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KSDE Annual Conference, Fall 2014. Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we headed?

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Presentation on theme: "KSDE Annual Conference, Fall 2014. Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we headed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 KSDE Annual Conference, Fall 2014

2 Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we headed?


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8 Focuses on growth over time, unique to a building, as opposed to every building having the same target every year.

9 2002-2013 Performance 2014-2015 and Beyond


11  4 th year of transitioning to College & Career Ready Standards in Math and English Language Arts (ELA)  Second year of transitioning to new College & Career Ready Standards in Science and History/Government.  Kansas just piloted the new Assessment in Math and ELA in Spring of 2014.  All 286 School Districts are piloting new teacher/leader evaluation instruments that include student growth in performance on multiple measures.  AYP Targets are GONE… Now focusing on GROWTH OVER TIME  The Kansas ESEA Waiver has been approved for another year.




15 COLLEGE AND CAREER READY means an individual has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, and employability skills to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification or in the workforce, without the need for remediation.




19 A C



22 USD #XYZ Sunnytown District Overview MORE INFO: Diversity English Learners Gender Health/Wellness Kan-Eat Migrants Socio-Economic Special Education State Assessments Transportation LOCAL INFO: Contact Information Google Map Official Website XX : 1 Students : Teachers XX% Low Income STUDENTS ##% white ##% African American ##% Asian American ##% Native American ##% Other ##% Male ##% Female TEACHERS ##% white ##% African American ##% Asian American ##% Native American ##% Other ##% Male ## Female Career & Tech Ed ##% earning industry-recognized certifications ##% Graduation Rate (4 years) ##% College & Career Ready ##% post- secondary attendance ##% Atttendance Rate ##% Parent Engagement State Assessment Results District- Selected Achievement Data Kansas Education Systems Accreditation: The Five Rs Accreditation Rating: Approaching “Accredited with Progress” New Rating: 7/1/2018 Relationships Score: Implementing More Info>>> Relevance Score: Modeling More Info>>> Responsive Culture Score: Transitioning More Info>>> Rigor Score: Transitioning More Info>>> Results Score: Modeling More Info>>> View individual schools in this district.

23 Early 1970’s 2014 52% 52% 25% 2018 64% 64%

24 Percentage of 2011 Graduates enrolled in Post-secondary (2 & 4 yr. institutions) 77%

25 Percentage of 2011 Graduates enrolled in Post-secondary (2 & 4 yr. institutions) that needed remediation? 28%

26 Percentage of 2011 Graduates completing 1 year of post-secondary 63%

27 *Estimates

28  We could increase the % of graduates entering postsecondary institutions?  We could decrease the % of our graduates needing remediation postsecondary?  We could increase the % of students successfully completing their first year? Second year?  We could get more kids into “hard to fill” programs?  THEN, we could close the gap between the % of jobs requiring postsecondary completion, and the % of Kansans acquiring postsecondary completion?

29  Consists of: President/CEO of KBOR w/ 2 Board Members Commissioner of Education w/ 2 Board Members  Met Tuesday, August 19 and established an initiative 1. Develop a PreK-12/Postsecondary set of Common Goals, and set strategies to accomplish these goals. 2. Hire an individual that works for both KSDE and KBOR to coordinate efforts.

30  How we Accredit schools and districts  How we hold schools and districts accountable Can we decrease the footprint of the State Assessment, and increase the footprint and focus of College & Career Ready?


32 Focuses on growth over time, unique to a building, as opposed to every building having the same target every year.


34 USD #XYZ Sunnytown District Overview MORE INFO: Diversity English Learners Gender Health/Wellness Kan-Eat Migrants Socio-Economic Special Education State Assessments Transportation LOCAL INFO: Contact Information Google Map Official Website XX : 1 Students : Teachers XX% Low Income STUDENTS ##% white ##% African American ##% Asian American ##% Native American ##% Other ##% Male ##% Female TEACHERS ##% white ##% African American ##% Asian American ##% Native American ##% Other ##% Male ## Female Career & Tech Ed ##% earning industry-recognized certifications ##% Graduation Rate (4 years) ##% College & Career Ready ##% post- secondary attendance ##% Atttendance Rate ##% Parent Engagement State Assessment Results District- Selected Achievement Data Kansas Education Systems Accreditation: The Five Rs Accreditation Rating: Approaching “Accredited with Progress” New Rating: 7/1/2018 Relationships Score: Implementing More Info>>> Relevance Score: Modeling More Info>>> Responsive Culture Score: Transitioning More Info>>> Rigor Score: Transitioning More Info>>> Results Score: Modeling More Info>>> View individual schools in this district.

35 Yr 1 Needs Assessments Goal Area(s) Identification Yr 2 Goal Establishment Action Plan Development Yr 3 Implementation of Action Plans Mid-implementation assessment Yr 4 Continue Implementation Gather Data/Evidence Yr 5 Analyze Data/Evidence OVT On-site Visit

36 QPANew Model Addresses academics onlyAddresses all areas of CCR Promotes meeting minimum Promotes and recognizes going beyond minimum Annual target-basedGrowth-based School-basedDistrict-based, school focused Annual determinationsMulti-year planned focus

37 “…‘Turnaround efforts won’t succeed if they are only school-focused and are not complemented by system change.’” Robert Hughes, President of New Visions, in Savadsky, Heather. School Turnarounds. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press, 2012. Print.

38 “…while individual schools are indeed the center of change, the improvement of low-performing schools cannot be implemented at scale or sustained without redesign of the larger system in which they reside – the school district.” Steven J. Adamowski, in the Forward

39 COLLEGE AND CAREER READY means an individual has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, and employability skills to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification or in the workforce, without the need for remediation.


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