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A specialized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions Accreditation Presentation ABLA conference 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "A specialized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions Accreditation Presentation ABLA conference 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 A specialized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions Accreditation Presentation ABLA conference 2012

2 CEA Mission statement CEA’s mission is to promote excellence in the field of English language teaching and administration through accreditation of English language programs and institutions worldwide. CEA achieves its mission by using widely-held standards to foster continuous program development through a rigorous process of regular self- assessment and peer evaluation. For CEA training purposes only2

3 Accreditation process Eligibility application Workshop participation Self-study plan Self study & report On-site visit by review team Commission review Annual reporting Re-accreditation For CEA training purposes only3

4 CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions Define the field of English language instruction and administration (see standard areas) Reflect what is considered good practice (developed by professionals in the field) Are the foundation of the accreditation process the site’s self-study review by peer reviewers review by the Commission annual reporting For CEA training purposes only4

5 CEA Standards areas Mission (1) Curriculum (3) Faculty (7) Facilities, Equipment, Supplies (1) Administrative and Fiscal Capacity (12) Student Services (8) Recruiting (3) Length and Structure of Program of Study (2) Student Achievement (4) Student Complaints (1) Program Development, Planning, and Review (2) For CEA training purposes only5

6 To conduct a self study A site must 1. Understand each individual standard in the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions 2. Identify its procedures and practices that pertain to each standard 3. Document its procedures and practices 4. Evaluate the program with respect to the standards and establish recommendations for improvement For CEA training purposes only6

7 Required areas for response to each standard in the self-study report Curriculum Standard 3: The instructional materials and methodologies are appropriate and contribute to the mastery of course objectives. Section ARequired responses: Yes/no questions, lists fill able tables, worksheets, brief open statements, longer open statements Section B 1) Documents in the report 2) Verification on site: documents, interviews, class visits Section CProgram/institution self-recommendation For CEA training purposes only7

8 Accreditation as a continuous improvement process The self-study process The site visit and review team report The decision by the Commission For CEA training purposes only8

9 Questions How can CEA accredit such a variety of organizations using the same standards? How can CEA accredit BNCs when they are different from organizations elsewhere? For CEA training purposes only9

10 Mission-based accreditation Mission Standard 1: The program or language institution has a written statement of its mission and goals, which guides activities, policies, and allocation of resources. This statement is communicated to faculty, students, and staff, as well as to prospective students, student sponsors, and the public, and is evaluated periodically. For CEA training purposes only10

11 Question What are the benefits of accreditation? Why should we seek accreditation? For CEA training purposes only11

12 Accreditation benefits To faculty, administrators, and staff To students and their families To the English teaching profession For CEA training purposes only12

13 Question CEA accredits programs in colleges and universities, private language schools, government programs and programs outside the U.S. in a variety of countries. How can the CEA standards be applied to the variety of programs that CEA accredits? For CEA training purposes only13

14 CEA standards are non-prescriptive Administrative and Fiscal Capacity Standard 3: Administrators and staff each receive a written job description at the time they are hired and any time their duties or employment conditions change. Student Achievement Standard 1: The program or language institution has a placement system that is consistent with its admission requirements and allows valid and reliable placement of students into levels. For CEA training purposes only14

15 Question How do we know if we are ready to seek accreditation? What should we do first? For CEA training purposes only15

16 Read the CEA standards and ask Do you have a mission statement that states goals and objectives and guides activities and the allocation of resources? Do you have a written curriculum with goals, objectives, and student learning outcomes for each course and level? Is there a means in place to assess student outcomes in relation to the goals and objectives of the courses? Is there a proficiency scale with expected student outcomes for each level? For CEA training purposes only16

17 Ask Do faculty and staff receive written job descriptions and performance criteria on which they are evaluated? Are necessary student services provided? Do marketing and recruitment materials accurately describe the program or institution? Are there “plans in writing” in place to formally guide development of the program or institution and for review of curriculum, student services, and student achievement practices? For CEA training purposes only17

18 Ask Are financial reserves adequate to meet obligations to students, staff, and contractual parties? Are you prepared to show that your program or institution substantially meets the standards? Do you have adequate faculty and staff to complete a self-study, which requires a response to 44 standards, with documentary support? Do you have the funds to commit resources to this activity? For CEA training purposes only18

19 CEA information and contact For general information and documents, including application Form: CEA web For specific questions about international accreditation Teresa O’ Executive Director For CEA training purposes only19

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