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Unit 9: Absolutism in Spain Chapter 16 Section 1.

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1 Unit 9: Absolutism in Spain Chapter 16 Section 1

2 Spain c.1030 collection of many kingdoms

3 Ferdinand and Isabella ► Their marriage in 1469 combined Aragon and Castile  Began the unification process (remain separate at 1 st ) ► They took many steps to achieve strong absolute authority and reduce power of the nobles  Destroyed castles  Removed nobles from important positions (replaced with townspeople)  Forbade private warfare  “One God One King” ► 1482-1492: The Re-conquest of Granada

4 The Spanish Inquisition The Spanish Inquisition ► There were many means of this physical torture for confession. The two most famous or infamous were the strappado or pulley, and the aselli or water torment. The strappado was a device that used ropes to strap a person in by their arms and legs, and then weights were attached to the ends of these ropes. The person was raised to a certain level and then the ropes were released. This created a situation where the body would be stretched painfully, sometimes enough to produce death (see Figure 1). The aselli was accomplished as a person was brought to lay down on a trestle with sharp-edged rungs and secured with an iron band. Their feet would be elevated above their heads. The accused then had a small piece of linen forced into the gullet. Using a jar (jarra), water would be poured into the mouth and nose producing a state of semi-suffocation. The process would be done repeatedly. While doing that process, the cords binding the limbs would be tightened until it would seem the very veins would explode.


6 Spain emerges ► Wealth from the “New World” pushes Spain forward quickly ► 1482-1492 re-conquered Granada from the Moors (The Reconquest) ► 1504 conquered Naples ► 1512 conquered Navarre to the North ► 1517 The Kingdom of Spain has emerged with Charles I as its ruler

7 Charles I or (V) (r. 1517-1556) ► Grandson of Ferd. and Is. born in 1500 ► Married into Hapsburg Dynasty ► At 6 King of the Netherlands ► At 15 King of Spain ► At 20 HRE ► Problems (Luther, the French and the Turks) ► 1556 retired to a monastery and divided his lands between his son and brother

8 Phillip II (r.1556-1598) ► Charles son Phillip II receives Spain, the Netherlands and the New World.  His Brother Ferdinand became the HRE ► Phillip II: Spaniard, control freak, good organizer but lacked personal touch ► Patron of the arts  El Greco “The Greek” Painter  Miguel De Cervantes (Don Quixote)


10 Phillip II: War with Turks/Netherlands ► Defeated the Turks in a naval engagement the Battle of Lepanto 1571  Off the coast of Greece ► Calvinists revolt against RC Spanish Rule in 1581  William Duke of Orange led the resistance ► Support from Elizabeth I and anti-Spanish exiles ► Dutch open the Dikes and flood the country to fend off the Spanish ► Result: Treaty created the Spanish Netherlands and the United Netherlands

11 The Spanish Armada The Spanish Armada ► Motivations: Phillip was angered by English aid to the Dutch, religious differences, commercial rivalries and the execution of Mary Stuart in 1587  May 30 1588 130 Ships with 30,000 sailors set out for England ► English And Dutch ships were able to defeat the Armada with the help of a storm that divided the Spanish fleet (destroyed 1/3 rd of the Spanish ships)  Francis Drake (commander of English forces)

12 Mary queen of Scots with her son James


14 Spain’s Decline ► Reasons  Cost of war  Neglect of trade and industry  Changes in agriculture (land to graze sheep not for food caused soil erosion) forced to import food  Religious intolerance  Over-dependence on colonial wealth ► No investment in economy ► Mines begin to slow down

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