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Presentation on theme: "CARBONES SURAMERICANOS S.A. (CSA)"— Presentation transcript:

“An emerging Coking Coal Exporter from Colombia” Present Operation and Expansion Projects

2 Coking Coal Present Operation
Contents Who we are Coking Coal Present Operation Projects: Cartagena Port Expansion Greenfield Areas Met Coke Project

3 Who We Are Privately held independent Colombian co. established in 2004 by experienced coal industry leaders and run by a management team with a proven track record. Alvaro Alegria ex Commercial V. P. Exxon/Cerrejon (+30 years) Alvaro Boom ex Administrative V.P. Exxon/Cerrejon (+15 years) Alvaro Bustamante Banking & Finance Alfredo Gonzalez-Rubio ex President Carbones del Caribe/Argos (largest Colombian coal producer) (30 years) David Nassar Ex Mine Operator ( Contractor) – Carbones del Caribe (20 Years). Jose J. Garcia Ex Carbones Del Caribe/Argos Sales Director Mmt/year PCI, Sized & thermal coals (18 years) 3

4 Present Coking Coal Mines and Maritime Ports
Barranquilla (Main Office) Cartagena Norte Santander Boyacá Cundinamarca Bogotá (Office) Buenaventura 4

5 Snapshot (actual coal operation)
100 employees 9 administrative 64 mine + 4 mine support 18 at stockyards 5 port supervisors Offices Barranquilla (Main Office) Bogotá Ubate Underground mine (Cundinamarca) 14 Stockyards 9 Cundinamarca 2 Boyaca 3 Norte Santander

6 Snapshot II (actual coal operation)
Coal Suppliers Cundinamarca Boyacá Norte Santander 2 Quality Control Labs Independent internationally recognized at ports Loading Ports Cartagena (Atlantic Ocean) Buenaventura (Pacific Ocean)

7 Bella Estancia Mine Low, Med and High volatile coking coals
Two inclines (shafts) Production 4,000mt/month

8 Coking Coal Specification
Medium Volatile (As per ASTM Standards In Dry Basis except moisture) Total Moisture % 8.0 Ash % 9.5 Volatiles % 27.0 Fixed Carbon % 63.5 Sulphur % F. S. I Phosphorus Alkali in Ash(Na2O+K2O) % 1.8 Maximum Fluidity ddpm + 700 Arnu max Dilatation %

9 CARTAGENA PORT (Atlantic Ocean) Draft 11.2 meters BW
Stock area 40 hectares Load rate 9,000/day SHINC Load rate ,000/day

10 BUENAVENTURA PORT (Pacific Ocean) Draft 10.5 meters
Loading rate 8,000/day SHINC

11 Present Coking Coal & Metcoke Operation
All-encompassing operation from mine production to FOB or C&F customer´s port. End users are major steel mills in Mexico, Brazil, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, China & Ukraine. Volumes and Revenues continue to grow. 11

12 Projects: Cartagena Port Expansion

13 Cartagena Port Description
Unloading of trucks by hydraulic platforms to conveyor belts. Discharge of river barges to conveyor belts. Stacker and portal reclaimer supplied by FAM of Germany. Capability for unloading trucks or barges and loading vessels simultaneously. Automatic sampler and magnet in conveyor system. Exclusive berth for coal and coke loading. Operations commence June, 2012.

14 General Outlay Mamonal Port, Cartagena

15 Cartagena Port Description
Truck unloading capacity of 12,600 mt/day with 3 platforms; 6 trucks/platform/hour (expandable). Additional platform for coke. Coal loading rate of min. 25,000 mt/day SHINC for gearless and panamax vessels. Coke loading rate of min. 12,000 mt/day SHINC with Cleveland Cascade soft loading. Permissible sailing draft of 12.5 meters with projected draft of 14 meters. Additional sampling of coal and coke at port arrival.

16 Mechanized Truck Unloading Platforms

17 Ship Loader and River Barge Discharging

18 Greenfield Areas / Potential Coal Reserves
Areas Assigned For Exploration Location Number of Areas Area (hectares) BOYACÁ 7 10,180 ANTIOQUIA 2 11,254 TOLIMA 1 696 SANTANDER 4 12,957 TOTAL 14 35,087

19 Met Coke Project Profile
Plant Type: Sole mechanical non recovery. Location: km North of Bogotá, Colombia. Scope 54 ovens in two batteries Production: 175,000mt of coke per year Markets: Steel and ferro alloy industries in U.S.A., Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Argentina, Peru, Europe and Asia. Raw Material Source: coking coal from own, associated and third party mines within 50 km of plant location (Boyacá and Cundinamarca). Logistics: Coke to be transported with same trucks and exported through same ports being used today by the coking coal operation.

20 Terrain and General Plant Layout

21 Coal Wash Plant, Crushing and Blending

22 Coal Crushing and Homogenizing

23 Coke Oven Coal Feed

24 Mechanized Sole Coke Batteries

25 Coke Loading Ready For Export

26 Coke Project Key Figures
PLANT SIZE 54 ovens in 2 Batteries Internal Oven dimensions Height 1.61 m (coal) Length 11.31 m Width 3.12 m Construction time 15 months  CAPEX (USD$) $26 million Coal requirements per month (mt) 20,854 Coke to coal ratio (conservative) 0.7 Terrain Size 17 hectares Environmental & Operation Permits Approved Annual coke production (mt) 175,000

27 Tel. +57 5 369-0300
Thank you for your kind attention Tel


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