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The Initiative For School Empowerment and Excellence (i.4.see) “Empowering teachers, administrators, policy makers, and parents to increase student achievement.”

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1 The Initiative For School Empowerment and Excellence (i.4.see) “Empowering teachers, administrators, policy makers, and parents to increase student achievement.” i4see Workshop – Real Time Entry and Exits – Fall, 2006

2 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 2 Here’s what the Real-Time Entry and Exit looks like! -- DEMO – Following the BOY submission in October 2006, high schools must begin updating the i4see system when students enter or exit the school. This process will help ensure these students stay in school!

3 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 3 Login to the i4see Workbench to access the Real-Time Entry & Exits You can access the ESS Workbench from the i4see home page at After you enter your login, on the next screen choose the form: “SASID, NECAP and other i4see Submissions”. Click Edit or Upload (they both bring you to the workbench). If you need a new user id or forgot your password, send an email to

4 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 4 View Your Workbench The first screen is your Workbench. All the files you have submitted are displayed. You can Upload new files, delete rejected or files with errors. You can view submission details. You can request single SASIDs or lookup SASIDs Following your October Submission, you can enter withdrawal or entry codes for your high school students. (click ‘Withdraw / Enter Enrollment’ to indicate entries and exists.)

5 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 5 Enter a SASID and click “Student Enrollment Data” to view the current enrollment history for the given year. To find a SASID click “SASID Lookup” Enrollment Entry and Withdrawal (Following the October BOY (Beginning of Year) submission, you will track high school entries and withdrawals)

6 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 6 When you click Student Enrollment Data, the system will retrieve the current enrollment history for the given year. This will include any ‘Real Time’ entry or withdrawals. At this time you can withdraw or enter the student. Enrollment Entry and Withdrawal (Enter a SASID number and click “Students Enrollment Data” to view the enrollment history for the given student.)

7 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 7 You can click “Edit” to withdraw a student and once the data is entered, click “Save” to record the withdrawal. This could be done before the entry or, after, in this case, since it is the same district. Enrollment Entry and Withdrawal (If the student is leaving your school, you can click ‘edit’ next to the entry record and complete the exit information to record the exit. )

8 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 8 After clicking “Save” the record is updated. Enrollment Entry and Withdrawal (We can run reports to notify the sending schools when students do not arrive at a receiving school or notify the receiving school to make them aware of the transferring student.)

9 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 9 After completing the enrollment fields above the table you can add an enrollment. In this example the student entered the high school in September, rather than being retained in the middle school. After clicking “Add Enrollment, the system will then add the enrollment to the history. Enrollment Entry and Withdrawal (If the student is entering your school, you can enter the enrollment information And click “Add Enrollment” to record the entry.)

10 Initiative for School Empowerment and Excellence 10 This is a high priority for the Department and we appreciate your support! We look forward to helping keep children in school. We also hope this effort during the year will result in fewer data anomalies at the end of the year

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