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The Library as Publisher Timothy S. Deliyannides, MSIS Director, Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing and Head, Information Technology University.

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Presentation on theme: "The Library as Publisher Timothy S. Deliyannides, MSIS Director, Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing and Head, Information Technology University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Library as Publisher Timothy S. Deliyannides, MSIS Director, Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing and Head, Information Technology University Library System, University of Pittsburgh NASIG 2013 Pre-Conference Workshop Buffalo, NY, June 5, 2013 Lauren B. Collister, PhD Electronic Publications Associate University Library System, University of Pittsburgh

2 Goals for today  Explore the benefits of the Library becoming a Publisher  Learn about Open Access journal publishing – what it is, what it isn’t and why it’s important  Follow a detailed case study of the University of Pittsburgh  Review other ways that libraries can be involved in publishing  Identify resources to help you get started

3 LIBRARY AS PUBLISHER New Trends, New Technologies

4 Libraries as Publishers – Current Trends  More than 75% of ARL libraries offer or plan to offer publishing services.  Most expect to expand these services in future.  Dedicated publishing staff are rare.  Most do not have sustainability plans.  Most plan to expand cost recovery mechanisms moving forward. Source: Library Publishing Services: Strategies for Success Research Report, v. 2.0.

5 Why should libraries be publishers?  Is your library already involved in publishing, and why?  What do you hope to learn today?  How could publishing fit into your library’s programs and services?  Why is this topic relevant to libraries?  What are some potential hurdles to becoming a publisher?

6 Why become a Publisher?  Provide services that scholars understand, need and value  Transform the unsustainable commercial subscription pricing system  Take direct action to support Open Access  Deepen our understanding of scholarly communications issues

7 What does Open Access mean to you?

8 Open Access is…  A family of copyright licensing policies under which authors and copyright owners make their works publicly available  A movement in higher education to increase access to scholarly research and communication, not limiting it solely to subscribers or purchasers of works  A response to the current crisis in scholarly communication

9 OA Overview  Open Access literature is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions  Works are still covered by copyright law, but Open Access terms apply to allow sharing and reuse  All major OA initiatives for scientific and scholarly literature insist on the importance of peer review

10 OA is compatible with...  Copyright  Peer review  Revenue (even profit)  Print  Preservation  Prestige  Quality  Career advancement  Indexing  And other features and supportive services associated with conventional scholarly literature

11 Open Access is not...  Open Source—applies to computer software  Open Content—applies to non-scholarly content  Open Data—a movement to support sharing of research data (see  Free Access—no charge to access, but all rights may be reserved

12 Open Access—Origins  Crisis in scholarly communication/publishing –Flat to declining collections budgets –More demand for newer, expensive resources –Greatly increased pricing for serials, electronic resources  Rise of Internet and Worldwide Web –Rapid dissemination of new research –Better connectivity between scholars

13 Crisis in scholarly journal pricing Bill Hooker, April 2009. Data sources: Library Journal Annual Serials Price Surveys, Association of Research Libraries, US Dept. of Labor


15 Growth in scholarly publishing  Est. 50 million scholarly research articles published 1665-2009  @1.4 million articles per year (2006 est.)—one every 22 seconds!  Average number of science articles per journal increased by >47% from 1990 to 2009 (Times Higher Education, 8 July 2010)  Number of scientific articles indexed by ISI was 590,841 in 1990 and 1,015,637 in 2009 – a rise of 72% 1990-2009

16 Concentration of ownership  Nearly 50% of the content of the merged ISI Indexes consists of titles from 5 major publishers— –Elsevier –Wiley –Springer –Taylor & Francis –Sage  Top 3 publishers of science journals (Elsevier, Springer- Kluwer, Wiley-Blackwell) accounted for @ 42% of articles published (2002)  There were over 2,000 publishers of academic journals; no other publisher accounted for >3% of market share (2002)

17 Other changes in Scholarly Communication  New ways of disseminating research –Document repositories & gray literature online –Web sites, blogs, social networks  New ways of evaluating research and its impact –Peer review models are changing –Alternative measures of research impact (altmetrics)  Changing laws –DMCA –Research Works Act –Google Books Copyright Settlement & aftermath

18 Changes in scholarly communication  Changing economic models –The ‘big deal’ –Pay per view model –Open Access publishing –Hybrid Open Access –Self-publishing –The library as publisher

19 OA Today  Over 150 universities around the world mandate Open Access deposits of faculty works  Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) –lists 9,437 OA journals in 119 countries – (June 2013)  Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) –lists 2,284 open archives in 103 countries – (June 2013)

20 Open Access: Fact or Fiction? Open Access journals usually don't follow the peer review process, which is the most important guarantee of research quality.

21 Open Access journals are free. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

22 The Open Access business model is supported by fees paid by the authors. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

23 Revenues collected when publishing an Open Access journal cannot be used to make a profit. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

24 It's easier to get published in an Open Access journal, as long as you agree to pay the author fee. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

25 Articles in Open Access journals can be reproduced freely because they are in the public domain. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

26 Open Access licenses prohibit reuse of the content for commercial purposes. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

27 Articles in Open Access journals can reach a broader audience than articles in subscription-based journals. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

28 Open Access is an international movement. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

29 Research articles published in Open Access journals are usually not considered during faculty tenure and promotion processes. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

30 Publishing a print version of an online Open Access journal is an important step toward increasing the journal's acceptance by the scholarly research community. Open Access: Fact or Fiction?

31 Case Study: University Library System University of Pittsburgh

32 ULS Leadership in advocacy for OA publishing  First library publisher in North America to join the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)  Founding member of Coalition for Library Publishing  Major development partner for Public Knowledge Project (PKP)

33 Strategic Goal Innovation in Scholarly Communication  Support researchers in –efficient knowledge production –rapid dissemination of new research –open access to scholarly information  Build collaborative partnerships around the world  Improve the production and sharing of scholarly research  Support innovative publishing services  Establish trusted repositories for the research output of the University

34 Collaboration with University of Pittsburgh Press  Press focuses on books and monographs rather than journals  Press Digital Editions –collaborative project between Press and Library –750 books digitized by ULS –includes both in-print and out-of-print titles –all are Open Access

35  2001 PhilSci Archive  2001 Electronic Theses & Dissertations  2002 Archive of European Integration  2003 Minority Health Archive  2003 Aphasiology Archive  2009 D-Scholarship@Pitt (general Institutional Repository)  2010 Industry Studies Working Papers  2012 Archive for Essential Limb Care Open Access Author Self-archiving Repositories

36 Documents in repositories and journals

37 Growth in number of titles published

38 ULS E-Journal Publishing  Rapid growth to 35 journals since 2007  Peer-reviewed scholarly research journals  Most are Open Access and electronic-only  Based on PKP Open Journal Systems (OJS)  Editorial teams are located around the world  Six journals have multilingual content

39 Journal publishing goals  Propel scholarship at the University of Pittsburgh  Extend service beyond the home institution  Save ‘at-risk’ journals without the infrastructure or know-how to go electronic  Incentivize Open Access Publishing worldwide

40 Student Publications  Only supported for University of Pittsburgh  Provides valuable learning experience  Faculty involvement is required to maintain continuity  Selection criteria are relaxed for student publications –Peer review process –Quality of editorial board

41 Scholarly Exchange™   Approximately 40 additional Open Access journals  Acquired by the ULS on August 1, 2012  Hosting service only  ULS is NOT the publisher and does not provide publishing services


43 Journal Publishing Strategies  Maintain quality and academic integrity  Choose partners carefully  Rely on self-sufficient editors  Work smart, not hard  Keep costs low

44 Software  Open Journal Systems (OJS) (  Scholastica (  BePress (  Aries Editorial Manager (  Bench>Press (  ScholarOne (

45 Engaging the Publishing Partner Introductory meeting presentation:

46 We provide: Hardware and software hosting services Advice on best practices in e-publishing Consultation on editorial workflow management Web-based training for editorial staff Graphic design services ISSN Registration Assignment of DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) Assistance in establishing formal acceptance and recognition of the scholarly content Digital preservation through LOCKSS

47 Journal Proposal Form  Collects detailed information on which to base selection decision  Focus, scope, description of content  Justification of need  Credentials of Editorial Board  Description of review process

48 Based on self-sufficient editors  Editorial staff are expected to become self-sufficient by the time first issue is published  Editors are responsible for managing: –all content decisions –all processing workflow –all communication with reviewers, authors, readers –all editing, including layout

49 Selection Criteria  Original scholarly content  Rigorous blind review process  Commitment to Open Access for content  Editorial Board of internationally recognized scholars

50 Publications Advisory Board  Includes leaders in scholarly publishing and Open Access issues  Provides strategic guidance and expertise for ULS digital publishing program  Assists in development of publication policies governing: –Selection and evaluation criteria for partners –Open Access and Creative Commons licensing –Cost recovery mechanisms

51 Exercise: evaluating journal proposals

52 Service Agreement Builds common understanding before problems occur Defines roles and responsibilities Identifies ULS as publisher of record Articulates policies on: changes to published content/issuing errata handling infringement claims, publication schedule/continuity issues long-term preservation

53 Author Copyright Agreement Comes in several flavors: –Immediate Open Access (standard)  CC BY –Delayed Open Access (subscription-based)  CC BY-NC-ND License terms are included in digital rights statement in article metadata

54 Author Copyright Agreement The author warrants that the work: –belongs to the author –is original –has not been submitted elsewhere –does not infringe others’ copyright Authors encouraged to deposit works in OA archives pre- and post-publication Permission to use third party content is the responsbility of the author

55 Creative Commons Licensing  Open Access alternative to “ALL RIGHTS RESERVED”  Standard licenses that make it easy for authors to share their work with some rights reserved  Allows authors to choose the terms of future use that balance between Open Access and protection of the author’s interests

56 Creative Commons: Licensing Terms  Attribution (BY) – must credit the author  No Derivatives (ND) – may reuse the work, but only unaltered from the original  Noncommercial (NC) – may not use for commercial purposes  ShareAlike (SA) – allows derivative works, but requires the same CC license terms be applied to any derivative works

57 Creative Commons: The 6 licenses Attribution (CC BY) Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) Attribution-NoDerivatives (CC BY-ND) Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)

58 Choose the best CC license for the job  Some helpful tools: (CC license chooser) mons/ mons/ (wizard on how to mix licenses) (a game to practice mixing licenses)

59 Graphic Design Brief Defines the scope of graphic design possibilities Explains software design limitations Prepares the client to give input on design Defines publisher branding requirements Establishes process for client input and timeframe for design










69 Article Template Design Questionnaire Defines the look of each formatted article Echoes web site design Default is MS Word Includes publisher’s formatting and branding requirements complete citation including DOI must appear on each page

70 Design work How much of the design do you want to be responsible for? Do you have staff with the requisite skills at your disposal?

71 After the First Issue  Editors become self-sufficient in workflow management  Our focus shifts to promotion and indexing –Marketing –Press releases –Registration with abstracting/indexing services

72 Exercise: getting discovered What techniques can you think of that could enhance discovery of your journal’s content? Why is this important? How will you know when you’ve been successful?


74 Business models for journal publishing  subscription model (toll access)  membership model  direct funding agency support  institutional subsidy (sponsorship)  supported by advertising

75 Business models for journal publishing: author fees  author fees –article processing charges –separate OA fees –may be paid by institution or funding agency –can be membership-based  hybrid journals –charge subscriptions PLUS OA author fees

76 Cost categories for journal publishing  Web-based hardware/software platform  Application software (manuscript submission/Web delivery, etc.)  Third party services (plagiarism detection, DOIs, XML)  Preparation of back issues (digitization & metadata)  Preservation (backup, curation, redundant storage)  Marketing and promotion  Staffing costs

77 Staffing for journal publishing 2.00 FTE OJS operations and customer support 0.25 FTE administration, partner relations, marketing 0.30 FTE graphic designers 0.50 FTE OJS sys admin _____________________ 3.05 FTE TOTAL 100% funded from internal reallocation of operating budget

78 Sustaining the Pitt journal publishing program  Open Access incentivized through subsidies (at least 50% discount)  Pitt journals discounted; student publications free  Includes base package, with additional services a la carte such as: –Domain registration –Document layout (per article charge) –XML conversion (per article charge) –Supplementary blog –Special design work & custom programming

79 Beyond journal publishing  Open Access Monographs  Institutional repositories  Subject-based repositories  Preprints archives  Conference proceedings

80 Supporting change in publishing models: Multiple approaches  OA journal publishing  OA Institutional Repository & deposit mandates  Support for other OA archives & conference hosting  Local OA awareness raising  OA advocacy through larger groups (LPC, OASPA)  Subsidy of OA author fees (COPE)  Support the development of Open Source publishing software

81 Thinking critically about OA publishing  Beall's List of Predatory OA Publishers Beall's List of Predatory OA Publishers  iAWFUL (Internet Advocates’ Watchlist for Ugly Laws) iAWFUL (Internet Advocates’ Watchlist for Ugly Laws)

82 Resources  COPE  LPC  PKP  OASPA  SPARC  DOAJ http://www.doaj.org  SHERPA/ROMEO  Creative Commons


84 Questions?

85 Contact us ULS Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing Twitter: @OSCP_Pitt  Tim Deliyannides, Director Twitter: @deliyannides  Lauren B. Collister, Electronic Publications Associate Twitter: @parnopaeus

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