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Quality Assurance in practice: the example of Cyprus Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou President of the Governing Board of Cyprus University of Technology and.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Assurance in practice: the example of Cyprus Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou President of the Governing Board of Cyprus University of Technology and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Assurance in practice: the example of Cyprus Elpida Keravnou-Papailiou President of the Governing Board of Cyprus University of Technology and Member of the Evaluation Committee for Private Universities 6 December 2010 ASEM Conference, Limassol, Cyprus

2 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Presentation Higher Education in Cyprus Current Quality Assurance Bodies Legislation for a new unified National QA and Recognition Agency Conclusions

3 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Higher Education in Cyprus Relatively short history Three state universities –University of Cyprus (1989, 1992) –Open University of Cyprus (2003, 2006) –Cyprus University of Technology (2003, 2007) Four private universities (2005, 2007, 2010) –Currently operating under probationary license Cyprus signed the Bologna Declaration in 2001

4 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Private Schools of Tertiary Education In addition there are many private schools of tertiary education, some of which have accredited university- level programmes –This is confusing since the schools themselves do not have the status of a university Some are actively pursuing transnational arrangements with universities abroad (course validation, franchising agreements)

5 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Transnational education provision is welcome … Provided that quality is not adversely affected Provided that the management of quality is a strategic priority for HEIs and other education institutions –Universities in Cyprus can offer joint programmes and award joint degrees Countries should safeguard against the commercialization of HE and the easy acquisition of qualifications –Such developments do not differ substantially from degree mills An ever growing and thriving business

6 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Bologna Process Stocktaking 2009 for Cyprus 1. Stage of implementation of the first and second cycle DEGREE SYSTEM 2. Access to the next cycle 3. Implementation of national qualifications framework 4. Stage of development of external QA system QUALITY ASSURANCE, ESG 5. Level of student participation in quality assurance 6. Level of international participation in QA 7. Stage of implementation of diploma supplement RECOGNITION 8. National implementation of the principles of the LRC 9. Stage of implementation of ECTS 10. Recognition of prior learning

7 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Some facts and figures for Cyprus According to the official report on the progress of the Lisbon strategy –Amongst the 27 member states, Cyprus has the highest percentage (29.7%) of population in the age group 25-64 with HE qualifications –Cyprus, Malta and Ireland are the three member states with the highest progress in the period 2000-2007, regarding the percentage of their population with HE qualifications This is a central progress indicator Cyprus has a high student migration –More than half of its approximately 35,000 students are studying at universities abroad –Government policy aims to reverse this situation and in addition to attract international students Convert Cyprus to a regional centre for quality HE

8 6 December 2010ASEM Conference The Quality Scene for HE in Cyprus All HEIs in Cyprus are strongly encouraged to develop and apply effective internal quality management strategies

9 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Current Quality Assurance Bodies in Cyprus (1) SETE (Advisory Committee for Tertiary Education) –“Institutional” evaluation for registering as a tertiary educational establishment SEKAP (Council for Educational Evaluation-Accreditation) –Seven member committee of university professors –Private Schools of Tertiary Education –Programmatic Evaluation and Accreditation –Strong participation of international experts in evaluation committees

10 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Current Quality Assurance Bodies in Cyprus (2) ECPU (Evaluation Committee for Private Universities) –Seven member committee of university professors (chaired ex-officio by Chairperson of SEKAP – two other joint members) –Processing applications for the establishment of new private universities and recommending to the Minister of Education –Monitoring progress during the probationary period –“Monitoring” progress subsequently –Strong participation of international experts

11 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Private Universities Quality management of their education provision is particularly extensive –Operate under probation for four years –Operate for profit The quality of their programmes is a key criterion for granting them proper license of operation –Special emphasis is put on the implementation of the ECTS requirements

12 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Criteria/Indicators for the Quality Management of Programmes of Private Universities in Cyprus 1.Aims, objectives and overall identity of programme 2.Student intake 3.Admissions criteria and admissions process 4.Target audience (home and international students) 5.Structure of programme 6.Learning outcomes (overall programme, individual modules) 7.Practical/industrial component (if applicable) 8.Project work (dissertations, group work, theses) 9.Implementation of ECTS requirements 10.Generic skills and competencies that the programme aims to give to the students 11.Research-related aspects of programme 12.Internal mechanisms for evaluating the quality of the programme and the student and staff satisfaction, and the adequateness of these mechanisms 13.Internal procedures for reviewing the programme 14.Relation of programme with other programmes of the university 15.Impact of the programme (societal, scientific) 16.Learning Resources supporting the Programme

13 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Current Quality Assurance Bodies in Cyprus (3) KYSATS (Cyprus Council for the Recognition of HE Qualifications) –Seven member committee –Exercises quality control on the degrees of Private schools of tertiary education –Certification of knowledge proficiency Private universities under probation –Verification of adherence to the transitional provisions –Accredits distance-learning qualifications provided by conventional institutions

14 6 December 2010ASEM Conference The external QA scene in Cyprus is presently rather fragmented SETE SEKAP ECPU KYSATS There are gaps, overlaps and inconsistencies in existing separate legislations Minimal institutional evaluation Obliges schools to have students on non- accredited programmes Schools are not obliged to have their programmes accredited What monitoring after probation? Mixed-up situation between private universities and their associated schools “Unfair” quality control on local degrees Forced to “accredit” distance learning degrees state Institutions?

15 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Legislation for a new unified National QA and Recognition Agency That will replace SETE, SEKAP, ECPU and KYSATS With the aim of filling the gaps and removing overlaps and inconsistencies Based on the ESG and addressing all tertiary level institutions –QA for all institutions –Accreditation only for private institutions Dealing with cross-border education provision to and from Cyprus

16 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Other Ongoing Developments in Cyprus Dialogue in progress regarding the establishment of a new, unified and modernized legislation for HE An NQF for Cyprus in line with the QF for the EHEA and the EQF for LLL is under development

17 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Future Challenges for Cyprus Implementation of the HE reform process Extending the HE capacity to satisfy the demand for university studies Increasing research activities –Increasing the involvement of the private sector Establishing centers of excellence to compete internationally Improving the attractiveness of HE by improving the quality of HE Making the HE system student-centered Enhancing student/staff mobility Introducing flexibility in studies and establishing LLL centers at all HEIs

18 6 December 2010ASEM Conference Conclusions HE in Cyprus is growing rapidly QA, both external and internal, is of critical significance A culture towards quality is necessary for safeguarding against minimum quality standards for academic and professional qualifications There is justifiable concern about cross- border education provision - this calls for strong collaboration links between national QA agencies

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