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Congratulations! but where do I start? ….  Find out who are the current signers and make sure you are current!  Get the current year:  Chapter President,

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Presentation on theme: "Congratulations! but where do I start? ….  Find out who are the current signers and make sure you are current!  Get the current year:  Chapter President,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Congratulations! but where do I start? …

2  Find out who are the current signers and make sure you are current!  Get the current year:  Chapter President,  Chapter Treasurer  State Treasurer . *** 3 signers, one must be the State Treasurer!

3  Find out how many you have, do you have savings or a CD? Money Market savings?  Consider using a program such as Quicken if you have a large number of transactions.  Keep accurate up to date records!

4  You cannot write too much!  Was this a check for a service such as teaching or speaking?  Was this a check to reimburse expenses?  Was this for delegate expenses based on receipts  No cash withdrawals either by check or debit cards.


6  Pages/default.aspx Pages/default.aspx  Treasurers quarterly calls! Listen in!

7  State Treasurer: ask first, they probably know where to get an answer.  Our accountant: (Larsonallen) tax issues, reporting.  Wells Fargo Advisor: Erik Wiski   banking needs, signatures, questions about fees, savings.

8  Look at the previous year(s).  What income did you have?  What expenses do you expect.  Get it approved at the last meeting of the year, it decides where you can spend for the upcoming year.  Unapproved expenses must be approved before spending.  Send a copy to State Treasurer.  Examples at the Treasurer page.(ENA)

9  Minnesota ENA has one Tax ID number. It is sort of like a Social security number for our business. (Not posted)  Even though we have separate chapters and accounts, we are considered one collective organization.  The State Treasurer is responsible for all accounts. (Can view all your transactions)

10  No we are not. Our accountant as well as our National CFO have advised that it is a bulky process for what we would save.  But yes, we are a 501(c)3 non-profit. We have that status through a group certification

11  State Treasurer does the filing with the accountant.  Your State Treasurer will ask for several items.  December/Early January:  A list of checks written to persons for services.  A copy of your check register.

12  Mid January:  Beginning and ending balance for the previous year, for all accounts.  Interest earned.  Income/expense summary.(This can be accomplished with a copy of the budget and the check register.) Please make sure your account balances!

13  Need a copy of notes showing your elected officers, and that your budget was approved.  Receipts do not need to be sent but MUST be retained. (Delegate receipts, payment receipts….)

14  Minnesota ENA has a policy on delegate reimbursement.  States reimburses airfare and shared hotel up to a specified amount. ($600).  If the chapter decides they may pay the difference between State amount and any actual actual expense. No one may “earn” money on this. (See example)

15  Dede goes to San Diego to be a delegate.  Costs:  airfare is $449  Hotel is $ 370  Meals are $72  Airport shuttle is $20  Gifts for kids and 2 drinks are $102

16  Airfare and Hotel receipt are paid up to MN ENA State approved amount of $600  Chapter may decided to pay any additional amount. Dede submits $819 to her chapter.  Chapter decided to pay per-diem but based on actual costs, so Dede submits for $92 to her chapter.

17  Talk with State Treasurer about plans for your chapter before delegation goes!  Different needs for different chapters.

18  CD’s “roll over” cannot get at the money if needed.  Money Market checking, you keep what you need in the checking account, and place the rest in an interest bearing “Money market account”. Money can be transferred on-line with no penalty and earns interest.

19  What is it?  It is money allowed during business travel (annual conference) for reasonable expenses. (Food,taxi,and shuttles, are the most common.)  No alcohol.  Does not require a receipt.  Paid if approved by the chapter.  Meals and per-diem expenses are the responsibility of the Delegate/Alternate’s chapter. Each chapter may decide if and the amount they will reimburse per diem items. (Up to the IRS accepted amount of $75/day )

20  So you are holding a conference or event and you are asked about insurance.  We have it through National ENA. We need to ask for a certificate to give to the requestor.

21  You get monies from National for each person in your chapter.  The schedule is in the Treasurers handbook!  Documents/TreasurerGuide12-2008.pdf


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