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Disruptive technologies & open practices Gráinne Conole, University of Leicester 20 th March 2014 Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Genoa National Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Disruptive technologies & open practices Gráinne Conole, University of Leicester 20 th March 2014 Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Genoa National Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disruptive technologies & open practices Gráinne Conole, University of Leicester 20 th March 2014 Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, Genoa National Teaching Fellow 2012 Ascilite fellow 2012 EDEN fellow 2013

2 Outline Disruptive technologies E-learning timeline Emergent technologies OER and MOOCs A new MOOC classification Pedagogical approaches Learning Design

3 Institute of Learning Innovation Research Teaching Supervision Consultancy Visiting scholars Institutional advice

4 Disruptive technologies or pedagogies? Changing educational paradigms – Ken Robinson

5 A day made of glass Via Alice Godwin-Davey

6 The importance of e-learning For learning – Potential to support interaction, communication and collaboration – Developing digital literacy skills – Promoting different pedagogical approaches – Fostering creativity and innovation – Connecting students beyond the formal course For life – Preparing students for an uncertain future – Improving employability opportunities – Increased importance of technology in society

7 E-Learning timeline Multimedia resources 80s The Web 93 Learning Management Systems 95 Open Educational Resources 01 Mobile devices 98 Gaming technologies 00 Social and participatory media 04 Virtual worlds 05 E-books and smart devicesMassive Open Online Courses 0708 Learning Design 99 Learning objects 94 Learning Analytics 10

8 Emergent technologies Online, hybrid & collaborative learning Social media use in learning The creator society Data driven learning & assessment Agile approaches to change Making online learning natural

9 Innovating pedagogy MOOCs Badges to accredit learning Learning analytics Seamless learning Crowd learning Digital scholarship Geo-learning Learning from gaming Maker Culture Citizen inquiry

10 2025… Internet like electricity Augmented reality enhancements Disruption of business models Intelligent analysis of physical and digital worlds

11 OER and MOOCs Over ten years of the Open Educational Resource (OER) movement Hundreds of OER repositories worldwide Presence on iTunesU 2012 Times year of the MOOC

12 The OPAL metromap Evaluation shows lack of uptake by teachers and learners Shift from development to community building and articulation of OER practice

13 POERUP outputs An inventory of more than 300 OER initiatives 11 country reports and 13 mini-reports 7 in-depth case studies 3 EU-wide policy papers

14 The emergence of MOOCs CCK08 – Connectivist MOOC (cMOOC) – Siemens, Downes and Cormier – Evaluation (Fini, 2009) – What are MOOCs? – Emergence of large-scale xMOOCs Recent developments – UK-based FutureLearn – Launch of Massey on Open2Study List of MOOCs – EFQUEL series of blogs – ICDE list of MOOC reports –

15 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Free Distributed global community Social inclusion High dropout rates Learning income not learning outcome Marketing exercise JOLT, Vol. 9, No. 2,

16 The eMundus project Aim – Strengthen cooperation and awareness amongst EU and strategic partners of exploiting potential of MOOCs and virtual mobility to support long-term, balanced, inter- cultural partnership

17 Objectives Map state of the art of MOOCs and Virtual Mobility Sharing of knowledge, tools and practices around MOOCs and their implications Promote and mainstream MOOCs and VM Help institutions, networks and policy makers to develop effective MOOC strategies

18 Learning can be achieved by: Interaction Communication & Collaboration Through OER & MOOCs Social Media Facilitated by: Learning Design Leading to: New support and accreditation models

19 A A Constructivist Building on prior knowledge Task-orientated Situative Learning through social interaction Learning in context Connectivist Learning in a networked environment E-pedagogies Mayes & De Freitas, 2004 Conole 2010 E-training Drill & practice Inquiry learning Collective intelligence Resource-based Experiential, Problem-based Role play Reflective & dialogic learning, Personalised learning Associative Focus on individual Learning through association and reinforcement


21 Pedagogical approaches Drill & practise learning Inquiry learning Situated learning Immersive learning

22 Drill and practise learning


24 Flashlets app

25 Inquiry-based learning Promoting inquiry- based approaches for Science – nQuire tools Developing public understanding of Science – iSpot Mobile data collection – Sense-It App



28 Sense-it App Set of sensors to collect data Available on smartphones and tables Record data and create graphs Can set up project Can share with others

29 Springpad curation

30 Situated learning Archeological digs Medical wards Art exhibitions Cyber-law Virtual language exchange Beyond formal schooling Mark Childs

31 Swift project Paul Rudman and Suzanne Lavelle

32 Outbreak App

33 Immersive learning

34 Connectivist MOOCs Weekly centred Participant reflective spaces Social and networked participation Hashtag: #etmooc Use of a range of social media

35 DimensionCharacteristics Context OpenDegree to which the MOOC is open MassiveHow large the MOOC is DiversityThe diversity of the learners Learning Use of multimediaExtent of use of rich multimedia Degree of communicationAmount of communication incorporated Degree of collaborationAmount of collaboration incorporated Amount of reflectionWays in which reflection is encouraged Learning pathwayDegree to which the learning pathway is supported Quality assuranceDegree of quality assurance CertificationMechanisms for accreditation Formal learningFeed into formal learning offerings AutonomyDegree of learner autonomy A taxonomy of MOOCs

36 A new MOOC classification Dimension Connectivist Siemens MOOC Context Open3 Massive2 Diversity3 Learning Use of multimedia2 Degree of communication3 Degree of collaboration2 Amount of reflection3 Learning pathway1 Quality assurance1 Certification1 Formal learning1 Autonomy3 For each dimension, give the MOOC a score: Low=1, Medium=2 High=3

37 A new MOOC classification Dimension Connectivist Siemens MOOC Context Open3 Massive2 Diversity3 Learning Use of multimedia2 Degree of communication3 Degree of collaboration2 Amount of reflection3 Learning pathway1 Quality assurance1 Certification1 Formal learning1 Autonomy3 How to rate Open? It’s free = 1 At least some CC materials = 2 All materials CC, and non-registered students can view materials=3 How to rate Massive? Under 500=1 500-10,000=2 Over 10,000=3

38 Associative Associating a stimulus with a response – operant conditioning. Create a new stimulus response. Intermediate Chinese from Open University of China on iTunes U

39 Cognitive Learning by experiencing a stimuli. The way in which a person is encouraged to contemplate. Coursera Songwriting

40 Constructivist Adding meaning to, and building on what I already know Open University Course Design MOOC ‘OLDS’

41 Situative Learning that occurs in the same context in which it will be used. Coursera Introduction to Clinical Neurology

42 Connectivist About who or what learning resources we have access to. People as resources. George Siemens original Connectivist MOOC

43 MOOCs by pedagogical approach Dimension Associative Chinese Cognitive Songwriting Constructivist OLDS Situative Neuro Connectivist Siemens Context Open11313 Massive12122 Diversity1 2 223 Learning Use of multimedia32222 Degree of communication 11223 Degree of collaboration11222 Amt of reflection11213 Learning pathway11222 Quality assurance22221 Certification12221 Formal learning11211 Autonomy33323

44 Formal Informal Individual Social Blended courses DL+ social media Trad. campus courses DL courses OER xMOOCs OER + Social media cMOOCs APEL ePortforlios OERu Badges

45 Promise and reality Social and participatory media offer new ways to communicate and collaborate Wealth of free resources and tools Not fully exploited Replicating bad pedagogy Lack of time and skills

46 The 7Cs of Learning Design Conceptualise Communicate Create Consider Collaborate Combine Consolidate

47 Course features Pedagogical approaches Principles Guidance and support Content and activities Reflection and demonstration Communication and collaboration

48 Activity profile Types of learner activities – Assimilative – Information Handling – Communication – Production – Experiential – Adaptive – Assessment

49 Start End Learning Outcomes LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 Assessment LO1 LO2 LO3LO4 Week 1 Topic 1 Week 2 Topic 2 Week 3 Topic 3 Week 4 Topic 4

50 METIS ILDE Integrated Learning Design Environment Create designs: – Conceptualise – Author – Implement Share and adapt designs

51 Conclusion Disruptive technologies are challenging traditional institutions New business models emerging New approaches needed for designing and delivering MOOCs Need for appropriate pedagogies Disaggregation of education – High quality resources – Learning pathways – Support – Accreditation

52 @gconole

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