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Goals Introducing the United Library’s collections and research services Briefly presenting the fundamentals of the library research - Where to start.

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Presentation on theme: "Goals Introducing the United Library’s collections and research services Briefly presenting the fundamentals of the library research - Where to start."— Presentation transcript:


2 Goals Introducing the United Library’s collections and research services Briefly presenting the fundamentals of the library research - Where to start - What to use - How to conduct Learning your needs, interests, and concerns

3 About the United Library

4 Why Is It Called United? Established in 1981 when the collections of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary (Methodist) and Seabury-Western Theological Seminary (Episcopal) were merged With the retirement of the two co-directors in 2007 the first solo director was hired In 2009 with the purchase of Seabury collection by Garrett, Seabury circulation desk was closed and Garrett became the sole point of access to the collection

5 Collections About 400,000 volumes in the collection as well as subscription to more than 500 periodicals and access to numerous electronic databases in partnership with Northwestern University Library A broad collection of biblical and theological studies American and English materials in Methodist and Anglican studies Ancient Near Eastern studies and biblical archaeology Patristics

6 Methodist Collection Methodist materials from its inception in the 18th century to the present day Conference journals, Methodist periodicals such as Christian Advocates, pamphlets, autobiographies and biographies Manuscripts in Ezekiel Cooper and William Colbert collections including letters written by John Wesley, Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury

7 One of the Thomas Coke letters sent to William Colbert in 1795

8 Hibbard Rare Book Collection Between 1907 and 1920, Lydia Hibbard donated about $23,000 to the Hibbard Egyptian Library at Western Theological Seminary Olaf Toffteen and Samuel A. B Mercer, two WTS professors, collected materials in Egyptology, Semitic languages, and Near Eastern archaeology Supported the Egypt Exploration Fund of London and acquired some artifacts from the royal tombs including the mummy of a young girl

9 Keen Bible Collection The collection initiated by Paul Edwin Keen, Professor of New Testament and Exegesis at the Evangelical Theological Seminary from 1927-1957 Over 700 English Versions and Revisions of individual testaments or the entire Bible Outstanding first editions – Matthews Bible (1537), Taverner Bible (1539), Geneva Bible (1560), Bishops Bible (1568), Rheims New Testament (1582), King James Bible (1611), and the Douai Old Testament (1610)

10 Who We Are Loren Hagen – cataloging Kathleen Kordesh – reference, ILL J. Lauren Mondala – circulation, student supervision, public services Mary-Carol Riehs – circulation (eve.) Tom Dallianis – website, digitization Lucy Chung – acting director, archives, collection management

11 Study & Meeting Spaces 21 study carrels Study tables in the Reference and Reading Rooms Conference tables for group study and meeting Comfy chairs in the library lounge and the Reference Room

12 About Library Research

13 Starting Your Research

14 Research Options

15 Finding Books, Journals, etc. Visit the library website and search the library catalog (

16 Searching Electronic Resources Visit the library website and search the databases ( (

17 Interlibrary Loan If the item that you need is not available either at the United Library or NU Library, fill out the ILL request form which is available in print at the circulation desk or in PDF on the website. Provide enough information – title, author, publisher, date, and etc. Submit the form in person at the circulation desk or via email (

18 Online Tutorials Visit the library website to watch video demos and online tutorials available ( Helpful handouts and presentations also available

19 Library Workshops Equip yourself with the research skills and information technologies by attending one or more of the library workshops Current workshops offered: - Searching the library catalog & Google effectively - ATLA religion database with serials - Endnote: bibliographic management tool - Using social media for your ministry: blog

20 Reference Help Get answers to your specific research questions or tips for research strategies - Email: or - Phone: 847-866-3870 - Online chat: Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am – 4:30 pm - Just drop in: Mon./Wed./Fri. 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

21 Citation Management: EndNote Stores the citations of the articles that you import into Endnote and makes creating your bibliography easier Allows you to keep track of what you have found and what you have read

22 To learn more about the Endnote: - Attend the library workshop on 10/2 at 10 am - Read the document about getting started using Endnote, which is available on the library website ( rted%20with%20Endnote.pdf) rted%20with%20Endnote.pdf - Check the NU Library’s Endnote guideNU Library’s Endnote guide - Make an appointment with the reference librarian

23 Citing Sources Check out the library website to learn about style manuals and guides: sources sources - Turabian Style, 7 th ed. (call no: LB 2369.T8 2007) - Chicago Manual of Style, 16 th ed. (call no: Z 253.U69 2010) - APA style

24 About Getting Connected

25 United.Library@Garrett.Edu Jaeyeon.Chung@Garrett.Edu United.Library@Garrett.Edu Jaeyeon.Chung@Garrett.Edu 847-866-3909 847-866-3877

26 Questions or Suggestions?

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