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MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main E-Training Microsystems Technologies (MSYSTECH) Contract no. LLP-LdV/ToI/2008/RO/003 Project no. 2008-1-RO1-LEO05-00694.

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Presentation on theme: "MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main E-Training Microsystems Technologies (MSYSTECH) Contract no. LLP-LdV/ToI/2008/RO/003 Project no. 2008-1-RO1-LEO05-00694."— Presentation transcript:

1 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main E-Training Microsystems Technologies (MSYSTECH) Contract no. LLP-LdV/ToI/2008/RO/003 Project no. 2008-1-RO1-LEO05-00694 Needs Analysis for packaging technologies (Analysis of needs for professional qualification in electronics and microsystems in Romania)

2 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main Introduction 1.Background 2.Purposes 3.Limitations 4.Questions 5.Sample 6.Instrumentation 7.Results 8.Summary & Recommendations

3 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main Background EU electronics packaging/manufacturing has gone to South East Asia; These competitors offer low cost labour; Some provide highly skilled software engineers; China provides massive infra- structured locations: highways, broadband, premises, housing, transport, air access; No constraints of labour laws (working hours, conditions, job security). Opportunity for RO and BG Lower cost labour; Flexible manufacturing facilities will decrease the dependence on labour costs; Engineers in RO and BG are highly intelligent and have good knowledge of: Quality control and assurance; Reliability development and assurance; Software development; Design-for-Manufacture and Design-for-Test.

4 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main In Romania The major activists include the Politehnica University of Bucharest (UPB), Center for Technological Electronics and Interconnection Techniques (UPB-CETTI). The view is that for European industry (especially SMEs) to have adequately skilled human resources, this human resource must be shaped by the universities.

5 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main UPB has established its research centre CETTI to accredit a technology and business incubator (CETTI-ITA). CETTI-ITA shapes human resources (mainly students from UPB) on electronics packaging activities. All the IEEE-CPMT UPB Student Branch Chapter members are in contact with the incubator. Students during their university studies who gain “experienced knowledge” can use the incubator as the technological environment in which to create/manufacture their innovative products.

6 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main  The project focuses on transfer of innovative “Packaging technologies” courses and training approach developed within the Leonardo da Vinci project for training and disseminating in the RO and BG electronics industry.  Based on the requirements and needs analysis in RO and BG, UPB and GEI will finish to determine the course contents and develop the presentation scenarios of the “Packaging technologies” course.

7 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main EPETRUN (Electronic Packaging Education, Training and Research University Network)

8 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main Purposes  Identification and analysis of user (electronics industry) requirements and training needs on innovative eLearning materials and learning skills in packaging in RO and BG.  Undertake the job analysis of companies to collect information directly related to the nature of the interactive multimedia courses in packaging.

9 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main Limitations  Users (electronics companies) are not very interested to help UPB and GEI with answering and further delivering of questionnaires.  Users (electronics companies) do not want to disseminate from their experience and to help the packaging technologies sector.

10 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main  What knowledge and skills should provide the “Packaging technologies” course to be useful in RO and BG?  What topics should cover the syllabus of the “Packaging technologies” course?  Do electronics companies really need on-line courses to train their technical staff? Questions

11 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main Sample The training needs in packaging technologies have been analysed with:  the students (4th year of study/ Bachelor level, at the discipline taught by Norocel Codreanu) from Politehnica University of Bucharest:  Master students in electronics who have courses related to packaging technologies and manufacturing in electronics industry.  Managers of companies involved in electronics industry.

12 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main Instrumentation  Questionnaires: distributed to the students during the lectures of the courses “Electrical CAD” and “Interconnection Technologies in Electronics”  Interviews: with more than 20 students based on the same questions as in the questionnaire but presented in a more flexible manner and with some managers of electronics companies.

13 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main The answers of students and managers have drawn the following conclusions: The “Packaging technologies” course should provide:  the basics of manufacturing and technologies in electronics industry (practically all).  understanding of the concepts and principles of packaging technologies, flows, equipment, and related topics (practically all).  Technical skills for using the equipment in the real manufacturing (18). Results

14 MSYSTECH PM2 29-31.03.2009 Frankfurt am Main Summary & Recommendations  The needs analysis was done with a deep focus to the real electronics industry and its requirements.  The needs analysis was made in relationship to the new master direction developed in UPB by UPB-CETTI and entitled “Hetero-technologies in electronics”.  Recommendations are to introduce all the topics of “Packaging technologies” course in the master curricula.  Recommendations related to continuous up-grading of needs analysis and training curricula due to of the rapid development of electronics packaging.

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