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Facts on Youth and Canadian Government 1. Lack of knowledge about government/politics.

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2 Facts on Youth and Canadian Government 1. Lack of knowledge about government/politics

3 2. Lack of emotional connection with country’s leaders

4 3. Lack of desire to vote

5 What are the Responsibilities of Citizenship? Becoming and staying informed - Newspapers, news, radio, education,.. - Local, national, and global events

6 Participating in democracy Voting

7 Consideration of others Charitable work, donations, volunteering,…

8 Abiding by Rules and Laws All should be “ duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly.”

9 What are Rules? Rules are part of our everyday lives, whether they are made by institutions, organizations, or schools. When we do not have rules there is confusion. People are not sure what to do. Rules have people modify or prohibit behaviour. Apply to people who agree to follow them. Examples – school, home,..

10 What are Laws Laws are established by the government for the members of its society to follow and obey. Laws are needed in society or country to promote and keep order. Laws continually change to reflect the changing nature of our society’s views Examples – texting while driving, seatbelts,…

11 Why do we need rules and laws? When can rules and laws be unjust?

12 Seatwork Handout: The Rules People Live By Complete using textbook pages 4-7

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