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CIGNA-HEALTHSPRING 2015 BENEFIT PRE-LAUNCH Draft Benefits, pending CMS final approval North & South Carolina Carolinas Sales Team August 7 th, 2014.

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1 CIGNA-HEALTHSPRING 2015 BENEFIT PRE-LAUNCH Draft Benefits, pending CMS final approval North & South Carolina Carolinas Sales Team August 7 th, 2014

2 2 Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2012 Cigna ABOUT OUR PLANS Cigna-HealthSpring is proud to be one of the leading US health plans focused on caring for the senior population. We have developed a collaborative model that provides more access to high quality preventive care for our members, while supplying physicians what they need to deliver that care. Specifically, Cigna-HealthSpring recognizes and rewards physicians for quality over quantity of care. We provide technology and additional resources such as clinical data and monetary resources so that physicians will devote more time and attention to their patients. The result? Healthier members with lower medical costs and happier physicians because they are delivering preventive care versus sick care. It’s a common-sense model, but an uncommon practice. Before you join our team, it’s important for you to know that in everything we do, the following core beliefs dictate our actions. You'll realize better success when you convey these beliefs to every customer: WE BELIEVE that seniors deserve to live healthier lives. WE BELIEVE in delivering health care, not sick care. WE BELIEVE if we help seniors to stay healthier, they can ultimately get more out of life.

3 3 Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2012 Cigna Certification: Streamlined / Shorter –Accept: Pinpoint, Gorman or AHIP –We Reimburse: Complete Medicare Certification through C-HS by 8/31, submit 5 enrollments –No face-to-face training required for returning agents –Product webinars offered Customizable Marketing Tools –Direct mail pieces, Flyers, Posters Marketing Event/ Seminar Support –Presenter, CMS filing, Material, Equipment, Post event documentation –Agent drives attendance and keeps all leads Agent Support and Online Tools –eAgent - online tracking of applications, client and lead status –Broker Support Line (HAAL) – Extended evening/weekend hours during AEP –Online Sales Material/ Kit Orders- Expedited Shipping –Telescope Line- 3 way calls accepted –Local Support- Carolinas Sales Team AGENT TOOLS AND RESOURCES

4 4 Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2012 Cigna CUSTOMIZABLE AGENT MARKETING PIECES

5 5 2015 MEDICARE ADVANTAGE COUNTIES- NORTH & SOUTH CAROLINA NC Expansion: Alexander, Catawba, Iredell, Lincoln and Union Counties SC Expansion: Lancaster and Union Counties

6 6 Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2012 Cigna 2015 SOUTH CAROLINA BENEFIT OVERVIEW South Carolina- H7020-001-000- Cigna HealthSpring Preferred (HMO) These are DRAFT benefits and subject to change based on CMS approval. This is for broker use only and not to be used for prospect or member purposes. BenefitCost Sharing Premium$0 PCP$10 Specialist$40 Out-Patient$200 Hospital$250 per/day; days 1-7 MOOP$5900 OtherEye Exam Gym Membership Nurse Hotline Eye Wear Allowance- $100 per/yr Optional Dental Packages

7 7 Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2012 Cigna 2015 NORTH CAROLINA BENEFIT OVERVIEW North Carolina- H9725-001-000- Cigna HealthSpring Preferred (HMO) These are DRAFT benefits and subject to change based on CMS approval. This is for broker use only and not to be used for prospect or member purposes. BenefitCost Sharing Premium$0 PCP$5 Specialist$30 Out-Patient$150 Hospital$250 per/day; days 1-5 MOOP$4500 OtherEye Exam Gym Membership Nurse Hotline Eye Wear Allowance- $100 per/yr Optional Dental Packages

8 8 Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2012 Cigna 2015 NORTH CAROLINA BENEFIT OVERVIEW North Carolina- H9725-003-000- Cigna HealthSpring Total Care (Dual SNP) These are DRAFT benefits and subject to change based on CMS approval. This is for broker use only and not to be used for prospect or member purposes. BenefitCost Sharing Premium$18.60 PCP$0 Specialist$0 Out-Patient$0 Hospital$50 per/day; days 1-6 MOOP$6700 OtherTransportation- 20 one-way trips Eye Exam Preventive & Comprehensive Dental $25/ month OTC

9 9 Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2012 Cigna NEW AGENT TRAINING DATES Lunch Will Be Provided LocationDatesTime Cigna-HealthSpring Office 11016 Rushmore Drive Suite 300 Charlotte, NC 28277 3 rd Floor Training Room Ballantyne Business Park (Frenette Building) August: 28 th September: 11 th, 18 th, 25 th October: 9, 16, 23, 30 November: 13 10am - 4pm

10 “Cigna,” “HealthSpring” and “GO YOU” are registered service marks, and the “Cigna HealthSpring” logo is a service mark, of Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc., licensed for use by Cigna Corporation and its operating subsidiaries. All products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries and not by Cigna Corporation. Such operating subsidiaries include Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC), Cigna HealthCare of South Carolina, Inc. (CHCSC,) Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina, Inc. (CHCNC), Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, Inc. (CHCGA), Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, Inc. (CHCAZ), HealthSpring Life & Health Insurance Company, Inc. (HSLH), HealthSpring of Tennessee, Inc. (HSTN), HealthSpring of Alabama, Inc. (HSAL), HealthSpring of Florida, Inc. (HSFL), Bravo Health Mid-Atlantic, Inc. (BHMA), and Bravo Health Pennsylvania, Inc. (BHPA). CHLIC, CHCSC, CHCNC, CHCGA, CHCAZ, HSLH, HSTN, HSAL, HSFL, BHMA and BHPA are Medicare approved Medicare Advantage Organizations. XX/13 © 2013 Cigna. Some content provided under license. Schedule your agency specific “meet & greet” presentation. Call us today!

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