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When Religion & Political Pressure Clash …. What Happens When Religion & Political Pressure Clash?

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Presentation on theme: "When Religion & Political Pressure Clash …. What Happens When Religion & Political Pressure Clash?"— Presentation transcript:

1 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash …


3 What Happens When Religion & Political Pressure Clash?

4 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The Issue Ù Homosexuality  Currently no greater moral/social issue  The different ways this issue is “endorsed” indicates its prominence  States trying to ratify same-sex marriage  Corporations being pressured to extend employee & medical benefits to same-sex partners

5 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The Issue Ù Homosexuality  The different ways this issue is “endorsed” indicates its prominence  Churches receive homosexuals into fellowship  Churches ordain priests who practice homosexuality openly  Catholic church refuses to punish homosexual priests who molest children

6 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The Issue Ù Homosexuality  How does God view this issue?  Some put this issue into Rom 14 … WRONG  God’s views could not be any more clear Gen 18:20 19:1-28 Lev 18:22 20:13 Deut 23:17-18 Rom 1:26-27 1 Cor 6:9-10 Jude 7

7 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The “Political Wind” Ù A New Law  A new wind is blowing  Matthew Shepard Act  Passed by Congress 10/22/09  Signed by Pres. Obama 10/28/09  Extends “hate crime protection” now to homosexuals

8 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The “Political Wind” Ù A New Law  Current Hate Crime Protection Language…  “Sexual Orientation” now enjoys equal protection under law as does race, gender and national origin “It is necessary to prohibit assaults on the basis of real or perceived religions or national origins.”

9 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The “Political Wind” Ù A New Law  Proponents remind us nothing in this new law will prohibit speaking against homosexuality

10 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash - Matthew Shepard Act rule of construction “Nothing in this act shall be construed to allow prosecution based solely upon an individual’s expression of racial, religious, political or other beliefs, or solely upon an individual’s membership in a group advocating or espousing such beliefs.” Interpretation – Homosexual advocates will not be able to use this new law to forbid religious groups from speaking out against homosexuality.

11 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The “Political Wind” Ù A New Law  Proponents remind us nothing in this new law will prohibit speaking against homosexuality  However, in opposing this new law, some conservative-minded Representatives argued this would be the “first step down a slippery slope”

12 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The “Political Wind” Ù A New Law  Remember the protection re: Hate Crime Law  Physical assault  What is feared is all this will eventually give way to verbal assault  History indicates this is how future laws come about

13 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The Response Ù Time Will Tell ??  Not trying to be “Chicken Little”  Am trying to sound a legitimate warning  Trying to base this warning on Biblical precedent  The Scripture has examples of those who “checked the political winds”

14 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The Response Ù Time Will Tell ??  Biblical examples of “wind checking”…  Pilate Lk 23:13-25 Jn 19:6-16  The Jews Mt 21:23-27  Biblical example of those who didn’t bother with these “winds”  The apostles Acts 4:1-3, 7, 13-21 Acts 5:12-18, 25-29, 40

15 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The Response Ù Time Will Tell ??  This new law will most likely “intimidate” some churches into inaction  Esp. if it leads to barring “ verbal assaults”  Denominational churches will yield  Sadly, even some churches of the Lord will most likely yield

16 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash The Response Ù Time Will Tell ??  What will be the result? Ê Truth not taught…an “undermined” gospel Ë Souls will be lost…no warning to repent Ì Local churches will lose their “identity” Rev 1:20 2:1, 5  What will we do? (Pilate & Jews… or apostles)

17 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash Some Closing Thoughts…  Some important reminders –  Do not forget Dan 4:17  Do not forget 2 Tim 4:1-5  No matter the “political pressure” or consequences, we must preach the “whole counsel of God”

18 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash Some Closing Thoughts…  We’re not interested in “playing politics” to gain favor with men Jn 12:42-43  We’re interested in saving souls  To do that requires preaching on topics when it is “politically incorrect”  Truth won’t yield to such winds !!

19 When Religion & Political Pressure Clash …

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