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Lesson 1 Vocabulary Use 3-column notes Your quiz is next Friday. WordDefinitionExample 1. 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 1 Vocabulary Use 3-column notes Your quiz is next Friday. WordDefinitionExample 1. 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Use 3-column notes Your quiz is next Friday. WordDefinitionExample 1. 2.

2 My dog is very domesticated because he listens to me and he sits on command.

3 domesticate -- v.; to tame; to obey

4 eclipse

5 eclipse – n; the total or partial hiding of something Have you ever witnessed a total solar eclipse?

6 Evolve The caterpillar evolved, or changed, into a butterfly.

7 evolve – v.; to gradually change or develop, transform Our third grade class learned how a caterpillar slowly evolves into a beautiful butterfly.

8 fiber What do these things have in common?

9 fiber – n.; matter or material made up of threadlike pieces I prefer to wear clothing made out of natural fibers like cotton and wool.

10 Graze, grazing, grazed slow, constant eating over a long period of time

11 I graze when I’m bored by snacking all day long.

12 hatch

13 hatch – v.; to come out of an egg; to come up with a plan In school, we had to hatch a plan for our skit.

14 innate

15 innate – adj.; existing from birth My dimples are innate because I was born with them.

16 rodent

17 Rodent – n.; mammals with sharp teeth for gnawing My pet mouse, a rodent, gnaws on his cage.

18 solar

19 solar – adj.; having to do with the sun These solar panels store energy from the sun. The sun is the center of our solar system, and it takes our planet 365 days to orbit around it.

20 stampede

21 stampede -- n.; a group or herd running in fear. Simba had to escape the stampede of wildebeests.

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