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Broadening Participation for Greater Diversity Sarah Pritchard Associate General Counsel August 2012 Content is subject to change, as laws & regulations.

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Presentation on theme: "Broadening Participation for Greater Diversity Sarah Pritchard Associate General Counsel August 2012 Content is subject to change, as laws & regulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadening Participation for Greater Diversity Sarah Pritchard Associate General Counsel August 2012 Content is subject to change, as laws & regulations change. Please check with the OGC for current applicable laws. © UCAR 2012

2 “Broadly Inclusive” is an NSF Core Value Tomorrow’s STEM workforce must draw on the talents & interests of all sectors of the nation’s diverse population. NSF will intensify efforts to expand participation in the STEM workforce by underrepresented segments of the population—women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. These efforts will be critical to the continuous invigoration of Americans working in science and technical fields. See NSF Strat Plan 2011- 16 at

3 © UCAR 2012

4 UCAR is also committed to broadening participation in the atmospheric and related sciences © UCAR 2012

5 Expanding and Opening up Opportunities Expanding participation means opening up opportunities to individuals from historically underrepresented groups. It does not mean closing out or decreasing opportunities for those from historically represented groups. Laws and regulations prohibit recipients of federal funds and certain employers, including UCAR, from excluding from participation, denying benefits to or otherwise discriminating against, individuals on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age. © UCAR 2012



8 Section 27 of NSF Cooperative Agreement Prohibits Discrimination No person in the U.S. shall, on the grounds of gender, race, color, age or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance; No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the U.S. shall, on the grounds of disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance or under any program or activity conducted by any Executive agency. NSF Cooperative Agreement Section 27(FATC) © UCAR 2012

9 Laws Prohibiting Discrimination These laws prohibit discriminatory allocation of benefits under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance: - Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, - Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI, - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and - Age Discrimination Act These laws prohibit employment discrimination: - Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII - Age Discrimination Act - Americans with Disabilities Act © UCAR 2012

10 Making employment decisions or denying benefits or excluding participation under a federal program on the basis of race or gender not only breaches our agreement with the NSF, it is illegal. © UCAR 2012


12 How can we pursue our diversity goals and make sure that we are not illegally discriminating? © UCAR 2012


14 Do not make decisions (discriminate) based upon age, race, color, gender, religion, disability or national origin. Instead,... Expand recruitment efforts to include people from groups that have historically been underrepresented; Expand outreach to mitigate educational and psychological obstacles that inhibit talented individuals (from groups that have historically been underrepresented) from competing for educational and career opportunities; Improve retention (increase respect, understanding, engagement and commitment) © UCAR 2012


16 Recruiting - Build and use communication channels with peers and institution(s) serving historically underrepresented populations (“Target Institutions”) - Partner with HR to advertise in venues that serve historically underrepresented populations - Remove or reduce barriers to joining the UCAR workforce such as offering relocation expenses and introductions to the local community. - Include diverse staff in recruiting, hiring and mentoring efforts. - Train staff to identify and understand bias and schemas around gender, race, color, national origin, etc. © UCAR 2012


18 Outreach - Establish or build toward a long-term scientific relationship with institution(s) serving historically underrepresented populations (“Target Institutions”) - Develop or strengthen UCAR’s partnerships with the faculty, students and/or career offices with Target Institutions - Include within a project, PI commitments that are likely to increase knowledge and/or interest in NCAR and/or the geosciences generally among students at Target Institutions - Increase or improve efforts to reach and recruit from Target Institutions as well as regular recruitment sources. © UCAR 2012


20 Retention - Host or participate in diversity conferences/workshops focusing on effective institutional practices and policies, leadership models or strategies and approaches for promoting diversity - Provide professional development opportunities in communication, collaboration and mentoring to current staff and students - Develop program for nurturing, mentoring and welcoming new students and employees © UCAR 2012

21 Thank you! © UCAR 2012

22 Questions? © UCAR 2012

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