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Latest Developments in Coke Oven Health Diagnostics and Battery Life Extension Strategies International Conclave for Iron & Steel Making - Raipur, 7 th.

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Presentation on theme: "Latest Developments in Coke Oven Health Diagnostics and Battery Life Extension Strategies International Conclave for Iron & Steel Making - Raipur, 7 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latest Developments in Coke Oven Health Diagnostics and Battery Life Extension Strategies International Conclave for Iron & Steel Making - Raipur, 7 th February, 2015 K.G.Venkatesan Fosbel India Pvt. Ltd.

2 4 Key Elements of Condition Monitoring Predictive Life of Coke Oven Battery QUALITY STABILITY Flue Temperature Surveys Battery Expansion Survey STRUCTURAL STABILITY Emissions Survey ENVIRONMENTAL STABILITY Battery Condition COMIT PRODUCTION STABILITY

3 Background & Philosophy 3 Refractory consumption in steel in the 1970’s was over 25kgs per tonne liquid steel. Today world’s best is just below 5kgs. Most product groups and repair strategies are now well known but the strategic application of these is often overlooked. The refractory industry has mostly mature product technologies and innovation in service based technologies is the next quantum improvement. The implementation of Condition Monitoring with iterative feedback mechanisms is essential for asset preservation. Refractory installers must look to software based tools and even robotics to extend and preser ve campaign life performance.

4 Established Refractory Inspection Systems OwnerMethodFreqTypeMeas.Purpose Japan (NSC) VisualAnn +PMCracksLife Prediction Arcelor (NSC) VisualAnn +PMCracksLife Prediction Europe(OSC) VisualAnn +RMExper.Rebuild focus COMIT(Fosbel) VisualMon +PMRankPrev + Life + Op Sec. Comments: Japan & ArcelorJapan & Arcelor –Process has no measure for deep oven condition. –Counting cracked bricks does not account for movement or prior repair –No day to day repair prioritisation capability –Life Prediction curve is not modifiable to match battery design and ops. EuropeEurope –Subjective basis only, no measures of relative condition –Based on rebuild requirements, no provision for PM strategies –Report is out of date before it is fully assessed by customer –No facility to predict operational security risks.

5 4 Strategic Dimensions of CBM Identify Best Practice Repair Strategies Skilled Repair Expertise Implement Condition Monitoring Co-Ordinated Approach Across Plant The Mission Statement for Complete Battery Maintenance IDENTIFICATION TECHNOLOGY SYNERGY IMPLEMENTATION

6 4 Key Elements of Best Practice Battery Diagnostics (COMIT) Total Operational Control Remedial Battery Repairs Total Operating Costs Contained Preventative Maintenance

7 Overview of Complete Battery Maintenance (CBM) Knowing and Setting the Battery TargetsKnowing and Setting the Battery Targets Set Components of Long Life PlanSet Components of Long Life Plan Establish Long Life Refractory StrategiesEstablish Long Life Refractory Strategies Consider 4 Strategic Dimensions of CBMConsider 4 Strategic Dimensions of CBM Key Elements of Best PracticeKey Elements of Best Practice Key Elements of Condition MonitoringKey Elements of Condition Monitoring Monitoring Performance of Service CompaniesMonitoring Performance of Service Companies

8 Battery Deterioration Factors Battery deterioration can be classified into two factors: CAUSAL Battery heating stability Operating Temperature Operating Practices Coal Properties Operational Reliability (PRI) Battery Design Mechanical Maintenance CONSEQUENTIAL Refractory Condition Ram or Pushing Force Flue Leakage Battery expansion Stickers Some consequential factors can also be part of an ongoing causal chain.

9 Coke Oven Walls Heating Leakage Pushing Structural Coals Causal Wheel to Battery Life

10 Key Consequential Indicator “The refractory condition is the indicator of all trauma and operating practices past and present in the coke oven battery.” Refractory Condition:

11 What is COMIT™?

12 Coke Oven Management Information Technology A comprehensive coke oven condition monitoring program Web-based application that provides a variety of reporting options with the ability to drill down to see the underlying details Translates day-to-day condition monitoring data into meaningful output Provides insights into battery deterioration and improvement trends Enables more effective and proactive coke battery maintenance Provides visibility across multiple battery and plant locations Adaptable for many battery designs and operating condition, including Non-Recovery/Heat Recovery batteries 12

13 Elements of COMIT™ COMIT™ is structured in a modular format: Wall Analysis and Prioritization (using Fosbel assessment data) Ranking Inspections Life of Repair Risk Analysis Operational Data Collection & Reporting (using customer-provided data) Temperature Pushing Amps Battery Expansion Door Repairs Stack Emissions Battery Analysis and Reporting Life Prediction 13

14 COMIT™ Condition Assessment COMIT™ identifies and assesses oven refractory condition in two ways: 1.Before repair: Visual rankings performed by Fosbel technicians are used to assess refractory damage. 2.After repair: Oven status is verified using calculations based on Fosbel repair material volume to provide the most accurate view of current oven condition. 14

15 COMIT™ Assessment Ranking Criteria 15

16 Examples of COMIT™ Output

17 COMIT™ Dashboard: Plant Overview Enables Visibility Across Multiple Batteries 17

18 COMIT™ Battery Status: Battery Condition with Drill Down Interactivity 18 COMIT™ provides drill down interactivity, e.g. in battery status view shown above, user can click on one oven to drill down to see individual oven data.

19 COMIT™ Visual Rankings: Enables Identification of Problem Areas 19 For this customer, a spike in the visual rankings in COMIT™ was identified (see Feb & Mar 2005 in graph above). This brought to light an issue that was rectified with a change in coal blend.

20 Additional COMIT™ Modules: Temperature Enables overall view of battery temperatures 20 Example above: Thermograph of Oven Crosswalls without temperature values. Maps actual temperatures on oven diagram using color-coding.

21 Additional COMIT™ Modules: Battery Expansion Enables better visibility and more proactive maintenance 21 Above: Battery Expansion Deflection Profile Diagram illustrates profile of individual oven buckstay

22 22 COMIT Summary A day to day condition monitoring system that predicts operational security risks. Ensures production is maintained through elimination of oven failures. More functional for daily monitoring of oven repair priority than an Annual Diagnosis Most importantly feeds directly into battery life prediction monitoring. Enables continuous monitoring of battery life trends. Only software that will quantify life of repairs including ceramic welding.

23 Elements of Condition Monitoring Elements of Condition Monitoring Flue Temperature Surveys Refractory Condition Survey Battery Expansion & Bracing Survey Flue Leakage, Fugitive & Stack Emission Survey Coke Oven Battery Life Determined HEATING SECURITY STRUCTURAL SECURITY ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY OPERATIONAL SECURITY COMIT TM can track all of these Elements Ram Pushing Force PRODUCTION SECURITY

24 Battery Life Projection Model 24

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