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1.Make them clear for your yourself 2.Know where you need expectations 3.Understand why 4.Meet & discuss 5.Make it mutual 6.Write them down 7.Get.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Make them clear for your yourself 2.Know where you need expectations 3.Understand why 4.Meet & discuss 5.Make it mutual 6.Write them down 7.Get."— Presentation transcript:






6 1.Make them clear for your yourself 2.Know where you need expectations 3.Understand why 4.Meet & discuss 5.Make it mutual 6.Write them down 7.Get agreement & commitment




10  Student orgs must reapply for registration annually to become a Registered Student Organization (RSO): Registration opens March 9 th for the 2015-16 academic year Deadline for registration is April 10 th Need current membership roster and constitution and/or bylaws

11  Reserving Space Online reservation system to check availability Online reservation system Anchor Link  Check the calendar  Register event Reservations & Events

12  Special Events All must be registered in Anchor Link Anchor Link  Alcohol  Minors  Outdoor  Movies  Ticketmaster Require follow-up meeting or conversation


14 Events involving minors must abide by the Protection of Minors Policy Students are asked about interaction with minors during registration process Notification of the need for training based on questions answered in the registration process and/or events submitted for approval

15 2 levels of compliance Protections of Minors 101 Criminal Background Check Is the event considered a public event? Will the parents of the minors be in attendance? Will the event be on or off campus? Will the event be supervised by a third party ? What level of compliance is needed?

16 Trips in Rental Vehicles  Require Travel Form  Require Driver Authorization Training Module Trips in Personal Vehicles  Require Travel Form Making Reservations  Depends on sponsoring department Liability Concerns  Students agree to hold the University harmless, as participation is voluntary

17 Contracts  In most cases, Vanderbilt provides their own contract for services  Must be processed and signed by the Dean of Students or Disbursement Services  Contact Annetta Pickett : ; 322-2471


19  Accounting  Paying for Purchases  Funding Options

20 University Account  Center number  Used for deposits and expenses  Electronic Access to the account  Form on Student Org and Anchor Link page Form  Adviser and treasurer should review monthly for accuracy

21  4 Forms of Payment Procurement Card (P-card): a credit card issued by Vanderbilt for the purpose of paying for expenses related to Vanderbilt departments and student organizations Check Request: a form used to pay outside vendors, reimburse an individual expense, or reimburse non-travel related expenses 1180: a form typically used only by Langford Auditorium for payment; can also be used for co-sponsorship Student Travel Form: used for authorizing travel as well as reimbursing travel related expenses

22  Pcard Check out Information Some Dean of Students (DoS) and academic departments have access to their own p-cards If you do not have access to a p- card, your student organization can check out a p-card from DoS Student should COPY their adviser on the email Email DOSPCARD@VANDERBILT.EDU at least 24 hours prior to the need for the cardDOSPCARD@VANDERBILT.EDU Include the following info in the email Student Checking out P-Card: Phone #: Email: Organization: Organization’s Center Number: Reason for Purchase: Estimated Cost: Requested Date to Check out P-Card: The card should be picked up by the student leader in Sarratt 339

23 Tax Exemption  An RSO is considered to be a part of Vanderbilt and is therefore tax exempt  To make a purchase you must have the Tax Exempt Certificate with you at the time of the purchase whether you are using your own money or the p-card  If students use their own money, without the certificate, they will not be reimbursed for taxes  The certificate is on our website under Adviser  Resourceswebsite

24 ACFEE  A portion of the Activity Fee (paid by students) is allocated to RSOs through the Vanderbilt Student Government (VSG) AcFee Committee  RSOs are eligible to apply for AcFee funding each spring semester for the following academic year  All student organizations are split into six subcategories: Arts, Cultural, Programming, Religious, Service, and two subcommittees for Special Interests

25 ACFEE COMMITTEE AcFee Chair 14 VSG Members and Students-at-Large DOS Staff PROGRAMMING 10 Orgs 2 CO-CHAIRS (1 VSG Member 1 Student-at-Large) 5 Students-at-Large 1 Grad/Prof Student 1 Faculty and/or 1 DOS Staff SERVICE 60 Orgs 2 CO-CHAIRS (1 VSG Member 1 Student-at-Large) 5 Students-at-Large 1 Grad/Prof Student 1 Faculty and/or 1 DOS Staff CULTURAL 35 Orgs 2 CO-CHAIRS (1 VSG Member 1 Student-at-Large) 5 Students-at-Large 1 Grad/Prof Student 1 Faculty and/or 1 DOS Staff SPECIAL INTEREST II 40 Orgs 2 CO-CHAIRS (1 VSG Member 1 Student-at-Large) 5 Students-at-Large 1 Grad/Prof Student 1 Faculty and/or 1 DOS Staff ARTS 18 Orgs 2 CO-CHAIRS (1 VSG Member 1 Student-at-Large) 5 Students-at-Large 1 Grad/Prof Student 1 Faculty and/or 1 DOS Staff AcFee Allocation Structure RELIGIOUS 15 Orgs 2 CO-CHAIRS (1 VSG Member 1 Student-at-Large) 5 Students-at-Large 1 Grad/Prof Student 1 Faculty and/or 1 DOS Staff SPECIAL INTEREST I 40 Orgs 2 CO-CHAIRS (1 VSG Member 1 Student-at-Large) 5 Students-at-Large 1 Grad/Prof Student 1 Faculty and/or 1 DOS Staff

26 ACFEE Groups are required to keep diligent records of event expenditures in order to apply for AcFee  Includes tracking attendance through Anchor Link Timeline for Applications:  First Application Submission: 2/14/2015  Application Reviews Returned: 2/28/2015  Final Application Submission: 3/14/2015  Interviews: end of March  Allocation Decisions: 4/15/2015

27 Contingency Fund  Reasons to apply to the Contingency Fund:  A significant new event for which funding was not requested is being pursued  An organization was formed after the normal allocation period  Unforeseen expenses make significant events impossible without additional funding  Other funding shortfalls to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis

28 Other Funding Options  VSG Co-sponsorship : VSG has a limited amount of co-sponsorship funding available to RSO’s for program initiatives  Graduate Student Council (GSC) : offers a limited amount of funding for graduate student organizations (  An organization may collect money through fundraisers, dues, ticket sales, or similar activities

29 Co-sponsorship with other organizations  How to transfer funds  1180—available in 207 Sarratt or academic department  Journal Entry—electronic transfer can be set-up (


31 “An adviser is someone who gives you what you don’t know you need.”






37 Student Organizations & Anchor Link websitewebsite Adviser Important Topics Topics Email address: studentorganizations@

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