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CVEN Coursework Masters Plans

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1 CVEN Coursework Masters Plans
Hossein Taiebat Postgraduate Coordinator School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

2 Key Administration People
Les Brown Front Desk Enquiries, first point of contact Lena Comino Student Service Officer Kristy Guia Manager, Student Centre Our address: Please don’t send s to individual people The School Office Level 4, Civil Engineering Building

3 This is your UNSW contact address, check it regularly! Important general information from the School and UNSW will be sent to your UNSW address When you contact us, provide: Your name and student ID Your specialisation/plan

4 PG Information Booklet

5 Important web sites Most of the information you need can be found from the school or UNSW websites >Timetables >Course information >Program and specialisation rules >Detailed information about all programs and courses >MyUNSW > UNSW Moodle, via

6 Some Important Jargon Program: Degree + Disciplinary stream, eg:
Master of Engineering Science, CVEN8338 Graduate Diploma of Eng Science, CVEN5341 Master of Engineering, CVEN8621 Specialisation: Disciplinary stream or Plan, eg: MEngSc in Geotechnical Engineering, CVENRT8338 Course: or subject, eg: CVEN9707, Contracts Management

7 Programs CVEN8538, Master of Engineering Science (MEngSc)
This program is suited to students who hold 4-year Bachelor of Engineering in a relevant discipline CVEN8338, Master of Engineering Science (MEngSc) - This program is suited to students who hold 4-year Bachelor of Engineering in a relevant discipline CVEN8621, Master of Engineering (ME) This program is suited to international students who want to apply for accreditation in Australia Must hold a Bachelor of Engineering in the area of civil or environmental engineering or equivalent OR - A Bachelor of Science at least equivalent to the first three years of a civil or environmental engineering degree

8 Specialisations CVEN8338, Master of Engineering Science
- Environmental Engineering CVEN MT 8338 - Geospatial Engineering CVEN NT 8338 - Geotechnical Eng &Engineering Geology CVEN RT 8338 - Project Management, CVEN FT 8338 - Structural Engineering CVEN XS 8338 - Transport Engineering CVEN CT 8338 - Water Engineering, catchments to coasts CVEN IT - Water, Wastewater and Waste Eng. CVEN KT 8338 and - Civil Engineering CVEN ZS 8338 CVEN8621, Master of Engineering (ME) - Civil Engineering CVEN YS 8621 - Environmental Engineering CVEN LT 8621

9 Requirement for Graduation
CVEN8338, Master of Engineering Science A total of 96 Units of Credite (UoC) must be completed: 24+ UoC Disciplinary Knowledge Courses (Professional Development) Prerequisite to Advanced Disciplinary Courses 24+ UoC Advanced Disciplinary Courses In the particular area of specialisation selected 12+ UoC Electives At least one from the list of approved Engineering and Technical Management Courses 18+ Research GSOE9010 and 12+ Masters Thesis BUT: Most of you with Civil Eng Background have been given 48UoC Advanced Standing ....for Professional Development courses and Masters Thesis CVEN8538, Master of Engineering Science A total of 72 Units of Credite (UoC) must be completed: 24+ UoC Disciplinary Knowledge Courses (Professional Development) Prerequisite to Advanced Disciplinary Courses 24+ UoC Advanced Disciplinary Courses In the particular area of specialisation selected 12+ UoC Electives At least one from the list of approved Engineering and Technical Management Courses BUT: Most of you with Civil Eng Background have been given 24UoC Advanced Standing (GSOE24) ....for Professional Development courses

10 Requirement for Graduation
CVEN8621, Master of Engineering A total of 96 Units of Credite (UoC) must be completed: 48 UoC Professional Development Courses Equivalent to courses at level 4 Civil & Environmental Engineering May include a maximum of 12 UoC Electives 30 UoC Advanced Courses 12 UoC of approved Engineering and Technical Management courses 18 UoC of Electives from any Specialisation courses 18 UoC Design course and Research Project CVEN9000 Design Practice CVEN9931 Masters Project A (3rd Semester) CVEN9932 Masters Project B (4th Semester) - 60 days of Industrial Training

11 Program Duration Normal full time load: 24 UoC per session
Part time: flexible, at least 6 UoC Only allowed for local students If cannot attend in a semester, apply for study leave Forms on “my UNSW” International students: “complete in minimum time” with full study load: 24 UoC per session…. Cannot take more than 1 distance course during the program If fail one course, can get a summer course or enrol in a distance course and study at home country May need extension of visa

12 Specialisation Advisers
Coordinator Civil Engineering Hossein Taiebat Project Management Steven Davis Geotechnical Kurt Douglas Structural Engineering Mario Attard Environmental Engineering Stephen Moore Water Eng, catchments to coasts Ian Turner Water, Wastewater and Waste Transport Vinayak Dixit Geospatial Engineering Linlin Ge

13 Enrolment Enrolment is completed through myUNSW website
You are to manage your own timetable and enrolment. Your enrolment is your responsibility. Enrol in compulsory courses first If you need academic advice on course selection, contact your specialisation advisor Note the different modes of course delivery Normal mode, distance mode, block format Find details on timetable Non-Civil Eng Courses Seek approval before you enrol Must be relevant to your specialisation Leave courses from Faculty of Eng, GSOE????, as your last choice. These courses are related to general engineering and are not specific to Civil/Environmental engineering

14 Enrolment Project and Thesis
Select your topic from the list of available topics You need to enrol in: Thesis/Project part A (6UoC) in one semester Thesis/Project part B (6UoC) in the following semester Enrol via the School Office Fill the application form and submit it to the school office before the start of the semester If you plan to complete your degree in one year, you have to enrol in thesis/project part A in your first semester

15 Important Dates (Semester 1, 2015)
5pm 8 March: Last day to add a new course 5pm 31 March: Census date, withdraw without penalty, no costs 5pm 26 April: Week 7, withdraw without academic penalty, lost $. Contact the School Office before you go ahead After that you cannot withdraw If you don’t attend the exam, you fail If you have a good/valid reason, you may apply for special consideration For details and forms see MyUNSW

16 Courses Each lecturer is different
See course profile Choose group members for assignments carefully Assignment submission and late penalties: Seek some advice prior to submitting your assignment. Overlap of short courses and 12 week courses.

17 Exams You must be here 12-29 June 2015
Exam schedule in about week 10 of session, on your MyUNSW site. Do not book plane tickets until after you know your final exam timetable. Get there 15 minutes before starting time. Supplementary exams for postgrad courses Only offered if special consideration is applied for and approved. Calculators in Exams Only approved calculators are allowed

18 Calculators in Exam Only approved calculators are allowed

19 Special Consideration
Information about eligibility and process: You must apply for SC as soon as practicable and within three working days of the assessment You must provide supporting documents You need to submit original documents Application must be made via Online Services In myUNSW Go to My Student Profile tab > My Student Services channel > Online Services > Special Consideration Must be submitted to UNSW Student Central

20 Academic Standing You are expected to complete program requirements with very few failures Total UoC failed Academic Standing Consequence < 12 Good None 12-18 Probation Must consult your Academic Advisor; discuss your progress, plan for improving results, and seek approval for enrolment >18 Exclusion Exclusion for two academic years, must re-apply for re-admission.

21 Library Online ELISE Study Skills tutorial (compulsory)
Understand UNSW study requirements Find the best information for your needs Evaluate information and resources Learn about UNSW Library resources and services

22 FAQ Can I change my program? eg, from Graduate Diploma to Master
Yes, the total duration will take longer Can I change my specialisation? Yes, but you still need to follow the rules of graduation. Contact the School Office Do I have to take GSOE9010, Research Essentials? Yes, this course is now a compulsory component for the new master program (8338) Where can I discuss problems with my visa? Contact Student Development International (SDI) Can I refuse Advance Standing for PD courses or thesis? Yes, Contact the School Office

23 FAQ I refused Advanced Standing. Which courses can I select beside those which are compulsory? In lieu of Advanced Standing, we recommend courses to be taken from “Advanced Disciplinary Knowledge” list. However, you also have the option of taking courses from “Disciplinary Knowledge” (Level 4 of undergraduate studies). Whom should I contact for advice? If you would like advice about credit exemption or advanced standing, or would like to change your plan/specialisation, obtain approval to enrol in courses from other faculties, contact the School office Only if you would like advice about selecting specific courses, contact your specialisation advisor Can I take courses from other faculties? Yes, provided that you can get approval before enrolling in the course

24 FAQ Where can I get information about a specific course?
See Online Handbook: School website provides a range of different information about courses and their timetable Where can I find a safe study space on Campus? Studio, Level 5, Civil Engineering Building Eora Study Lounge, near the Central Lecture Block Study Lounge, in front of the main library Can I have access to Wifi while I am at UNSW? UNSW is covered by UniWide wireless network to which you can connect your laptop and other mobile devices. See IT Service Desk located at the back of the library for help or check:

25 FAQ Where can I get help within the campus?
FM Assist: Level 2 Mathews Building For your ID card, parking permit, lost property, etc IT Service Desk: At the back of the main library For any queries related to your Uni pass or webmail, wifi etc UNSW student Central: Chancellery building (next to Library Lawn) For fee information, academic transcripts, graduations, special consideration Student Development Int: John Goodsell Building For extending your visa, bringing your family, social activities, Int Student Advisors The Learning Centre: Chancellery Building Provides a wide range of free academic skills support services

26 FAQ What’s the difference between 8338 program and 8621 program
8621 is designed for international students who would like to apply for accreditation in Australia. The normal duration of this program is 2 years. On the first year they have to enrol in courses from level 4 undergraduate studies and on the second year you enrol in courses from postgraduate studies. This program also include design and research project and industrial training. 8338 is designed specifically for those who have a Civil/Environmental Engineering (or equivalent) background and would like to develop or enhance their knowledge in one specific field to, for example, move a head into the next phase of their engineering future. The duration of this program is also 2 years but, depending on their previous studies, students may be exempted from up to 8 courses and therefore can complete their degree in one year. If you do not have a Civil/Environmental Engineering background, or did not pass any research based thesis/project, you will be exempted from a lower number of courses.

27 FAQ I’d like to study for 2 years. Should I enrol in program 8621.
Program 8621 is specifically designed for students whose previous degree is not recognised by authorities in Australia. If your previous degree is recognised in Australia, we recommend program 8338, which is more specialised. If you are awarded advanced standing for program 8338 and you would like to study longer, you can always refuse accepting advanced standing and therefore study for 2 years.

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