole organisation approach 3The Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF), Personal Development Plans,Reviews and Skills for Life assessment 4Organising effective provision to support KSF and Gateway achievement

5 Introduction to Day 2 5Leading and implementing change to integrate Skills for Life into your provision 6Building Skills for Life capacity through effective partnership working 7Quality assurance, key performance indicators and evaluation

6 Introduction Embedding Skills for Life into the organisation by: developing a strategy for incremental change addressing capacity building through partnership and brokering development looking at methods of evaluating the impact of Skills for Life on workforce development and service delivery.

7 analyse their current Skills for Life provision describe and evaluate quality assurance procedures analyse key factors in the leadership and management of change in an organisation evaluate partnerships evaluate an organisation’s performance in relation to Skills for Life plan for change and development. Learning outcomes (Day 2) Participants will be able to:

8 Key Area 5: Progress and potential Activity 5.1 Share your progress with your point of action from Day 1 Activity 5.2 How effective is your involvement within the strategic planning progress?

9 Key Area 5: Planning Cycle Where are we now? Mission External demands Internal needs analysis Partnerships Progress towards targets/ data Workforce development? Where are we going? Vision National, regional, sectoral and local priorities Headline targets Corporate goals How are we doing? Key performance indicators Progress towards targets Achievement of milestones How do we get there? Values and ethos Operational plans Contributory strategies PDR and PDP development Resource requirements

10 Key Area 5: Planning for action Activity 5.3: Embedding key developments 1.Screening staff for Skills for Life needs 2.Raising employee performance through Skills for Life 3.Raising awareness of Skills for Life qualifications 4.Ensuring all identified needs are met 5.Ensuring that the Skills for Life requirements of specific job roles are understood 6.Embedding Skills for Life within other training 7.Forming effective partnerships to increase capacity for delivery.

11 Key Area 5: Force field analysis Step 1Identify the change required Step 2Identify the factors that will bring about change – the driving forces Step 3Identify the factors that you feel will prevent the change taking place – the restraining force Step 4 Give each of the factors a score from 1-5 with 5 being the most important continued…

12 Key Area 5: Force field analysis (continued) Step 5 Set the factors out as a diagram – using a scale of 1 – 5 for each factor Step 6Think about and describe your tactics for reducing the restraining forces and/or increasing the driving forces. Decide if the tactics are possible Step 7Decide who is responsible for carrying out the actions for each of the factors described.

13 Key Area 5: Force field analysis Proposed change: Line managers responsible for PDR to carry out screening for Skills for Life and incorporate targets into PDP 55 Lack of time for training Skills for Life is not the only important issue Line managers may have Skills for life needs themselves PDR and PDP is already a new undertaking Need to address causes of under performance Achievement of Skills for Life targets is linked to gateway progression at foundation stage Forces FOR change Forces AGAINST change All KSF job role core and specific competencies are mapped to SfL

14 Key Area 5: Management of change The TROPICS Test: Time scale Resources Objectives Perceptions Interest Control Source

15 Key Area 5: The TROPICS test TROPICS factor Mechanistic solution Complex solution Time scalesClearly defined: short to medium term Ill defined: medium to long term ResourcesKnow what you wantUnclear what is required ObjectivesSMARTSubjective, visionary continued…

16 Key Area 5: The TROPICS test (continued) TROPICS factor Mechanistic solution Complex solution PerceptionsShared by allCreates conflict of interest InterestLimited and well defined Widespread and ill defined ControlWithin the groupShared with others SourceChange due to internal factors Change due to external factors

17 Key Area 5: SWOT analysis Strengths Agrees with proposals for achieving the Skills for Life agenda Has accepted the need to develop the whole organisational approach Skills for Life Weaknesses No ownership Maybe misunderstanding or confusion about the significance or strategic importance of implementing a whole organisational approach to Skills for Life Opportunities Develop a powerful strategic ally Ensure that Skills for Life is ‘owned’ at a strategic level Threats Agreement is in principle only Limited awareness of potential benefits to all learners, staff and the organisation

18 Key Area 5: SWOT analysis Activity 5.5 Use a SWOT analysis to consider: introducing Skills for Life screening into your recruitment or induction process, or another significant area within your work, if that is more appropriate.

19 An NHS organisation will have three distinct roles in meeting the need for effective Skills for Life provision: As a deliverer of on the job training As a partner in outsourcing training As a broker in referring staff into available provision. For each role decide on the key factors that you will need to ensure the effective delivery of Skills for Life in each case. Key Area 6: Building Skills for Life capacity through effective partnership working

20 Key Area 6: Key partnership issues

21 Key Area 7: Quality assurance, key performance indicators and evaluation What does quality look like in Skills for Life provision? The Common Inspection Framework (CIF) Self Assessment Reports (SAR)

22 CIF mapping to the stages of learning Element of Staged ProcessMapping to CIF: Key Question ref 1. Aims appropriate to the learner(s) 3. How well do programmes meet the needs/interests of learners? 2. Assessment to establish the learner’s starting point 1.How well do learners achieve? 2.How effective are teaching, training and learning? 4. How well are learners guided and supported? 3. Identification of appropriately challenging learning objectives, renegotiated and revised as appropriate 1. How well do learners achieve? 2. How effective are teaching, training and learning? 3. How well do programmes and activities meet the needs and interests of learners? 4. Using formative assessment, tutor feedback to learners, progress reviews 1.How well do learners achieve? 2. How effective are teaching, training and learning? 5. End of programme assessments: learner and tutor, overall review 1, 2, 3

23 Key Area 7: Quality Assurance Framework QA Framework feedback and evaluation continuous improvement QA strategy policies, procedures and process for key activities affecting learners gathering and use of data to make changes and improvements monitoring learners’ experiences internal verification of qualifications Self-assessment

24 Key Area 7: Observation Quality Cycle Planning Teaching, support and learning (including resources) Monitoring, assessment and recording of progress Review of learning

25 Key Area 7: Data: collection, ownership and usefulness Ownership  accuracy  reliability  usage  improvements “The most unhelpful situations occur when inadequacies are known but the attitude of members of staff is that it’s not their problem or that the system is at fault and that fixing it is someone else’s responsibility.” Using Management Information to Raise Standards (FEFC, 2000-01) continued…

26 Key Area 7: Data Quality Assurance data “is reliable and well-sourced information, usually qualitative, about your organisation’s performance and its impact on your learners”. Skills for Life Quality Initiative Staff and Organisational Development Materials (2004) DfES

27 Key Area 7: Data What kind of data is needed? 1. Data for public accountability through performance review and inspection 2. Data for self-assessment and track progress towards strategic goals 3. Comparative data to help you understand your performance

28 Key Area 7: Data Where can this kind of data be obtained? 1.Learner feedback 2.Course-related evidence 3.Outcomes of PDPs 4.Policy documents 5.Progress against action plans to enhance provision

29 Key Area 7: Data Quality improvement depends on the widest possible involvement in: data collection data checking data interpreting using data for quality improvement.

30 Key Area 7: Data ILP data groupcourse programmeorganisation national continued…

31 Key Area 7: Data teaching level – textual and statistical data ? course level – data for accreditation purposes ? programme level – data for retention purposes ? organisation level – performance indicators ? national level – achievement of targets ? What are the attitudes of staff towards data collection at:

32 Key Area 7: Evaluation Strategies Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels of Evaluation Level 1 – Reaction Level 2 – Learning Level 3 – Transfer Level 4 – Results A possible Level 5 is: Return on Investment

33 The accreditation The University of Wolverhampton is offering an accredited module PC 3022 entitled: ‘Leading and Managing Change and Quality Improvement in Skills for Life Provision’.

34 Module aims To enable participants to:  analyse critically an area of Skills for Life provision within their own institution together with the key leadership and management issues that underpin the development of effective provision  identify, appraise and assess in detail an aspect of provision that requires further developmental planning as part of their organisation’s Skills for Life strategy.

35 The accreditation  The accreditation is designed to accredit you as a manager for what you do.  The module is supported by a flexible tutorial support system to meet the demands of busy managers.  Aspiring managers have an opportunity to gain the accreditation as well.  The module is designed to encourage continual professional development.

36 Learning outcomes Participants will be able to:  analyse critically Skills for Life provision within their own institution  explore and assess opportunities for further development of a specific aspect of Skills for Life provision  design an implementation plan that illustrates the potential for securing significant quality improvements and measurable change within the aspect of Skills for Life provision identified.

37 The assignment The evidence file is one assignment comprising three linked sections: Critical analysis SWOT analysis The implementation plan

38 Leadership and Management Training Programme Day 2 Questions and Evaluation

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