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By: Niall Martin, Cassidy McDonald, Claudia Noonan.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Niall Martin, Cassidy McDonald, Claudia Noonan."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Niall Martin, Cassidy McDonald, Claudia Noonan

2  Unfenced grasslands  Temperate or Tropical climates  Supply forage, or vegetation, for grazing and browsing animals.  42% of the grassland is grazed on by cattle, sheep, and goats.  Manage grasslands or enclosed meadows  Planted with domesticated grasses or other forage

3  Plants are exposed to intensive grazing  Extended periods of time  Without sufficient recovery periods  Caused by livestock in poorly managed agricultural applications  Reduces grass cover  Exposes soil to erosion  Compacts the soil  Enhances invasion of foreign species cattle will not eat

4  Reduces the net primary productivity of grassland vegetation and grass cover  Land trust groups will pay ranchers for deed restrictions that bar future owners from developing the land.  Pressure on government to prevent large scale development on fragile land

5  Control the amount of cattle and how long they graze so the carrying capacity will not exceed. - Rotational grazing- confined in a fenced area for a short period of time and then moved.  Suppress to growth of invader plants and replanting of more useful plants - Burning, herbicide, trampling


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