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OCR Nationals - Level 2 ICT. National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 1GCSE grades D - G(KS3) 2GCSE grades A* - C(KS4) 3A’ Levels(KS5) 4Degrees,

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Presentation on theme: "OCR Nationals - Level 2 ICT. National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 1GCSE grades D - G(KS3) 2GCSE grades A* - C(KS4) 3A’ Levels(KS5) 4Degrees,"— Presentation transcript:

1 OCR Nationals - Level 2 ICT

2 National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 1GCSE grades D - G(KS3) 2GCSE grades A* - C(KS4) 3A’ Levels(KS5) 4Degrees, Professional Quals

3 OCR Nationals - Level 2 ICT Four awards available: First Award (1 x GCSE, A*- C)Yr9 Award (2 x GCSE, A*- C)Yr10 First Certificate (3 x GCSE, A*- C)Yr11 Certificate (4 x GCSE, A*- C)Yr?

4 Level 2 First Award (Year 9) Two units of work must be completed: Unit 1 – ICT skills for business (Compulsory 60glh) Pass = 1 point Merit = 2 points Distinction = 3 points Unit 23 – Creating video (30glh) Pass = 0.5 points Merit = 1 point Distinction = 1.5 points

5 Points table Unit 12 nd unitPointsP/M/DGCSE PP1½1½PASSC PM2 C PD2 ½MERITB MP2 ½MERITB MM3 B MD3 ½DIST’NA DP3 ½DIST’NA DM4 A DD4 ½DIST’NA*

6 Level 2 Award (2 x GCSE grades A*-C) Group C (30glh) Animation for the WWW Creating computer graphics Creating sound using ICT Creating video Group B (60glh) Webpage creation Digital Imaging Multimedia Products Desktop Publishing Spreadsheet Design Database Design Year 10 One unit from group B and one more unit from group C

7 Level 2 First Certificate (3 x GCSE grades A*-C) Group C (30glh) Animation for the WWW Creating computer graphics Creating sound using ICT Creating video Group B (60glh) Webpage creation Digital Imaging Multimedia Products Desktop Publishing Spreadsheet Design Database Design Year 11 One more unit from group B and one more unit from group C

8 Since 2003 OCR Nationals has grown to be the fourth largest qualification in the UK. There are a lot of teachers who have a lot of very positive things to say about OCR Nationals. OCR Nationals is all about students undertaking independent learning in order to gain valuable qualifications for both work and further study. It is estimated that 77% of the workforce now use information technology (IT) in their job and the demand for such skills is likely to continue to increase. Schools must equip young people with the 21st century skills necessary to ensure their employability. (Ofsted, 2009) Why OCR Nationals? ‘interesting assignments’‘up-to-date’ ‘hands-on’ ‘relevant to the real world’

9 6 th form? A Level Computing & Applied ICT

10 OCR Level 3 Nationals are most suited to 16-19 year olds who have chosen to stay in education but who want to go into a particular vocation. An OCR Level 3 National provides the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to work in their chosen area. If they then decide to continue onto higher education, OCR Level 3 Nationals have been approved into the UCAS tariff. All OCR Nationals help students develop their personal skills in areas applicable to any workplace, such as team working, communication and problem solving. The courses have been designed to accredit learners' achievements and ability to carry out tasks in a way that is relevant to the workplace. Level 3 OCR Nationals in ICT 6 th form?

11 More information Pick up a leaflet from the box on the table... ‘Google’ OCR Nationals for the OCR Nationals website

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