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WATER RESOURCES STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Mayor Martin J. Chavez City of Albuquerque, New Mexico 2005 Urban Water Council Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Presentation on theme: "WATER RESOURCES STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Mayor Martin J. Chavez City of Albuquerque, New Mexico 2005 Urban Water Council Albuquerque, New Mexico."— Presentation transcript:

1 WATER RESOURCES STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Mayor Martin J. Chavez City of Albuquerque, New Mexico 2005 Urban Water Council Albuquerque, New Mexico

2 Presentation Overview  Background  Current Status  Strategy  Aquifer Restoration  DWP Status  Conservation  Nonpotable Projects  WTP Construction Progress

3 The 1960s Plan  Aquifer supplies the City  River re-supplies the aquifer  San Juan-Chama Project re-supplies the river Aquifer Rio Grande Water Table Wells San Juan-Chama

4 Problems with the 1960s Plan  The Rio Grande does not re-supply the aquifer  The aquifer is smaller than thought Aquifer Rio Grande Water Table Wells San Juan-Chama

5 Albuquerque Ground- Water Levels Show Huge Declines Pumping Cone of Depression in 2002

6 USGS - Land Surface Subsidence Estimate


8 Restoration of Water Levels  Water-Level Change from 2000 through 2040

9 Projects to Use Renewable Supplies  Industrial Water Recycling and Nonpotable Surface Water Reclamation  Southside Water Recycling  Drinking Water Project

10 Water Conservation Program  Began in 1994 with Goal of 30% Reduction in 10 years  New Goal is 40% reduction by 2014  Achieved approximately 33 % reduction by the end of 2004  On pace for continued reductions this year

11 Conservation - 40% Reduction Water Demand (acre-feet/year) Conservation Program Status

12 Components of Conservation Program  General Water Conservation Marketing  Low Flow Toilet Rebate Program  Residential Audit/Retrofit Program  Xeriscape Rebate Program  Water Waste Ordinance  Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional (ICI) Water Audit Program Large User Ordinance  Extensive Rebate Program

13 Key Components to Achieve 40% Reduction  Establish City Conservation Goals  Unaccounted For Water (UAW) Reduction  New Rebate Programs  Large User Conservation Plan Implementation  Irrigation Licensing and Certification  Hot Water Recirculation for New Construction

14 Education/Public Awareness  Key to success of other measures  Individualize water bill messages  How to inform/educate your customers

15 Rates  Increase surcharge  Implement winter surcharge  Individualize goals with or without penalty  Implement increasing block rates  Comprehensive rate study

16 Residential  Replace residential toilets  Reduce outdoor residential by 5%  Reduce residential with increase to average  Reduce highest 20% to average

17 Commercial & Industrial  Reduce Commercial by 1%  Reduce outdoor Commercial by 5%  Replace toilets  Prohibit once-through cooling systems  Require additional cooling cycle  Promote foot valve faucet controls  Phase out water-cooled ice makers  Develop industry-specific efforts, e.g., hotels

18 Institutional  Reduce outdoor Institutional by 10%  Expand audit program  Develop industry-specific efforts, e.g., hospitals

19 Unaccounted-for-Water  Initiate large meter test & replacement program  Identify and repair leaks before visible on surface  Replace stopped meters  Well wash reduction/reuse  Water/service line replacement

20  Increase/modify existing toilet rebate  Increase/modify existing washing machine rebate  Add new rebates  Hot water recirculation  Dishwashers  Gray water  Refrigerated air  Rain water harvesting  Budget brigade  Multi-setting thermostats Indoor Use

21 Outdoor Use  Increased existing xeriscape rebate  Increase water waste enforcement staff  Prohibit sale of continuous bleed-off evaporative coolers  Create soil moisture and/or rain sensor rebates

22 City Government  Switch to reuse or wash water for all truck fill-up  Xeriscape grass medians  Xeriscape other aesthetics-only turf facilities, e.g., Sunport  Replace remaining high flow toilets

23 Water Conservation Program Performance to Date  Low Flow Toilets………………..…....54,761  Efficient Washing Machines………….9,569  Landscape to Xeriscape…………4,077,537 sf  Shower Heads…………..……………12,332  Residential Audits…...………….....>10,000  Restaurant Audits………………………>600

24 Water Conservation Program Performance to Date  High Efficiency Dishwashers………..3,289  Rainwater Harvesting Barrels…………673 (+700 free)  Hot Water Recirculation………………..687


26 N I-25 Corridor Distribution System

27 ADO Storage Tank and Pump Station

28 Southside Water Reclamation Plant Reuse System


30 Diversion Construction Diversion Dam Foundation (West)

31 Diversion Construction Sheet Piling for Diversion Dam Foundation


33 Transmission Pipeline Construction River Crossing

34 Transmission Pipeline Construction Unser & Ouray Bore and Jack “T” at Golf Course

35 Transmission Pipeline Construction Valve Vault at Rio Grande Crossing Pipe Trench on Sequoia near Coors

36 Transmission Pipeline Construction HDPE Pipe on Atrisco Crossing Golf Course

37 Water Treatment Plant Construction  Construction  Ground-breaking 8/10/2004  Site prep complete  Chemical/Admin building foundations in progress  Grit basin foundations and wall construction in progress  Yard piping installation in progress  Scheduled to be operational 2008



40 Solids Drying Bed Grit Chamber Walls Chemical Building Slab

41 Finished Water Pipeline Chemical Building

42 Grit Chambers Finished Water Storage Administration Building

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